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Parish Council Minutes

August 2000

Minutes of a Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council, held at the Church Hall, on Thursday, 3rd August, 2000.


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. Lewis, Miss. S. Liff, 

Mrs. D. Morris, Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair) and

Mr. D. H. Saunders.


The minutes of the meeting held on 1st June, 2000 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

  Members were informed that the village had reached the semi final stage of the Best Kept Village Competition.  Judging for that stage had taken place at the end of July.

  1023. Urgent Items

The Chairman informed members that he had agreed to take the following matters as urgent items:-

Proposed visit to the Parish Council by David Taylor MP.

Community Transport Scheme

Wicksteed Park safety inspection report on the Recreation Ground

Rural Strategy and Action Plan

 1024.Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary Interest

Mr. Lewis declared a non pecuniary interest in planning application 000662 for the erection of a garage at 24 Mawby’s Lane

  Mr. Quimby declared a pecuniary interest in the Hall Yards kissing gates and a non pecuniary interest in the erection of a roadside seat on Church Street.

  1025.Question Time

There were no questions from those members of the public present at the meeting.

 1026.Decisions taken under delegated powers

Members were informed that the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had agreed:-

000597 - erection of single storey rear extension and subdivision of flat, 35 Church Street

000570 - erection of partially enclosed entrance to hotel, Junction A444/B5493

000537 - extensions and alterations to Brookside, Old End

000512 - erection of single storey side extension, 237 Tamworth Road

  1027.Co-option of new member of the Parish Council

It was proposed by Mr. Saunders, seconded by Mr. Lewis and carried that Miss Sonia Liff be co-opted on to the Parish Council to fill the vacancy created by the recent death of Mr. Clive Didcott.  

Miss Liff who was present at the meeting signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined members for the remainder of the meeting.

1028.Police Matters

There was no police presence at the meeting. 

1029.Neighbourhood Watch

Mr. Colver informed members that he was waiting for a response from members of the public following his recent article in Parish News asking for interested persons to contact him.

1030.Budget and Financial Statements

 That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April, 2000 to 22nd July, 2000 be noted.

1031.Accounts for payment

 Resolved that in accordance with the recommendations of the National Association of Local and Parish Councils the Clerk’s salary be increased by 3% applicable from 1st April, 2000 and that the following accounts be paid:-


E. Jeffrey

July/August/September salary plus back pay



E. Jeffrey

Postage/telephone/mileage expenses



J. Qimby

Chairman’s Allowance




1032. Planning Applications

Mr. Lewis declared a non pecuniary interest in planning application 000662 and took no part in the discussion thereof or of the decision on the matter.

 That observations be made on the undermentioned planning applications as follows:-

000679 - change of use of land from agricultural use and carrying out of associated engineering works to form conservation ponds, Redhill Farm - No objection subject to no commercial activities being permitted in connection with this development.

000622 - erection of extensions to and change of use of agricultural buildings to workshop and office units, Jubilee Farm - Object on the grounds that the units are very near to domestic properties and would affect the quality of life due to increased noise and traffic.  The provision of 60 parking spaces suggests a much greater increase in traffic to this site.  Light traffic would use roads through the village creating additional hazards on country lanes.  No retail outlets should be permitted on this site.

000662 - erection of dwelling and detached double garage, adj. 24 Mawby’s Lane.  - Object on the grounds that this is a very elevated and prominent site adjacent to the conservation area.  It is very near to the Church and the Alms Houses and would be an intrusion in this older part of the village.

000673 - erection of side extension to form double garage, 24 Mawby’s Lane - No objection

000597 - erection of single storey rear extension and sub division of existing flat to form an additional flat, 35 Church Street - No objection.  However the Parish Council is concerned that vehicular access to these properties is unsatisfactory and could be a danger to road users.

1033.Decision Notices

That it be noted that North West Leicestershire District Council has made the following decisions on the under mentioned planning applications:-

000317 - erection of first floor front extension, 20 Didcott Way - Refused

000318 - erection of single storey rear extension, 36 Church Street - Allowed

000512 - erection of single storey side extension, 237 Tamworth Road - Allowed

000570 - erection of partly enclosed entrance to hotel, junction A444/B5493 - Allowed

000426 - erection of residents lounge at hotel, junction A444/B5493 - Allowed

000301 - Change of use of land for the operation of livery and the erection of a stable  block, 80 Snarestone Road - Refused

1034.Traffic Calming

That the observations of the Highway Authority, following the recent site visit when requests were made for costings of traffic calming measures, be noted.  The Highway Authority has estimated that the cost of installing road humps in the village would be in excess of £5,000 per feature together with any engineering works which may be identified, such as service diversions or street lighting re-locations/improvements.  It was agreed that the information be forwarded to Mr. Youles of Bowley’s Lane and Mr. Micklewright of Didcott Way who had both indicated that private funding for some works may be possible.  It was agreed that the Highway Authority be requested to provide general costings for the imposition of width restrictions on village entrance roads.

 1035.Local Transport Plan Public Participation

That no further comments be made on the Local Transport Plan.

1036.A444 Proposed 40mph Speed Limit

 Members were informed that the proposed Road Traffic Regulation Order which would have the effect of imposing speed limits on New Road and the A444 was being processed and that it should be implemented within this financial year.

1037.North-South Movement on the M1 Corridor of the East Midlands

That the first newsletter for the ‘North-South Movement on the M1 Corridor of the East Midlands’ be noted.

1038.Proposed Memorial to Clive Didcott MBE TD

It was proposed that when the play area adjacent to 22 Didcott Way has been conveyed to the Council, trees be planted and an oak seat be erected on the land in memory of Clive Didcott and in recognition of his contribution to the village over many years.

1039.Village Sports Association

The amendments to the constitution of the Village Sports Association, as discussed at the recent meeting with village clubs, were agreed. 

Messrs. Colver and Quimby were appointed as the Parish Council representatives on the Management Committee.

It was agreed that Affiliated Clubs (Football, Cricket and Scouts) be asked to appoint committee members and the inaugural meeting arranged.

1040.Activities on the Recreation Ground

It was agreed that when the newly formed Village Sports Association Committee meets it be requested to recommend that the Parish Council permits a wider range of activities on the Recreation Ground.

1041.Evening Bus Services from Austrey to Tamworth

 It was agreed that the Chairman address meetings of Austrey, Polesworth, Warton, Shuttington and Newton Regis Parish Councils to make a joint effort to secure an evening bus service between those villages and Tamworth.  Members were informed that the County Council may be interested in assisting in the provision of a taxi link to Austrey to join specific bus services to Tamworth.

1042.Volunteer Transport

 Mr. Colver agreed to persue the possibility of a grant towards establishing a directory of people wishing to give or take lifts in cars to/from nearby towns, doctors and shops.

1043.Consultation on Small Primary School’s Policy

  Observations were made on the Small Primary School’s Policy consultation document submitted by the County Council.

1044.The Spirit of Best Value

It was noted that the Government expects all Parish Councils to embrace Best Value principles and follow Best Value practices as far as possible.

It was agreed that the ‘Spirit of Best Value’ be adopted by the Parish Council.

1045.LRRCC Trusteee

  No nomination were made for LRRCC Trustees.

1046.Care and Repair

  It was agreed that the Care and Repair service be brought to the attention of the Welcome Club.

1047.Audit of Local Councils

Resolved that consideration of the Audit Commission document on options for an overhaul of the current audit regime for local councils be deferred to the next meeting of the Council to enable it to be circulated between members.

1048.Contaminated Land

That North West Leicestershire District Council be informed that the Parish Council is unaware of any contaminated land within the Parish.

1049.Pond Creation and Management

Members were informed of a pond creation and management course on 3rd and 4th September.

1050.Urgent Items

 The Chairman agreed to the urgent consideration of the following items of business for the reasons stated below.

1051.Visit by David Taylor MP

 Urgent in view of his request to visit mid week Parish Council meeting before October.

That David Taylor MP be invited to address the Parish Council at its September or October meetings.

1052.Community Transport Scheme

Urgent as funding for the scheme is only available for a limited period.

That Mr. Box be requested to advise the Council on it’s response to Measham and District Enterprise Trust on a proposed Community Transport Scheme.

1053.Playground Safety Inspection

Urgent to consider any playground safety matters as soon as possible.

That the report from Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. on the playground be noted and that concern be expressed that the impact absorbent floor of the slide requires attention.  This flooring was installed by Wicksteed within the last few months.  It was agreed that Wicksteed be asked to remedy the situation at no cost to the Parish Council.

1054.Rural Strategy and Action Plan

 Urgent in order to reply by 18th August.

Following circulation of the document members indicated that they had replied individually and that no further comments were required.


7.00 p.m. - 9.15 p.m.   3rd August, 2000

Mrs E. Jeffrey

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