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Parish Council Minutes

August 2012

Thursday 2nd August 2012, 7.30pm, Sir John Moore Community Building, Appleby Magna

Present: -       Cllrs P Hemmerdinger (Chair), P Smith, M Hemmerdinger, G Potts, Lindsay Swinfield Clerk,
Representatives from Stop HS2 x 2, Ms Sarah Daft (Sir JM School) & a member of the public.

1292    Apologies – Cllrs Butler & Wildgoose (apologies accepted)

1293    Declarations of Interest both personal & prejudicial to Items on Agenda – Nil

1294    Open forum for members of the public and press
a.         Two representatives from WLD Stop HS2 (high speed train project) attended the meeting and gave an overview of the two phases of the project – which may affect Appleby Magna village.  The M42 corridor may be a preferred route with a junction spur off to Manchester and Leeds, following south side of the M42, crossing close to Polesworth to the north side (before the flood plain).  This may affect local residents, countryside, ecology and wildlife.  The estimated cost of the project is £33bn – it is thought that it may be cheaper to improve the current infrastructure.  HS1 is subsidised by the tax-payer.  The second phase may be via East Midlands Airport (not confirmed).  A judicial review is to be held in December 2012.  All agreed that the Clerk will contact Alison Munroe, Chief Executive of HS2 Ltd, Andrew Brigden MP, Richard Blunt to request a meeting and further information, before holding a public meeting.  Clerk to also contact NWLDC and LCC (Leicestershire County Council) for further details of HS2.

b.         Ms Sarah Daft (representing Governors of Sir John Moore School) attended the meeting to give a presentation on the Department of Education conversion to a stand alone academy for the Sir John Moore School.  Academy means ‘an independent school, publicly funded.’  Some academies have sponsors, but Sir JM School is not proposing to have any sponsors.  The Government wants all schools to become academies by 2015.

1295    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 7th June 2012 were endorsed and signed

1296    Decisions made under delegated powers – nil
1297    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters    

Please ring 0116 2222222 or 101 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.  Police Sergeant 531 Mark Watson,

1298    Planning Consultations
a.         12/00441/FUL, 27 Black Horse Hill, erection of single storey rear extension – no comment.
b.         12/00472/LBC, Jordans Farm, Top Street, conversion of barn into bedrooms and an outbuilding into an annex (LBC, Listed Building Consent) – no comment.
c.         12/00537/TPO, Redhill Farm 97 Top Street, trimming of lower branches of Ash (T1) and Ash (T2) – no comment.
d.         12/00523/EXT, 8 Rectory Lane, extension of time for planning permission 09/00548/FUL, erection of 2 no. dwelling houses – no comment.

1299    Planning Decision Notices
a.         19 Atherstone Road, erection of single storey garden room extension (LBC), LBC given.
b.         80 Snarestone Road, erection of extensions and alterations including garage – refused.
c.         80 Snarestone Road, relocation & extension of existing livery stable block, removal of various outbuildings – granted.
d.         Land to West of Hill Farm Burton Road Stretton En Le Field, erection of temporary wind monitoring mast (60ft high) – refused.
e.         27 Black Horse Hill, erection of single storey rear extension – granted.
f.          Land adjacent to 10 Rectory Lane, removal of condition 13 of planning permission 11/00146/OUT to not provide footway link along Rectory Lane – granted.

12100  Nalc’s Template Code of Conduct for Parish Councils (final version) previously issued
            The Clerk had issued a copy of the Nalc Code of Conduct to members, and this has been unanimously accepted.

12101  Changes to Register of Members Interests – previously issued
The Clerk had issued a copy of the revised Register of Members Interests – Councillors are completing the forms and sending to NWLDC – however, members unanimously agreed that they do not want their signatures to be viewed by members of the public – for data protection reasons.

12102  Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 2012, No. 1464 – previously issued
The Clerk had issued a copy of the 2012 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests to all Councillors.  Noted.

12103  Footpaths, Hedgerows, Street and Allotment Matters
a.         A resident who lives next to the recreation field has complained about a tree which sits on the border of the field and her garden.  The Clerk contacted NWLDC tree experts who googled the area and gave general feedback on the situation.  NWLDC do not feel the tree should be removed; and legally the householder does not have any jurisdiction to have it removed.  However, a report has been requested from the arboriculture department at Leicester County Council (the report will include all trees within the recreation ground in Appleby Magna).

12104  Appleby Magna Play Area Safety Checks
a.         Following discussion with NWLDC who provided a quote for carrying out play area safety checks, it was proposed by Cllr P Hemmerdinger, seconded by Cllr Potts, RESOLVED, unanimous to award the contract to inspect the play area x 4 per annum at a cost of £148.00 plus vat with a one-off inspection cost of £38.00 plus vat.

12105  Correspondence      
a.         A letter had been received from Serco (Corporate Social Responsibility & Community Payback), offering assistance with various jobs such as clearing parkways, painting community centres etc.  However, they are not authorised to provide this service to any private initiative, the full process and land is to be owned and governed by the local Council.  Noted.

b.         Applications are invited to become a Trustee of the RCC (Rural Community Council).  Noted.

12106  Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The payment list and bank reconciliation were reviewed and approved, RESOLVED, unanimous.

b.         A funding request had been put forward by the Sir John Moore Foundation for £250.00 towards   feasibility costs for the provision of a mini/media bus for the village.  Cllr P Hemmerdinger proposed, seconded by Cllr Smith, it was RESOLVED, unanimous to donate £250.00 towards the project.
(Cllr Smith to speak to Cllr Wildgoose re marketing and consultation re this project).

12107  Ideas for written piece – Parish News Line
a.         Publish Stop HS2 web site information.

The meeting ended at 9.02pm

Date of next meeting:  6th September

 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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