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Parish Council Minutes

December 2001

Minutes of a Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Thursday 6th December 2001


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair) Miss. S. T. Liff, Mrs. D. Morris and Mr. H. D. Saunders.

Apologies were received from Mr. J. Lewis.

1320. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st November 2001 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

Village of the Year Awards

Members were informed that at a presentation held in London yesterday in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Appleby Magna was selected as the Midlands Regional winner in the IT category of the Village of the Year.  The Chairman congratulated all concerned stating that it was a well earned reward for all of the hard work and expertise put into the project by a number of villagers over the past five years.

Dingle Lane

The Chairman commented that although Severn Trent Water had levelled the surface of Dingle Lane, the lane was still a quagmire and further work would need to be carried out in the Spring.

1321. Urgent Items

There were no urgent items for consideration.

1322. Question Time

No questions were raised.

1323. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

No such declarations were made.

1324. Decisions taken under delegated powers

The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman,had:-

1325. Police Matters

PC Claire Horsley reported that in relation to the two barn fires referred to last month, two persons had been charged in connection with one of them.  During the last month three youths had been observed damaging the telephone box on Snarestone Road but no suspects had been identified as descriptions were sketchy, garden furniture had been stolen from Measham Road and there had been an attempted theft of a caravan from Atherstone Road.  Youths causing a nuisance on St Michaels Drive had been identified and residents have been visited.  There was a disappointing turnout at the Police Surgery held on 9th November but a further event was to be arranged for the new year.  This will be advertised and a Police item will be included in the Parish Newsline.  The Chairman reported that ornamental chimney pots had been stolen from Appleby Parva and that over the last 12 months there had been an increase of incidents in the Appleby Inn car park, mostly between 11.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.

1326. Hotel Metro

The Chairman welcomed Mr. Jeremy Drax, Chief Executive Officer of Parnham Holdings Limited, the new owners of Hotel Metro, to the meeting together with his colleagues Mr. Dennis Parvin of Parvin Associates and Mr. Stewart Prior of JWA Architects.

Mr. Drax explained that his company buy failing businesses with a view to solving their problems and adding value to them in terms of their commercial and financial future.  Parnham Holdings is a £90m enterprise and wishes to maximise its investment by turning the Motel business around and then renting it out for 30 – 40 years.  Negotiations are already underway with a number of parties but all stress that conference facilities are essential to the future success of this venture. 

The current planning application was infilling only and would increase the building by 3%.  At the present time this part of the building is very inefficient in its use of space and heating, infilling would give a 16% increase in floor space.  The proposed conference facilities would have a separate entrance and additional car parking would be created on existing hardstanding.

Mr. Saunders left the meeting at this point and took no further part in any discussions or decisions.

Mr. Drax continued by outlining problems of signage on the Motorway island resulting in many vehicles making u-turns at the junction with Rectory Lane.  He had contacted the Environment Agency and arranged a an on-site meeting with a County Council engineer.

Referring to the hotel landscaping he said his predecessors had failed to provide landscaping in accordance with the agreed scheme.  He said he was to submit an amended scheme for the current planning application.  This scheme would be the result of discussions agreed between Martin Holland his landscape architect and Mrs. J. Nightingale the Parish Councils local landscape architect.

In relation to surface water drainage, Mr. Drax accepted that there have been problems in the scheme previously approved by the Environment Agency, which now appears to be inadequate.  He pointed out that there was no obligation on his company to undertake any work on drainage but that he had instituted Land Registry searches to determine land ownership along Rectory Lane where it was critical to secure the cleaning of the culvert to speed up run off.  The Department of Transport has agreed to dig out ditches on the roundabout and the County Council will be lobbied to clear any ditches in its ownership/responsibility.  The Parish Council will be asked to assist by lobbying landowners to undertake and finance works on their land.  His company has commissioned a drainage survey, at a cost of approximately £2000, to assess exactly where the problems lie and what solutions to flooding are available.  The results of the survey should be available within 2 to 3 weeks.

In reply to points and concerns raised from parishioners Mr. Drax stated that the objective of meeting the Parish Council had been to seek agreement over the deferment of a decision by the District Council on the current planning application.  He was only seeking to relocate signs already on the island to enable them to be seen more clearly.  The application did not contain restricted hours of use because it was for business purposes on a private site and was not for late night weddings etc.  It was essential to secure conference facilities as at the present time limited conference facilities were offered in 4 rooms adjacent to the reception area only.  These were totally inadequate for current requests for such facilities.  It was not feasible to strip out purpose built bedrooms to provide conference facilities.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Drax and his colleagues for the presentation and for giving their time to address the concerns of the Parish Council and parishioners.

Mr. Drax and his colleagues left the meeting.

1327. Budget and Financial Statements

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2001 to 22nd November 2001 be noted.

1328. Accounts for payment

Resolved that the following accounts be paid:-


Wicksteed leisure Limited – Play equipment inspection and risk assessment



Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation – 3 Computer cartridges



Society of Local Council Clerks - Subscription



Appleby Magna Cricket Club – Recreation Ground Maintenance


1329. Planning Applications

It was moved and seconded that the Parish Council maintain its objection to planning application 01/01055 for the erection of extensions and alterations to existing entrance and restaurant to form conference An amendment was moved that the Parish Councils objection to planning application 01/01055 for the erection of extensions and alterations to existing entrance and restaurant to form conference facilities including provision of additional car parking, Hotel Metro be withdrawn.

The amendment was not seconded and therefore fell .

The original motion was put and carried two members voting for the motion, one against and one abstention.

That North West Leicestershire District Council be informed that the Parish Council has no objection to the following planning applications:-

01/01390 – Installation of replacement timber window unit to front elevation of property, The Cottage, 7 Mawbys Lane

01/01390 – Installation of replacement timber window unit to front elevation of property, The Cottage, 7 Mawbys Lane (Article 4(2) Direction)

01/01380 – Garage extension to form study/roof space, 5 Garton Close

01/01361 – Change of use of and alterations to buildings to form dwelling, Westhill Farm, 12 Austrey Lane

01/01360 – Change of use of and alterations to buildings to form dwelling, (Listed Building Consent) Westhill Farm, 12 Austrey Lane

That North West Leicestershire District Council be informed that the Parish Council objects to planning applications 01/01394 – Display of internally illuminated fascia sign and panels, Fina Petrol Station, Atherstone Road on the grounds that the application is contrary to Guidelines 18 and 19 of Supplementary Planning Guidance the Appleby Magna Village Design Statement.

1330. Decision Notices

That it be noted that North West Leicestershire District Council has considered and made decisions on the following planning applications:-

01/01137 - Erection of detached garden shed/duck shelter, Chamant House, Old End - Allowed

01/01106 - Alterations to forecourt canopy, Fina Petrol Station, Atherstone Road - Allowed

1331. Naming of land off Garton Close

That consideration of the naming of land off Garton Close be deferred to the next meeting of the Council to enable local historians to be consulted. 

1332. Car Parking in the Vicinity of the School

Members were informed that following the site visit at the school with representatives of the Highway Authority, Police and school, the Highway Authority has agreed to install ‘School Keep Clear’ zig zag markings on the opposite side of Top Street to the existing markings.  The school was also invited to contact Mr. Bridges of the Integrated Transport section when further improvements to the pedestrian access to the school are being considered.  Mr. Bridges will be able to advise on any necessary safety conditions

1333. Request for the installation of kerbing adjacent to 3 Measham Road

Resolved that whilst the Parish Council is not prepared to request the installation of kerbing on Measham Road it would not oppose any decision of the Highway Authority following a proposed application by the owners of 3 Measham Road.

1334. Report on works to the Brook

Members were informed that North West Leicestershire District Council has undertaken work to lower the level of the brook by 18 inches along Duck Lake and Old End.  A four-foot culvert has been constructed under Mrs. Davis’ shed.  The engineer is of the opinion that to improve the flow of water from the village it would be more advantageous to concentrate on clearing the brook downstream from Appleby rather than construct bypasses around the Post Office and Mrs. Davis’ shed.  He has already spoken to some of the owners of land between Appleby and the River Mease with a view to increasing culverts and other works to improve the flow of water

1335. Quality Town and Parish Councils

That consideration of the DEFRA consultation paper on Quality Town and Parish Councils be deferred to the next meeting of the Council to enable members to consider their responses.

1336. Local Government Act 2000 Part III – Conduct of Local Government Members and Employees

That the information on the adoption of the Code of Conduct of Local Government Members and Employees be noted and the matter be reconsidered at the Annual Meeting of the Council by which time additional information on a local code should be available from the District Council’s Standards Board.

1337. A National Training Strategy for Town and Parish Councils in England

That the NALC guide to the national training strategy for Town and Parish Councils in England be circulated around members to enable it to be discussed at the next meeting of the Council

1338. Notice of Intention to Adopt and of Proposed Modifications to the Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Waste Local Plan

That the Notice of intention to adopt and of proposed modifications to the Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Waste Local Plan, be noted.

1339. Possible People Millennium Awards

That it be noted that local organisations may be eligible to apply for Positive People Millennium Awards.


6.30 p.m. – 9.40 p.m.

6th December 2001

Mrs. E. Jeffrey

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