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Parish Council Minutes

December 2012

Thursday 6th December 2012, 7.30pm, Sir John Moore Community Building, Appleby Magna

Present: -       Cllrs  P Hemmerdinger (Chair), M Hemmerdinger, G Pott, R Butler, P Smith, Lindsay Swinfield Clerk, 6 members of the public, Ms Wendy May and Mr Ian Nelson, NWLDC representatives.

12152  Apologies – Cllr Wildgoose – reason accepted, unanimous.

12153  Declarations of Interest both personal & prejudicial to Items on Agenda – Nil

12154  Open forum for members of the public and press

Ms Wendy May and Mr Ian Nelson, representatives from NWLDC attended the meeting to discuss the new NWLDC Core Strategy document, with special attention to housing and development within Appleby Magna.  Mr Nelson outlined the Core Strategy for 2013, which was started in 2005; the vast majority of development is planned for Coalville, Ashby, Castle Donington, Measham and Ibstock; followed to a much lesser degree by sustainable villages including Appleby Magna (sustainable village must have a shop, school etc), next down the list are local need villages.  The government process is followed and eventually NWLDC will send plans to the Secretary of State, who passes the document to a Planning Inspector – this could take until 2014 and replaces a lot of existing policies in the local plan, 2015 is the probable final date.

Concern has been raised over companies that advertise places to build, including Appleby Magna, inviting investors to join – this is pure speculation.  There are 15 sustainable villages within the area and 80 houses planned across the 15 villages.  Annual planning checks are carried out re suitable development sites.

A resident reported that excess water from the A444 causes flooding to his property as there are no suitable storm drains, more housing could exacerbate the problems.  Bowleys Lane and Church Lane are particularly at risk – Mr Nelson agreed to contact Highways re this, and the Clerk will do the same.

A representative from Appleby Environment raised several concerns re the Core Strategy document including limits of development and consultations not being carried out across the board – concerns to be emailed to Mr Nelson.

The Parish Council has investigated the possibility of producing a neighbourhood plan, but rejected this due to the small size of the village, the prohibitive cost (average of £60k) and the lack of evidence that this would benefit Appleby Magna in any constructive way.  However the Parish Council has discussed updating its Village Design Statement document, and NWLDC will assist with this.

12155  Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 1st November 2012 were endorsed and signed

12156  Decisions made under delegated powers – Nil
12157  Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters – Nil to report
Please ring 0116 2222222 or 101 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.  Police Sergeant 531 Mark Watson,

12158  Planning Consultations
a.         12/00879/FUL, 21 Church Street, rear single storey extension – no comment.
b.         12/00969/TCA, St Michaels Church, felling of two trees – sent in error as this planning application is not for Appleby Magna but another village – ignore.
c.         12/00979/VCU, 8 Rectory Lane, removal of condition 8 (provision of footway link) of planning permission 12/00523/EXT for the erection of two houses – agree.

12159  Planning Decisions
a.         32 Mawbys Lane, various works to no. 1 Beech Tree (TPO) – granted.
b.         Elms Farm wind turbine, application rejected (informal notification).

12160  HS2 (High Speed Train) project
            Email MP Andrew Bridgen and County Councillor Mr Richard Blunt and ask if they are aware of LCC re-joining group 51, and also request a general update re HS2.           

12161  Appleby Magna Recreation Ground issues and concerns
            Cllr P Hemmerdinger had obtained a quote for works to the field and perimeter to help reduce the water logging, inclusive of labour and materials = £2,300 plus vat.  All agreed to keep this on hold and to look at utilising existing land drains and exploratory holes.  The next step is for Cllrs Pott, P Hemmerdinger and Butler to carry out levels on the field, along with Mr Keith Williams (resident) to ascertain the problem before moving onto other remedial works.

12162  Footpaths, Hedgerows, Street and Allotment Matters
a.         Cllr Smith reported that the Allotment Society had held its AGM and a financial report would be sent to the Clerk.  A bill for the annual peppercorn rent of £5.00 to be emailed to Cllr Smith.

12163  Correspondence
a.         LCC Free Cycle parking scheme – this was discussed and noted.
b.         NWLDC leases and licences review for the use of council land – noted.

12164  Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The payment list and bank reconciliation were reviewed and approved, RESOLVED, unanimous

12165  Ideas for written piece – Parish News Line
a.         Wish all residents of Appleby Magna a Very Happy New Year.

The meeting ended at 9.10 pm

Date of next meeting:  February 7th 2013, 7.30pm, Parish Council Meeting @The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School  


 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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