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Parish Council Minutes

February 2002

 Minutes of a Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Thursday 7th February 2002


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair), Mr. J. Lewis, Miss. S. T. Liff and Mr. H. D. Saunders.

1340. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 6th December 2001 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

1341. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed that the following matters be taken as urgent items on the agenda:

a)      Meeting of the Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Parish Councils (NWL Branch)

b)      Concessionary Travel Passes and Tokens

1342. Question Time

Mr. Fred Steward asked the Parish Council to make representations to Parnham Holdings Ltd. regarding the excess run off of water from the settling pond on the Hotel Metro site onto Rectory Lane.  He had inspected the area following recent heavy rainfall, and whilst acknowledging that this was not the only factor in the flooding of Rectory Lane, it was quite obviously the major problem.  He had observed that no water appeared to be coming into Rectory Lane from Tamworth Road; there was a reasonable flow from the field drain but much more from the Hotel Metro pond.  The water level was above the top of the pond outflow pipe and the rate of run off was higher than the recommendations shown in the hydrological review prepared by SLR Consulting Ltd for Parnham Holdings Limited.

1343. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

No such declarations were made.

1344. Decisions taken under delegated powers

The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had paid accounts for allotment water (100746) and computer software (100747).

1345. Police Matters

PC Claire Horsley reported on various crimes which had taken place in this area in the last two months.  She said that speed checks had been carried out on Rectory Lane on 11th December but with limited results.  Officers had carried out a successful operation on two sites in the area where vehicles were stopped and checked and occupants asked their business.  A similar operation would be undertaken next month.

Miss Liff referred to a break in on the school site last Sunday when a portacabin was broken into and a number of tools stolen.  She was concerned that whilst the police had been called to the site on Monday morning no one at the school had been approached for information.  PC Horsley said that beat officers had visited the school today.  She asked for the public’s assistance by asking them to take note of strange transit vans and pick up trucks in the area.

1346. Budget and Financial Statements

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2001 to 22nd January 2002 be noted.

1347. Accounts for payment

        Resolved that the following accounts be paid:-


Mrs. E. Jeffrey – January/February/March 2002 salary



Mrs. E. Jeffrey – Petty cash 4/10/01 to 7/01/02


 1348. Estimates and Precept for 2002/2003

The following budget was agreed and a precept of £9000 set for the financial year ending 31st March 2003.

A.Estimated Balances  at






Petty Cash







Post Office






Current Account








B. Transactions

Estimated Receipts for 2002/2003




Stonepit Close Rent


Allotment rents





Recreation Ground Rent







Total Estimated Income


Estimated Payments in 2002/2003

Clerks salary



Admin (post/rm rent/chairman)







Allotment Water



Allotment Gardens Improvements


Recreation Ground









Churchyard mowing



Maintenance of play areas



Donation to school






Contingency for new initiatives



Total Estimated Expenditure


C.Estimated Balances at






 1349.    Request for Financial Assistance

It was agreed that a donation of £35 be made to Scope to provide support for those affected by cerebral palsy.(100750).

1350. Planning Application

It was agreed that the original objection to application 01/01174 be maintained and no further comments made on the revised application for the erection of a two storey side extension and front porch, 1 Bowley’s Lane.

1351. Decision Notices

That it be noted that North West Leicestershire District Council has considered and made decisions on the following planning applications:-

01/01055 – Erection of extensions and alterations to existing entrance and restaurant to form conference facilities including provision of additional parking at Hotel Metro - Refused

01/01394 – Display of internally illuminated fascia sign and panels, Fina Petrol Station – Allowed

01/01288 – Erection of attached garage,  231 Tamworth Road - Allowed

1352. Transfer of play area land off Garton Close

The document to officially transfer the play area land off Garton Close from Foxpark Limited to the Parish Council was signed by the Chairman and Mr. Lewis and duly witnessed.

1353. Naming of land off Garton Close

It was agreed that the District Council be informed that the Parish Council’s preferred name for the small development off Garton Close was ‘Meadowbrook Close’ as suggested by Mr. Dunmore.  Thanks were expressed to Mr. Dunmore and Mrs. Noble for their suggested names.

1354. Routine Highway Inspections

Members were informed that the Highway Authority proposes to undertake kerbing and haunching to the edge of the carriageway from 5 Measham Road to the rear boundary of 3 Measham Road, to provide road gullies and kerbs adjacent to the hedge outside the allotments on Rectory Lane and the patching of the carriageway and the provision of road gullies adjacent to The Charter House, Church Street.  Members requested that the Highway Authority be asked to install old style kerbing in these areas.

1355. Local Government White Paper:- Parish Proposals

Resolved that no comment be made on the DTLR document ‘Strong Local Leadership – Quality Public Services – The way forward for parishes’.

1356. Quality Parish and Town Councils. A Consultation Paper

Agreed observations to be forwarded to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on the consultation paper entitled ‘ Quality Town and Parish Councils.

1357. A National Training Strategy for Town and Parish Councils in England

That consideration of the NALC guide to the national training strategy for Town and Parish Councils in England be deferred to the next meeting of the Council.

1358. Periodic Electoral Review of North West Leicestershire

Agreed that no comment be made on the Local Government Commission for England draft recommendations on the future electoral arrangements for North West Leicestershire.

1359. NWLDC Local Plan Proposed Housing Policy Alterations

That no comment be made on the Issues Paper produced by the District Council on proposed housing policy alterations.

1360. New North West Leicestershire Website

That subject to the agreement of Information Byway, that website address be submitted to NWLDC for linking to the District Councils proposed new website.

1361. Hotel Metro Landscaping Scheme

Members welcomed the improved Hotel Metro landscaping scheme agreed between Jackie Nightingale and Martin Holland.  It was agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to Mrs. Nightingale for her work on this project on behalf of the village.

1362. Parnham Holdings Limited – Outstanding Matters

That in consideration of the information provided by Parnham Holdings Limited and comments from the Chairman and Mr. Steward who had inspected the areas following recent heavy rain, concerning outstanding matters relating to the flooding of Rectory Lane and Bowleys Lane, signage on the M42 roundabout and the landscaping of the Hotel Metro site, it was agreed that the County Highway Authority and the District Council be asked to meet the Parish Council to discus the hydrological review produced by SLR Consulting Limited and that Parnham Holdings Ltd. be informed that, whilst the Parish Council will endeavour to secure the co operation of adjacent landowners to clear the ditches on Rectory Lane, it would request that the recommendations of SLR, as outlined on page 7 of the report, be implemented to reduce the run off of water from the settling pond on the Hotel Metro site onto Rectory Lane. 

The Clerk reported that the County Highway Authority had been formally requested to address the problems associated with the confusing signage at the M42 roundabout.

1363. Wicksteed Leisure Safety Report and Risk Assessment

Members were informed of the contents of the safety report and risk assessment carried out by Wicksteed Leisure on equipment on the Recreation Ground.  It was agreed that those matters shown as high risk problems be dealt with as soon as possible ie; the tunnels would be removed and used for hardcore on the allotment roadway and Messrs. Colver, Quimby and Saunders would inspect the fencing near to the main entrance (including an area adjacent to the pavilion entrance) and report back to the next meeting of the Council.

1364. Dog Fouling

In the absence of Mrs. Morris, who had requested that this item be included on the agenda for this meeting, it was agreed that it be deferred to the next meeting of the Council

1365. Allotment 29

That permission be given for the erection of a garden shed or greenhouse on plot 29 of the allotment gardens subject to the applicant agreeing to remove the structure and to leave the plot in its original condition when he terminates his tenancy.

1366. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to the consideration of the following urgent items of business for the reasons stated below.

1367. Changes to Older Persons’ Concessionary Travel Scheme

Urgent in view of the concern of many older persons in the Parish.

Members were informed that representations had been received requesting the Parish Council to make representations to the County and District Councils on the concerns of parishioners that the older persons’ concessionary travel scheme had been amended to allow token travel only after 9.30 a. m. on Mondays to Fridays.  This would prohibit older people from using the concessions on the 9.09 a.m. bus to Measham to visit the doctors and may result in the withdrawal of this service.  Conditions and the heavy use of pre 9.30 a.m. busses varies greatly between urban and rural environments.

1368. Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils – NWL Branch

Urgent in view of the date of the meeting.

Members were informed that the next meeting of the Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils – NWL Branch will be held at 7.30 p.m. on19th February at 12 Chapel Street, Ibstock


7.00 p.m. – 9.20 p.m.

7th February 2002

Mrs. E. Jeffrey 

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