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Parish Council Minutes

February 2003

Minutes of the Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held Thursday 6 Feb 2003. 


Mr K Colver, Mr P Hemmerdinger, Mr J Lewis and Mr J Quimby (in the chair)

Apologies Mrs D Morris and Ms S Liff

1587. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting - 5 December 2002 - were taken   as read and duly endorsed.

1588. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to take the following items as urgent business:-

None taken

Question time:-

1589. Mr John Morrison attended to report that he had received an anonymous letter complaining about traffic to and from his business on Snarestone Road. The Council do not approve of anonymous letters and did not endorse the comments. Objectors are welcome to attend the next Parish Council meeting at question time to raise their objections.

1590. Declaration of amendments to the Register of Interests

No such declarations were made.

1591. Declaration of Interests by members to the agenda items

No such declarations were made.

1592. Decisions made under delegated powers

An order was placed - agreed in principle at the 5 Dec 2002 AMPC meeting and subject to a financial limit that new railings be ordered for the recreation ground.

Police Matters

PC Claire Horsley attended (4041) and reported that the following had occurred in the reporting period:-

A car was stolen from Didcot Way but has been recovered and a suspect arrested.

Another car was stolen following a break in to take the keys - this was also recovered and there is evidence of a Birmingham / M42 connection.

Walk in burglaries and distraction burglaries are evident at the moment.

A car was stolen from the Fina (A444/M42) filling station when it was left with the keys in after refuelling.

1594. Budget and Financial Statements

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1 April 2002 to 22 Feb 2003 be noted.

1595. Accounts for Payment

Agreed that the following accounts be paid :-

10081  I.A Nettleship - Clerk - salary for Jan & Feb 2003 - £322.40 

100813    Hacker Young - Council financial auditors          - £141.00

1596. Planning Applications:-

02/01710/OUT and 0201712/FUL 23 Blackhorse Hill - the existing objections were re-affirmed. These are documented with the NWLDC planning office.

03/0092/FUL The Granary, 3 Duck Lake - single storey extension and porch - plans were to be forwarded for comment. 

03/00161/FUL Bramble Cottage, Black Horse Hill - single story rear extension - no objection was registered.

1597. The AMPC precept bid was agreed at the 2002/3 level of £9000 for 2003/4

1598. A cheque for £375.00 was received from Calor Gas as an award for best Regional Young Persons Village of the Year Award. This is a great achivevement and the Council voted to allocate the funds to the Youth Club being set up at the Sir John Moore School.

I A Nettleship

Clerk to the Parish Council

26 Feb 2003

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