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Parish Council Minutes

February 2005

Thursday 3rd February 2005

 Present: -                                                                  

Mr J Quimby – Chairman, Mr K Colver – Vice Chairman, Mrs E Jeffrey and Mrs D Morris

Apologies: -
Mr P Hemmerdinger and Mrs M Hemmerdinger

2072    Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 2nd December 2005 were read and endorsed.

2073    Public Question Time

Members of the public expressed their concerns about where rural affordable houses would be built if the village survey found there was a need.  A village resident wanted assurance that the green spaces and village boundary would not be affected and the village design statement would not be compromised.  The Chairman replied that no specific site had been considered at this early stage of the process and no action would be taken until after the results of the survey had been discussed.  Other councillors stated that if a development went ahead, it would be very small scale and meet the village design statement.  Councillors also stated that following visits to affordable rural housing in other small villages, they were impressed by the very high standard of the developments. 

Agenda items 23 & 25 were brought forward as Mr Glover raised issues about street lighting and the public telephone kiosk in Appleby Parva.  Mr Glover requested street lighting by the A444 lay-by in Appleby Parva.  Reasons given for the request were

a) the stretch of road is speed restricted b) no other street lighting in the vicinity

c) assaults had taken place on the lay-by d) tipping and litter dropping during dark hours.  It was agreed the Parish Council supported Mr Glover and a request be sent to Leicestershire County Council for street lighting.

Mr Glover suggested the public telephone on the A444, Appleby Parva be removed. Mr Glover's reasons were a) telephone vandalised on many occasions b) belief that potential criminals use kiosk for watching the area c) telephone rarely used due to the huge increase in mobile phones d) other public telephone services available within 600m approximately.  It was agreed the Parish Council supported Mr Glover and a request for removal of the kiosk be sent to BT.

2074    Declarations Of Amendment To The Register Of Interests


2075    Declaration Of Interest To Items On Agenda

Mrs D Morris declared an interest in agenda item 21 – application for grant of theatre licence at Sir John Moore School.

2076    Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers

04/01900/FUL – 25 Black Horse Hill – erection of single storey rear extension – no objections

04/01935/LBC – Black Horse Inn, 2 Top Street – resurfacing car park in tarmacadam – no objections 

2077    Police Matters

Apologies were received from P.C. Gosling.  The Chairman read the following report:

8 crimes had taken place in the last two months in the Appleby area, 3 thefts from motor vehicles and one assault, which had been detected.  These crimes were mostly around the motorway service area.  There had been no more distraction burglaries; police were keeping a high profile.

2078    Presentations by Visitors


2079    Planning Applications

05/00103/FUL – 2 Black Horse Hill – erection of single storey side & front extension & two storey side & rear extension – concerns expressed about the scale of development & proximity to adjacent property boundary – letter to NWLDC copy to Mr R Blunt

05/00127/FUL – Bowley's Farmhouse, 39 Bowley's Lane- erection single storey side extension to form conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension & alterations to form rear dormer window & additional bedroom – no objections

05/00133/FUL – 2 Rectory Lane – demolition of existing single storey rear extension/conservatory & erection of two-storey rear extension – concerns were expressed about proposed two storey rear extension overlooking property in Parkfield Crescent - letter to NWLDC copy to Mr R Blunt

05/00128/FUL – 20 Didcott Way – erection of single storey rear extension to form conservatory – no objections

2080    Planning Decision Notices

04/01713/FUL – Birds Hill House, 231 Tamworth Road – erection of single storey rear ext. & two rear dormer windows - granted   

04/01589/LBC – 24 Top Street – install two replacement windows in ground floor elevation – granted

04/01737/LBC – The Moat House, 29 Mawby's Lane – internal alterations to kitchen – granted

04/01378/FUL – Redhill Farm, 97 Top Street – erection of agricultural building - refused


2081    Approval Of Budget And Financial Statements

1st April 04 to 22nd December 04 budget & financial statements

1st April 04 to 18th January 05 budget & financial statements

(The Parish Council HSBC current account has now been transferred to the Bank of Ireland, with a statement date of the 18th) – Noted.

2082    Accounts For Payment

Karen Stirk – Clerk's Payment – 1st December to 31st December 2004 - £267.00
Karen Stirk – Clerk's Payment – 1st January to 31st January 05 - £267.00
Karen Stirk – Expenses for November 2004 - £15.40
Karen Stirk – Expenses for December 2004 - £14.97
The Society of Local Council Clerks – annual renewal - £105

All cheques agreed and signed. 

 2083    Planning for the Possibility of Illegal Travellers 

It was agreed allotment gates should be installed for security and prevention of fly tipping.  (Clerk to contact District Council about removal of illegally tipped rubble). The cost of gates to be included in next financial year's budget.   It was also agreed investigations be made to establish land ownership in and around the village. 

2084    Parking at the Almshouses

Following a joint site meeting at the Almshouses' lay-by with L.C.C. Highways Department, the Chairman reported the Highways Department were negative to any suggested ways of extending the lay by to increase parking spaces. Therefore it was agreed the Parish Council take no further action.

(Copy of minutes to Mr D Saunders, Almshouses Trustee) 

2085    Affordable Rural Housing Scheme

It was agreed following delivery of the Affordable Rural Housing questionnaire, the Parish Council would request £50 donation from Midlands Rural Housing Association towards the cost of delivery.  This donation and letter offering Parish Council contribution to be passed to Parish News Line.

2086    N.W.L.D.C. Animal Welfare Service

The Chairman read out a letter from NWLDC offering a dog fouling prevention patrol (£25 per hour).  The Parish Council agreed not to take this service.

2087    Various Village Signs

Signs to be placed in and outside of the pavilion, warning of the possibility of asbestos in the building's materials.  Clerk to purchase two fly tipping signs for the allotments and an owners sign for the recreation ground.

2088    Rural Community Council – Diary of Village Events

Form passed to Councillor Morris to be completed.

2089    L.C.C. Headland Management Project

The Chairman read out details of the above scheme, which offers to maintain field edge footpaths and bridleways at a charge.  It was agreed that a letter and details of the scheme be passed to village resident Mr Drake, to seek his views on the need for such a scheme.

2090    Estimated Budget for 2005/6 & Precept for 2005/6

It was agreed to include in the 2005/2006 budget £300 for allotment gates and posts, £50 for allotment tap protectors and to increase budget for donations to £800.  It was also agreed that the Parish Council request a precept for the next financial year of £11,000.

2091    NWLDC – Renewal of Public Entertainment Licences – Exchange Metro Hotel

A request for comments/objections was received from NWLDC – no objections were given.

2092    NWLDC – Application for Grant of Theatre Licence - Sir John Moore School

A request for comments/objections was received from NWLDC – no objections were given.

2093    Leicestershire & Rutland Victim Support

A donation request was received from the above – it was agreed to donate £25.

2094    Hedge Laying by A444 Lay-by

The Chairman reported that Leicestershire Highways are laying hedgerow by the A444 lay-by, Appleby Parva to the field gateway.  It was agreed that the hedge beyond the gateway would benefit from being laid.  Clerk to find out if BTCV (environmental conservation) are seeking hedgerow in the area that could be used for teaching hedge-laying skills.

2095    Recreation Ground Youth Shelter

The clerk informed the council that grant applications had been sent to Leicestershire County Council SHIRES environment grant scheme and Hanson Environment Fund for contributions towards a youth shelter.           

2096    Parish News Line

It was agreed to include the following points: -

A request to dog owners to clean up after their pets following a complaint of increased dog fouling around the village.

To inform villagers of the 2005/2006 precept and the cost to householders.

Request information from anyone seeing illegal fly tipping.


Ms K. Stirk

Clerk to the Parish Council 

5th February 2005

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