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Parish Council Minutes

February 2013

Thursday 7th February 2013, 7.30pm, Sir John Moore Community Building, Appleby Magna

Present: -        Cllrs  P Hemmerdinger (Chair), M Hemmerdinger, G Pott, R Butler, P Smith, D Wildgoose
Lindsay Swinfield Clerk, 11 members of the public, MP Andrew Bridgen, Tony Bull, LCC Street Lighting.

1301    Apologies – Nil.

1302    Declarations of Interest both personal & prejudicial to Items on Agenda – Nil

1303    Open forum for members of the public and press

A member of the public (supported by Appleby Environment group) voiced concerns over the possible loss of the number 7 bus route (a meeting to discuss bus/transport links will be held on 20/02/13).  Many people are worried at the loss of public transport facilities in rural areas – a network transport solution is needed.  The new bus company (Roberts) does not print out bus timetables – for those who do not have access to the internet this is a real concern.  Clerk to write to Roberts/LCC (Leicester County Council).

Members of the public and the Parish Council wished to recognise the diligent, community spirited lady who regularly litter picks in the village, on a voluntary basis – Clerk to write to convey thanks.

The majority of the public present at the meeting expressed serious concern over the HS2 planned route – which will pass through areas previously designated in the Village Design Statement as protected.  This also seems to be affecting house sales in the village.  Why does the route follow the M42 on this side, when there is more open land on the other side of the motorway? 

Mr Andrew Brigden MP requested that residents with queries or concerns re HS2, to email these to the Clerk who will collate and pass to Mr Bridgen – people are also free to join the HS2 protest on the web site –  Anyone wishing to find out more about compensation should email Andrew Bridgen for further information.  LCC are to hold a meeting and are against the HS2 proposed route.  A public meeting will be held in Ashby de la Zouch, all are welcome to attend.

Members of the public who live in Black Horse Hill produced a comprehensive report showing how inadequate drainage is not coping with the volume of water, creating flooding and sewerage leaking into their property and some adjacent properties.  The resident was advised to contact Highways and Severn Trent – the Clerk will also write to both parties.

Mr Tony Bull from LCC Street Lighting attended the meeting to outline the planned street lighting savings, this involves changing the photocells on top of the lights, which pays back after 3 years.  LCC is looking to save a total of £800k per annum across the County.  Consultation is ongoing with the emergency services and key stakeholders – there has been no increase in crime levels since the lighting cuts have taken place.

The lighting project in Appleby Magna will include some switch off, some dimming and some part-night lighting, and should be rolled out in October 2013, saving £2,346 per annum and a total carbon saving of 12 tons pa.  There are 266 lights in the Parish which currently costs £11,051 per annum to run.

1304    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 6th December 2012 were endorsed and signed

1305    Decisions made under delegated powers – Nil
1306    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters      
Please ring 0116 2222222 or 101 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.  Police Sergeant 531 Mark Watson,

1307    Planning Consultations
a.         1201009/LBC, 4 Atherstone Road, erection of single storey extensions and removal of internal wall (LBC) – discussed December 2012 – no comment.
b.         12/01012/FUL, 4 Atherstone Road, erection of single storey detached garage – discussed December 2012 meeting – no comment.
c.         SK 431659/TCA, Jordans Farm, Top Street, felling of two trees and pruning of ten trees                                                  (unprotected)   – no comments made prior to meeting.
d.         Erection of temporary wind monitoring mast (60m in height), West of Hill Farm, Stretton En Le Field – previous comments to remain as this is an appeal.
e.         13/00059/FUL, 34 St Michaels Drive, erection of a single storey side and rear extension – no comment.
f.          13/00002/AGP, Hall Farm, 1 New Road, cover and end extension to silage clamp to form a grainstore with lean to – no comment.

1308    Planning Decisions
a.         21 Church Street, rear single storey extension – granted.
b.         57 Church Street, erection of 3 dwellings (outline access and layout) – granted.
c.         8 Rectory Lane, removal of condition 8 (provision of footway link) for the erection of two dwelling houses – granted.
d.         44 Top Street, felling of two trees and pruning of ten trees (unprotected in Conservation area) – granted.

1309    HS2 (High Speed Train) project – refer to public discussion item 1303.

1310    Appleby Magna Recreation Ground issues and concerns
a.         A discussion took place re the water logged state of the recreation ground – Cllrs P Hemmerdinger and Pott had inspected the area and agreed that the boundary ditch needs serious clearing out.  Cllrs P Hemmerdinger and Pott will speak to the owner of the adjacent land (Mr Massey) to ask permission to go onto his land to clear out the ditch (clearing will probably be in August 2013).  At a later date, it may be prudent to request a formal letter be sent out from Mr Ian Hamilton.

1311    Footpaths, Hedgerows, Street and Allotment Matters
a.         Black Horse Hill is a well used road without pavements and is quite narrow, in recent weeks the icy conditions have made certain areas of this road dangerous to both motorists and pedestrians.  Cllr Butler had carried out investigations into other Councils methods of managing areas of icy roads not gritted by Highways.  LCC Highways do not seem to assist with voluntary gritting projects.  Clerk to contact Highways and ask what opportunities there are for local volunteer schemes for gritting in the County and any other options.

1312    Correspondence
a.         Details had been received from RCC (Rural Community Council) re the rural Achievement Awards 2013 – Cllr Wildgoose to send in an application.

1313    Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The payment list and bank reconciliation were reviewed and approved, RESOLVED, unanimous.

b.         Cllr P Hemmerdinger proposed, seconded by Cllr Smith, it was RESOLVED, unanimous to request   a Precept of £14,500, with a grant to cover the shortfall within the Parish – following changes to Council Tax legislation and details of the Localisation of Council Tax support, which was noted by members.

1314    Ideas for Written Piece – Parish News Line

The meeting ended at 9.25pm

Date of next meeting:  March 7th 2013, 7.30pm, Parish Council Meeting @The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School

 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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