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Parish Council Minutes

June 2000

Minutes of a Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council, held at the Church Hall, on Thursday 1st June, 2000.


 Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. Lewis, Mrs. D. Morris, Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair) and Mr. D. H. Saunders.

 Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Chairman paid tribute to Mr. C. D. Didcott MBE TD who had recently passed away.  He referred to Mr. Didcott’s service to the community with over 60 years accumulated service as County, District and Parish Councillor, together with 27 years as a Trustee of the Sir John Moore School and nearly 40 years as a Trustee of the Almshouses.  He wished to record, on behalf of himself and of the Parish Council, his regret at Mr. Didcott’s passing and asked for a letters of condolence to be sent to each of Mr. Didcott’s daughters..


The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 12th May, 2000 were taken as read, confirmed and signed subject to the inclusion of an item that all future meetings of the Council be held on the first Thursday of the month.

Members were informed that the motel landscaping meeting referred to in minute number 975 would be held at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 8th June, 2000.

 Members were also informed that highway officers of the County Council would meet Councillors at 2.00 p.m. on Monday 19th June, 2000 to walk the village and to discuss the pros and cons of various traffic calming measures.

Urgent Items

The Chairman informed members that he had agreed to take the following matters as urgent items:-

Representation at a meeting of the Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils.

Representation at a Rural Partnership meeting.

Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary Interest

Mrs. Morris declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 17 - Fencing of the play area on the Recreation Ground.

Question Time

Mr. Walker of Appleby Magna Football Club asked the Parish Council if it was aware that the Cricket Club had presented the Football Club with a bill of over £300 for outstanding electricity charges.   Mr. Walker was informed that this was a private matter between the two Clubs but that future difficulties may be able to be overcome with the establishment of  a Village Sports Association which was being discussed later in the meeting.

Decisions taken under delegated powers

Members were informed that the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had agreed to hold the October meeting of the Council on Friday 12th and not Thursday 4th as previously agreed.

 Almshouses Trustee

That Mr. Duncan Saunders be appointed as the Parish Council representative on the Board of Trustees of the Almshouses.  The appointment will be until May, 2003.

Police Matters

There was no police presence at the meeting. 

Neighbourhood Watch

That a public meeting be held in the Church Hall at 7.30 p.m. on 22nd June, 2000 to re establish neighbourhood watch in those parts of the village where none exists at present.

Budget and Financial Statements4

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April, 2000 to 22nd May, 2000 be noted.

Application for Financial Assistance

It was resolved that a donation of £100 be made to the Sir John Moore School towards the cost of  creating a resource/storage area on the balcony. (100684).

Sue Rider Hospice

That a donation of £25 be made to the Sue Rider Hospice at Staunton Harold in memory of the late Mr. Clive Didcott MBE TD. (100685).

Account for payment

Resolved that the following account be paid:- 


Parochial Church Council

Church Hall bookings


Purchase of IT Equipment

 That the Clerk be authorised to purchase IT equipment suitable for Parish Council use.

Planning Application

That no objection be made to planning application 000426 for the erection of a residents lounge, junction A444/B5493/Rectory Lane subject to the use of the extension being limited to that of a residents lounge, that no other activities be allowed in this area of the motel and no bar for the serving of alcohol be permitted in this lounge.

 Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Structure Plan 1996-2016

Resolved that representations be made on the joint Deposit Draft Structure Plan.  Members expressed their concern that according to local press reports the completion of the Ivanhoe Line, although still included in the Plan, appears not to be included in the County Council’s future plans.  At the meeting when that decision was taken it was suggested that improved park and ride schemes and the upgrading of the Leicester/Nuneaton rail service should be persued.  These schemes, whilst helping to improve the general traffic problems of the County, in no way compensate for the abandonment of the completion of the Ivanhoe line.  Concern was also expressed that by 2016 a much higer percentage of recycling should be sought than that outlined in the Plan.

A Manifesto for Rural Britain

That no comments be made on the document ‘A Manifesto for Rural Britain’ forwarded to the Council by David Taylor MP.

 School Buildings Funding Committee

That Ms. K. Phipps of 15 Old End and Mr. F. Steward of 16 Top Street be appointed as the Parish Councils representatives on the Joint Management Committee.  There is no time limit on the appointments.

 Recreation Ground Fencing

Mrs. Morris declared a pecuniary interest in this item and left the room during discussion thereof.  She took no part in the discussion or decision on this matter.

That a quotation of £949.24 from ‘Jungle GYM’ be accepted for the fencing of the children’s play area on the Recreation Ground.  It was agreed that the work be delayed whilst external funding for the project is persued.

 Village Sports Association

That the first public meeting of the Village Sports Association be held in July in the restaurant of the Black Horse.

 Heritage Watch

That details of the Heritage Watch Scheme being introduced by the County Council be advertised in the Parish News.

 Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils

That no representative be appointed to attend the AGM of the Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils to be held on 15th June, 2000.

 Leicestershire and Rutland Playing Fields Association

Mr. or Mrs. Morris volunteered to represent the Parish Council at the Leicestershire and Rutland Playing Fields Association AGM to be held on 13th June, 2000.

NWLDC Civic Service

Members were informed of an invitation to attend NWLDC Civic Service 2000 to be held on 25th June at St. Helens Church, Ashby de la Zouch.

Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to the urgent consideration of the following items of business for the reasons stated below.

Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils N W Leicestershire Branch

Urgent in view of the date of the meeting.

That no Parish Council representative be appointed to attend the Annual Meeting of the N W Leicestershire branch of the Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils.

Rural Partnership Meeting

Urgent in view of the date of the meeting.

Mr. Saunders agreed to represent the Council at a Rural Partnership meeting to be held at Brooksby College.


7.00 p.m. - 8.30 p.m.

1st June, 2000

Mrs.  E. Jeffrey

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