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Parish Council Minutes

June 2001

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Friday 8th June 2001 


Mr. K. J. Colver, Miss. S. T. Liff, Mrs. D. Morris and Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair).  

Apologies were received from Messrs. Lewis and Saunders. 

1207. Minutes 

The minutes of the meeting held on 4th May 2001 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

Members were informed of a letter of thanks from the Sport and Recreation Club. (Minute 1195). 

1208. Urgent Items 

The Chairman agreed that a planning application for the Fina Petrol Station on Atherstone Road and information on a Community Safety Initiative funding programme be taken as urgent items on the agenda. 

1209. Question Time 

Mr. Wightman  referred to agenda item 13 regarding the condition of the hedge on Measham Road between Stoney Lane and the Council Houses.  He informed members that it is his understanding that the Highway Authority own that part of the verge from the top of the bank to the highway. He asked that this information be taken into consideration when the item was considered. 

Members were informed of a letter submitted by Mrs. E. Shaw asking for the Parish Council’s agreement that the contractors who dug up bulbs and wild flowers between Stoney Lane and the entrance to St. Michaels Drive be requested to replant the area.  Members agreed to this suggestion. 

She also asked the Parish Council to approach the District Council to request that workmen strim the sides of the brook and to inform them that the sandbags are now falling into the brook. 

She informed members that Dr. Stephen Wise, Composting Manager, has offered to give the Appleby community a talk and site visit.  Compost is available at £4 for 2 square metres.  Members agreed to attend the site visit and talk if a convenient date could be arranged. 

1210. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests       

Mr. Colver declared a pecuniary interest in planning application 0100541 Black Horse Hill and Mrs. Morris declared a non pecuniary interest in the same application. 

1211. Police Matters 

Mr. Wightman informed members that he had been most impressed by the action of the Police following his report that a car had been left on Stoney Lane.  The car had been stolen in Tamworth and was later collected by the owner. 

The Chairman informed members that he had informed the police of two youths who were acting suspiciously in Appleby Parva. 

1212. Accounts for payment 

Agreed that the following accounts be paid:- 


Audit Commission – 99/00 Core Audit



Parochial Church Council – Church Hall Rent



Rural Community Council - Subscription


1213. Planning Applications 

That the District Council be informed that the Parish Council has no objection to planning application 0100541 – demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of new outbuilding, Mallow Tree, 13 Black Horse Hill. 

Mr. Colver declared a pecuniary interest and Mrs Morris a non pecuniary interest in the above matter, neither members took part in the discussion or decision thereon. 

That the District Council be informed that the Parish Council, whilst being sympathetic to the present difficulties of the proposed user, whose business the Council would not wish to see leaving the village, the granting of the planning application would set a precedent for B2 uses on the site which is near to residential properties.  If the butchers shop on Mawbys Lane was to close there would be pressure for retail sales to be made from this site. 

1214. Decision Notices 

That it be noted that North West Leicestershire District Council has made the following decisions on planning applications:- 

010189 – erection of two storey rear extension, 25 Church Street – Allowed

010313 – erection of single storey rear extension and subdivision of existing flat to form an additional flat,

35 Church Street - Refused

1215. DETR – Consultation on Draft Regional Planning Guidance for the East Midlands 

That no further observations be made on the Draft Regional Planning Guidance for the East Midlands.  

1216. Rectory Lane Drainage 

Members were concerned at the continued and ever more frequent flooding which is occurring on Rectory Lane.  The problem seams to have been made worse by the building of the motel and the inability of water on the roadway to find its way into the roadside ditches.  It was agreed that the Highway Authority be informed of the concerns and asked to investigate and rectify the problems. 

1217. Condition of Hedge on Measham Road between Stoney Lane and the Council Houses 

It was agreed that the Highway Authority be requested  to take appropriate action to secure the removal of overhanging trees on Measham Road between Stoney Lane and the Council Houses which cause difficulties for high vehicles.    

1218. Request for additional fencing to the rear of properties on Bowleys Lane 

Following consideration of a letter from the owners of 11 Bowleys Lane requesting that additional fencing be erected on the recreation ground to the rear of properties on Bowleys Lane, it was agreed that the Chairman and Vice Chairman undertake a site visit to estimate the extent of the alleged problem, that the Clerk be requested to obtain costs for additional fencing and of the Councils responsibility regarding damage caused by authorised activities, that the matter be reconsidered at the next meeting of the Council and that the owners of 11 Bowleys Lane be informed accordingly.   

1219. Drug abuse on Measham Road 

Members were informed that Mr. Dyer of 33 Measham Road had found evidence of drug abuse equipment at the entrance to the Woodland Trust property on Measham Road.  He had asked the District Council to pass the information on to the appropriate authorities.  

Mrs. Morris left the meeting at 8.00 p.m. and took no further part in the consideration of items on the agenda or decisions taken thereon. 

1220. Information Byway Advisory Board 

Following the recent success of Information Byway in its application to become an ICT learning centre, part of the Government’s UK Online initiative, Information Byway had decided to establish an Advisory Board for the project and the Parish Council was invited to appoint a representative.  It was agreed that

Mrs. E. Jeffrey, Clerk to the Parish Council be appointed to represent the Council on the Information Byway Advisory Board. 

1221. Rural Parish Transport Scheme 

It was agreed that further information be sought on establishing a village Social Car Scheme and whether it could be financed by the Rural Parish Transport Grant Scheme. 

1222. Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils AGM

No representative was appointed to attend the Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils AGM to be held at Barkby on 14th June 2001.  

1223. Leicestershire and Rutland Playing Fields Association AGM 

No representative was appointed to attend the Leicestershire and Rutland Playing Fields Association AGM to be held at Leicester on 12th June 2001. 

1224. Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils North West Leicestershire Branch AGM 

No representative was appointed to attend the Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils North West Leicestershire Branch AGM to be held at Ravenstone on 12th June 2001. 

1225. Urgent Items 

The Chairman agreed to the consideration of the following urgent items of business for the reasons set out below 

1226. Planning Application 0100610 – erection of extension to house car wash, Fina Petrol Station 

Urgent to enable comments to be forwarded to the District Council within the prescribed timescale. 

Agreed that no objection be made to planning application 0100610 – erection of extension to house car wash- Fina Petrol Station. 

1227. Leicestershire Rural Partnership Annual Conference 2001  

Urgent as the event takes place prior to the next meeting of the Council 

It was agreed that Mr. H. D. Saunders be appointed to represent the Parish Council at the  Leicestershire Rural Partnership Annual Conference 2001 to be held at Brooksby College on Thursday 12th July 2001.  


7.00 p.m. – 8.20 p.m.

8th June 2001

Mrs. E. Jeffrey

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