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Parish Council Minutes

June 2002

Minutes of the Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Thursday 6th June 2002.


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. Lewis, Miss. S. T. Liff and Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair).

1410.  Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd May 2002 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

Minute 1397.  The Clerk informed members that no advertisement for the appointment of a new Clerk to the Parish Council had been published in the Measham Messenger.  Publication dates did not coincide with advert dates. 

Minute 1406.  The Clerk referred to a letter from the Divisional Surveyor asking that members reconsider their decision to request the erection of a signpost at the junction of footpath Q22 and Snarestone Road.  It was agreed that the request be withdrawn.

Minute 1409.  The Clerk reported that land for the extension of the Recreation Ground was not for sale.  No progress could therefore be made on the provision of skate boarding facilities.

1411. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to take the following matters as urgent items of business:-

1412.  Question Time

No questions were put to the Council.

1413.  Declarations of amendments to the Register of Interests

No such declarations were made.

 1414. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests  

Mr. Quimby declared a pecuniary interest in the payment of the Chairmans Allowance. (Agenda item12 – 100767)

1415. Decisions taken under delegated powers

The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had :- 

1416. Parish Council Code of Conduct – Request for Dispensations

Members were requested to complete any request for dispensation forms and return them to the Clerk by 7th June 2002.  

1417. DTLR Conduct of Councillors Consultation Paper

 Observations on the consultation paper from the Department of Transport Local Government and the Regions on local investigation and determination of misconduct allegations of the Code of Conduct were agreed.

1418.  Appointment of a new Clerk to the Parish Council

It was agreed that interviews for the post of Clerk to the Parish Council be held at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday 2nd July at the Appleby Online meeting room with the first interviewee being invited for 7.00 p.m.  All members of the Parish Council were appointed to the panel and the Clerk was requested to attend.  (100769)

 1419 Police Matters

Motorcycles on the A444 

A report on the internet encouraging motor cyclists to use the A444 from Nuneaton to the M42 Motorway was brought to the attention of members.  A copy had been forwarded to the local police.

1420. Budget and Financial Statements 

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2002 to 22nd May 2002 be noted.

  1421. Accounts for payment

Agreed that the following accounts be paid:-


Trident Newspapers – Code of Conduct Public Notice



Trident Newspapers – Situations Vacant – Parish Clerk



Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation - Stationery



J. Quimby – Chairmans Allowance


 Mr. Quimby declared a pecuniary interest in the payment of the Chairmans Allowance upon which he did not speak or vote.

1422. Planning Application – The Barn,Rectory Lane

Resolved that the previous objections be maintained to the amended planning application 02/00380 – Conversion of barn to dwelling, Rectory Lane.

 1423. Planning Decision Notice

That it be noted that NWLDC had allowed planning application 02/00281 - Variation of condition to allow retail sales on Fridays, Unit C, Jubilee Business Park, Snarestone Road.

 1424. Community Planning – Updated Area Notes and Questionnaire Results

That no comment be made on the community planning updated area notes and questionnaire results.  Miss Liff agreed to continue as the Councils representative on this body. 

1425. Recreation Ground Dog Fouling Signs

      It was agreed to defer consideration of a request by the Sport and Recreation Club to erect dog-fouling signs at the Recreation Ground until further information was available on cost.  Members were asked to prepare suitable wording for such signs for the next meeting of the Council.

1426. Changes to Road Naming Procedures

That the amended procedure adopted by the District Council with regard to changes in the road naming procedures be noted.

1427. Golden Jubilee Service

The Chairman and Clerk agreed to represent the Council at a service to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen at Leicester Cathedral on Sunday 16th June.

1428. Annual General Meeting of the Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Parish & Local Councils

Members were informed of an invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Parish & Local Councils at Barkby Village Hall on 13th June.

1429. Annual General Meeting of the Leicestershire & Rutland Playing Fields Association

Members were informed of an invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Leicestershire & Rutland Playing Fields Association at Leicester on 18th June.

1430. Urgent Items

In consideration of there being no further meeting of the Council until 1st August the Chairman agreed to take the following matters as urgent items.

1431. Resignation of Mr. H. D. Saunders

The Chairman informed members that Mr. H. D. Saunders had resigned from his post of Parish Councillor.  Members expressed their appreciation for the work and commitment of Mr. Saunders over the past years.  The Council declared that a casual vacancy had occurred and resolved to give public notice of the vacancy in the usual manner.  It was agreed that notice also be given in the Parish Newsline.  

1432. East Midlands Development Agency

Members were informed of an invitation to attend a workshop to debate how the East Midlands Development Agency propose to move the East Midlands up the economic ladder over the next 7 years.  The Workshop is to be held at Leicester on 3rd July.

1433. Leicestershire Rural Partnership

Members were informed of an invitation to attend the seventh Annual Rural Conference of the Leicestershire Rural Partnership to be held at Melton Mowbray on 3rd July.

1434. Use of the Recreation Ground

It was agreed that a request from the Headteacher of the school to use the Recreation Ground for the school sports day on 8th or 9th July be approved.

1435. Planning Permission

That it be noted that NWLDC had approved planning application 02/00255 for the erection of extensions and alterations to existing entrance, Hotel Metro, be noted.

1436. Payment of Invoice

Approved the payment of an invoice from Leicestershire County Council of £30.85 for street lighting.(100768)

1437. Didcott Way Fencing

Following a complaint that the fencing in Didcott Way adjacent to the footpath to Wren Close was in a dangerous condition, the Chairman agreed to inspect the fence and to undertake any necessary repairs.

1438. Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Structure Plan 1996-2016

A copy of proposed modifications to the the Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Structure Plan 1996-2016 was distributed for Members perusal.  Members were asked to pass any observations on the document to the Clerk by16th July.

1439. Flooding on Rectory Lane

Members agreed to attend a site meeting on Rectory Lane with representatives of the County and District Councils to discuss flooding and drainage problems.


7.00 p.m. – 8.40 p.m.

6th June 2002 

Mrs. E. Jeffrey

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