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Parish Council Minutes

June 2006

Thursday 1st June 2006

Present: - Mr J Quimby – Chairman, Mr K Colver – Vice Chairman, Mr P Hemmerdinger & Mrs M Hemmerdinger 

Cllr. Hyde, David Taylor M.P. & residents

Apologies:- Mrs E Jeffrey & Mrs D. Morris 

2332    Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 4th May were read and endorsed.  

2333    Public Question Time

A resident requested if the Parish Council knew of any planning permission given for the affordable housing scheme.  It was agreed to discuss later in the meeting, when agenda item came up. 

David Taylor M.P. asked if the Parish Council had any issues which he could assist with.  The Parish Council and village resident expressed their concerns about rural crime, lack of police presence in the village, transfer of information between different police forces, recent spate of thefts in the village and difficulty in contacting the police.  Mr Taylor opposed the amalgamation of police forces as it may affect villages on the boundaries and may result in the loss of some resources and he agreed that beat officers should be highly visible. Mr Taylor agreed that police officers or community police officers should visit victims of crime even if these crimes are late being reported.  Mr Taylor informed the meeting that he would pursue the concerns with the Chief Constable.  Leicestershire County Councillor Hyde encouraged residents to report all crime, to give a true record of the level of crime in the area.  He also stated that crime levels were falling and the number of community police officers was increasing.  Cllr. Hyde agreed that reported crime should be followed up by a police officer or community officer visit.  He agreed that merging police forces must make sharing information a priority and he hoped the difficulty in contacting the police would improve with a future new telephone number scheme.  The Chairman thanked David Taylor M.P. and Councillor Hyde for attending the meeting.

2334    Declarations Of Amendment To The Register Of Interests


 2335    Declaration Of Interest To Items On Agenda

Councillor Colver declared an interest in agenda item ‘allotment matters’.

 2336    Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers

06/00672/FUL – 6 Garton Close – erection of conservatory ext. to rear elevation – no objections – Noted. 

2337    Police Matters

No officer present.

2338    Presentations by Visitors None. 

2339    Affordable Rural Housing Update

(Item brought forward on agenda - resident’s request)

The Chairman informed the meeting that a suitable site had been found in agreement with N.W.L.D.C. planners.  However, the purchase of the site by the Rural Housing Association had been delayed due to funding being spent elsewhere in the county and it was hoped funding would be available later in the year.  North West Leicestershire District Council had requested the number of proposed affordable rural homes be expanded to 12 (8 properties reserved for suitable Appleby Magna applicants and 4 properties for Snarestone and Swepstone applicants).  The Parish Council agreed in principle to the proposed 12 dwellings.

Mrs Shaw (resident of Appleby Magna) expressed her concerns about the allocation of the properties and the safe guarding of green field sites, outside of village limits, being at risk from ‘Affordable Rural Homes’ developments.  Following the village survey the Parish Council believed enough local people would apply to the Rural Housing Association for homes in the above scheme and would get priority.  The Chairman stated that the Parish Council had given serious consideration about the scheme including discussions with other Parish Councils which had affordable rural homes built in their villages, visiting these properties and also taken account of the survey results carried out in Appleby Magna and Appleby Parva.  Mr Taylor M.P. agreed there was a need for ‘affordable rural’ homes but emphasised that the definition of local applicants and affordability / income were clearly defined by the Rural Housing Association when allocating properties and they remain affordable for future generations.  The Chairman asked the clerk to pass on available dates to Richard Windley (Leicestershire Rural Housing Enabler) for future public meetings where more details would be available about the proposed ‘affordable housing scheme’.

2340    Planning Applications

06/00717/FUL – Blythe Park, Snarestone Road – erection of two front & two side dormer windows – no objections

06/00713/LBC – Sir John Moore C of E School, Top Street – internal alterations to door & threshold secretary’s office – no objections

2341    Planning Decision Notices

06/00415/FUL – 95 Tamworth Road – erection of two storey side ext., single storey rear ext., detached garage & external alterations to dwelling – refused

06/00496/TCA – Bramble Cottage, 22A Black Horse Hill – reduction of height of 1 willow tree – granted

06/00360/FUL – Birds Hill House, 231 Tamworth Road – erection of single storey ext. to side – granted

06/00472/FUL – 38 Church Street – erection of detached double garage – granted - Noted.

2342    Approval Of Budget And Financial Statements

1st April 05 to 18th May 06 budget & financial statements - Noted.

2343    Accounts For Payment

Karen Stirk – Clerk's Payment – 1st May to 31st May 06 - £282.43

Karen Stirk – Expenses for April 06 - £16.76

Tradamis – Maypole workshops, book & CD –£252.00

Sir John Moore Foundation – Room Hire April-Sept. 06 - £75.00

Leicestershire North Area Neighbourhood Watch – 5 x signs - £30

Lin Smith – Internal Audit - £50

All cheques agreed and signed. 

2344    Allotment Matters

It is believed the allotment boundary has been encroached by a neighbouring property where allotment land has been included in the garden.  Following legal advice and obtaining title plans from Land Registry, the Parish Council agreed to use the information to plot the correct boundary line and then further consider taking legal action. 

The Parish Council looked at skip hire quotations and agreed to organise for allotment holders to remove inherited rubbish (not vegetation), the clerk to inform allotment holders and book skip hire date.

2345    Schools’ Bus Routes – Safety & Environmental Issues

The Parish Council agreed, following investigations and observations, the schools’ coaches passing through the village could follow different safer routes.  Photographs of the route taken at school times clearly showed the safety and environmental problems.  After seeing the photographs County Cllr. Hyde requested the Parish Council suggest an alternative safer route through the village.  It was agreed to send the photographic evidence to Leicestershire Education Department requesting a site visit.

2346    L.C.C. Leicestershire Local Access Forum – Rights of Way

A letter had been received from the above requesting suggestions to improve rights of way for all.  The Parish Council agreed that some improvements could be made possibly to change kissing gate entrances to footpaths with alternatives so allowing easier access for pushchairs, this item to be discussed at next meeting. 

2347    Cruse Bereavement Care (Charnwood & NW Leicestershire)

A request for a donation had been received from the above, it was agreed to send the same donation as last year. 

2348    CPRE Design Award Scheme

A nomination request had been received from the above, it was agreed to nominate the Sir John Moore Coach House complex including the landscaping. 

2349    Closed Churchyard Wall

Some quotations had been received to rebuild the collapsed section of the above.  However, it was agreed to make a decision when further quotations had been received. 

2350    Neighbourhood Watch Signs

Five Neighbourhood Watch signs had been purchased and details of the correct places to put the signs had been obtained from N.W. Leicestershire Highways Department.  It was agreed to pass signs to Cllr. Colver for installation. 

2351    Pavilion Refurbishment / Rebuild

The Sports and Recreation Club had agreed to put their ideas for the proposed rebuilt pavilion into drawings with the Parish Council Chairman and Vice Chairman to attend the next Sports and Recreation Club meeting. 

2352    Annual Return Statement

The Chairman checked and signed the completed annual audit return for year ending March 2006. 

2353    Ideas for Written Piece - Parish News Line

The Parish Council agreed to put in the Parish News Line the following points: -

a)         Parish Council meetings dates

b)         Request to cut back overgrown hedgerows over footpaths

c)         Inform allotment holders of forthcoming letters about the removal of rubbish    

2354    Urgent Items

(Taken as urgent due to response times)

Planning Consultations

06/00782/FUL – 7 Wren Close – erection of single storey ext. to rear – no objections

06/00788/FUL – Lavender Cottage, 14 Rectory Lane – formation of vehicular access – no objections

Cheque for Payment

John Quimby – Chairman’s Allowance - £100 - signed

Appleby Parva – A444 Atherstone Road Proposed Local Safety Scheme

The Chairman read out details of the forthcoming A444 Atherstone Road Safety Proposal which included a village gateway treatment scheme and vehicle activated warning signs.  The Parish Council welcomed the proposed measures to improve road safety on the A444 Appleby Parva.  It was agreed to again request more street lighting for Appleby Parva.

Ms K. Stirk 

Clerk to the Parish Council   

4th June 2006

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