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Parish Council Minutes

June 2013

Thursday 13th June 2013, 7.30 pm, Sir John Moore Community Building, Appleby Magna

Present: -        Cllrs P Hemmerdinger (Chair), M Hemmerdinger, G Pott, R Butler, P Smith,
Lindsay Swinfield, Clerk, Mr James Carpenter (NWLDC), Ms Heather Worum, County Councillor, 14 members of the public

1367    Apologies – Cllr D Wildgoose (apology accepted)

1368    Declarations of Interest both personal & prejudicial to Items on Agenda – Nil

1369    Open forum for members of the public and press

James Carpenter, Principal Planning and Customer Liaison Officer from North West Leicestershire District Council attended the Parish meeting at the request of the Chairman.  James outlined the current planning policy position nationally, in North West Leicestershire and in respect of Appleby.  James outlined the District Councils requirement from Government to deliver housing growth across the District, and that this requirement had been re-enforced by a recent appeal decision in Ashby de la Zouch (a copy of which was provided to members).  James confirmed that as was the case with a number of other “Sustainable Villages” (as defined by the Emerging Core Strategy) Appleby was generating developer led interest for residential development.

James advised that in the current planning context, more and more developers are, on appeal, securing development in locations that Council’s have sought to protect. Despite the position that the Core strategy establishes for Sustainable Villages, there could be no guarantees that a refusal of planning permission for a development in Appleby at a district level, could not be overturned on appeal. A 5 year housing development allocation has not been met by NWLDC due to various circumstances, and this has implications on the amount of housing planned per area.

James advised that it would be prudent for the Parish Council to engage pro-activity with any developers expressing an interest in building around Appleby as this is encouraged by the National Planning Policy Framework. James felt that the Parish Council would be sensible to consider what benefits from development could be sought, irrespective of the position it wished to take on any potential planning application.  By engaging in discussions with prospective developers the Parish may be able to secure financial contributions towards community improvements that it might not if it resolutely chooses not to engage.  It would also be better placed to try and influence the type of development in terms of design, scale, affordable housing provision etc.  This could be done without prejudice to the view taken on any future applications that may or may not come forward.

James responded to a number of questions from members of the public, and also provided an update on the District Councils position on the initial proposed route of HS2 (NWLDC is opposed to the proposed route for HS2).

1370    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on May 2nd 2013 were endorsed and signed

1371    Decisions made under delegated powers – Nil
1372    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters      
Please ring 0116 2222222 or 101 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.  Police Sergeant 531 Mark Watson,

1373    Planning Consultations
a.         13/00296/FUL, Sir John Moore Foundation Top Street, extension and remodelling of 19th century stable block and old gardeners shed to provide additional accommodation.
b.         13/00289/FULM, 1 New Road (Hall Farm), proposed change of use of building and land from agricultural to the storage of leisure vehicles.
1374    Planning Decisions
a.         5 Wren Close, erection of two no. two storey side extensions – granted.
b.         2 Meadowbrook Court, height reduction of hedgerow – granted.
c.         10 Rectory Lane, land adjacent to – erection of one detached dwelling (amended scheme) – granted.

1375    HS2 (High Speed Train) project – keep on agenda – no further information available at this time.
1376    Appleby Magna Recreation Ground issues and concerns
a.         The matter of drainage, ditches and concern over flooding was discussed – on hold, this item to remain on the agenda.

1377    Footpaths, Hedgerows, Street and Allotment Matters
a.         LCC’s Snow Warden scheme (Leicester County Council) – on hold waiting for further information from LCC.
b.         Dingle Lane litter and rubbish problem – despite requests to NWLDC to clear this area, the rubbish is still there – Cllr P Hemmerdinger to send the Clerk exact location details.

1378    Sir John Moore Foundation update
a.         The boundary wall has now been rebuilt, and the Planning Officer has approved proposed works.

1379    World War One Centenary in 2014, memorial plans for the village
a.         Correspondence had been received from Mrs Pauline Bee, Churchwarden for St Michael & All Angels’ Church.  Mrs Bee kindly gave details of existing memorials within the village; this matter is on hold.

1380    Correspondence
a.         Appleby Magna Surgery closure was discussed and an email from Doctor Ashton read out – it would seem that every avenue has been looked into to keep the surgery open, but due to the inspection by the Quality Care Commission, the building is not fit for purpose, and there are no funds available to make the necessary changes.  Clerk to write to Dr Ashton asking who owns the building – was it given in Trust?  What will happen to the building, could the Parish take it over?

1381    Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The payment list and bank reconciliation were reviewed and approved, RESOLVED, unanimous  

1382    Ideas for Written Piece – Parish News Line
a.         Reiterate information re street lighting changes in the village (LCC signage has been placed informing residents of the proposed changes).

b.         Request that all dog owners pick up after their dogs.

1383    Urgent Items
a.         A document outlining the method of ordering salt bins from LCC (£200 each) was discussed, and members decided not to request any bins at this time.

b.         Information had been received from the NHS Trust Glenfield Hospital, re a national campaign to tackle sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) – 100,000 people die from SCA in the UK every year.  When CPR is administered to someone who has suffered an SCA, they have a 9% chance of survival, when CPR and an AED are used together, the chance of survival increases to 50%.  AED = Automated external defibrillator.  The plan is to place a public access AED in the community. Members requested that Clerk ask for further information.

The meeting ended at 9pm

Date of next meeting:  August 1st 2013, 7.30pm @The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School

 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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