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Parish Council Minutes

March 2002

 Minutes of a Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Thursday 7th March 2002


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair), Mr. J. Lewis, Mrs. D. Morris and Mr. H. D. Saunders. 

Apologies were received from Miss. S. T. Liff

1369. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2002 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

Members were informed that in respect of minute 1354 the Divisional Surveyor had considered the request for the installation of kerbs other than pressed concrete and for various reasons could not offer an alternative.

 Members were also informed that the Director of Planning and Transportation replied in respect of minute 1367 that there is no provision within the policy of the concessionary travel scheme to make exceptions due to journey purpose.  He is however summarising all comments received and making these available to members of the County Council.

 1370. Urgent Items

 The Chairman agreed that the CPRE subscription be taken as an urgent item on the agenda. 

1371. Question Time

No questions were raised.

1372. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests  

No such declarations were made.

1373. Decisions taken under delegated powers.

The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had reserved two places at a Community Seminar to be held at County Hall on 21st March 2002.  Mr. Saunders and the Clerk agreed to represent the Council.

1374. Adoption of the Parish Council Code of Conduct and Registration of Parish Councillors’ Interests

Following perusal of the Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 3576 and information from the Monitoring Officer and advice from the Clerk it was proposed by Mr. Saunders and seconded by Mrs. Morris that the Model Code be adopted subject to the deletion of paragraphs 2 (c) and 12 as set out in SI No. 3576.

An amendment was moved by Mr. Colver that the Model Code be adopted as set out in SI No. 3576.  The amendment was not seconded and therefore fell.

A further amendment was proposed by Mr. Colver and seconded by Mrs Morris that consideration of the Code of Conduct and Members Interests be deferred to an extraordinary meeting of the Council to which the Monitoring Officer be invited to address members.  The amendment was put and carried unanimously.

1375. Police Matters

The Clerk reported that PC Claire Horsley had sent her apologies for not being able to attend the meeting, she had however reported that due to the increase of incidents of theft of and from cars at the M42 service station and Hotel Metro the Police were mounting an operation in that area.  Other initiatives had included the Crime Bus being stationed in the village last week and stop checks in the area.

1376. Budget and Financial Statements

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2001 to 22nd February 2002 be noted.

1377. Request for Financial Assistance

It was agreed that a donation of £25 be made to the Winged Fellowship Trust (100751).

1378. Planning Applications

It was agreed that no objection be made to the following planning applications: -

02/00255 – erection of extensions and alterations to existing entrance and restaurant to form conference facilities including provision of additional parking, Hotel Metro, Atherstone Road

02/00186 - erection of single storey rear extension, 21 Church Street

02/00273 – erection of two storey side extension, Jubilee Farm House, 21 Snarestone Road

02/00280 – erection of single storey rear extensions, 3 Moore Close

02/00281 – variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission 01/00538 to allow retail sales on Fridays, Unit C, Jubilee Business Park, Snarestone Road

1379. Article 4(2) Direction

The Council noted that North West Leicestershire District Council had decided not to confirm the Direction dated 12th October 2001 made under the provisions of Article 4(2) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order in respect of properties in Appleby Magna and agreed to inform the District Council of it’s dismay that this provision had been withdrawn after such a limited trial period.  

1380. Planning Green Paper – Planning: Delivering a Fundamental Change

Upon consideration of a request from the County Council to support its opposition to the abolition of Structure Plans in favour of wider regional guidance and of the concerns of CPRE on the Planning Green Paper – ‘Planning: Delivering a Fundamental Change’ it was agreed that the DTLR be informed that the Parish Council is concerned that at the present time Structure Plans already feel very remote from our concerns and the proposed abolition/dilution of Structure Plans in favour of wider regional guidance would only make parishes feel even more remote as was demonstrated in comments submitted in relation to preparation of the Regional Planning Guidance.  Community planning is no substitute for Local Plans.

The Parish Council is also greatly concerned that Parish Councils have not been consulted on this document which proposes, among others, that Parishes would no longer be consulted by District Councils on planning applications and that the situation remains unchanged with respect to third party appeals as Parish views are represented by the Local Council.

The Parish Council supports the increased emphasis on making information on planning applications available on the internet and the proposed outlawing of repeat applications and reducing the time limit for permissions.

1381. Fly Tipping on Salt Street

It was agreed that a copy of the letter from Austrey Parish Council regarding fly tipping in Salt Street be forwarded to the Divisional Surveyor and that he be informed of the Parish Councils fears that items could be dropped onto the M42 motorway. 

1382. Recreation Ground Fencing 

The Working Party reported that it was possible to retain the existing metal and oak posts at the entrance to the Recreation Ground and to attach fencing similar to that used for the play area.  Two new posts and a field gate together with a kissing style gate are also required.  Post and rail fencing is also required at the pavilion entrance.  Preliminary costings, excluding the pedestrian gate, are £400 which is substantially less than the amount quoted for less work 2 years ago.  It was agreed that the Working Party order the materials and proceed with the work as soon as possible.  Red and white safety tape is to be attached to the bar at the main entrance and over the culvert at the pavilion entrance as a temporary safety measure.

It was reported that the hinge was broken on the play area gates.

1383. Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy Meetin

Members were informed of a Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy Meeting to be held at Ashby on 12th March.

1384. A National Training Strategy for Town and Parish Councils in England

         That no comment be made on the national training strategy for Town and Parish Councils in England. 

1385. Launch of the Oyster Awards

Agreed that the Clerk and Mr. Saunders prepare a nomination for the Oyster awards for village individuals who have worked for the benefit of the community.

1386. Dog Fouling 

That following recent complaints on the condition of footways fouled by dogs it was agreed that a reminder to put in the Parish Newsline reminding parishioners of their responsibilities, that the Divisional Surveyor be asked once more to consider the use of footway stencils and that the District Council be asked to provide litter bins near to roadside seats.

1387. Urgent Item

The Chairman agreed to the consideration of the following urgent item of business due to there being no scheduled Parish Council meeting in April.

1388. Council for the Protection of Rural England - Subscription

That membership of CPRE be renewed at a cost of £25. (100752).  



7.00 p.m. – 8.55 p.m.

7th March 2002 

Mrs. E. Jeffrey


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