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Parish Council Minutes

March 2003

Minutes of the meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held in the Church Hall on 6 March 2003.


Mr. J.K Colver, Mr P. Hemmerdinger, Ms S. Liff, Mr J. Lewis and Mr J Quimby (in the chair)

Apologies: Mrs D Morris

1599. Minutes: Of the meeting held on 6 February - these were taken as read and duly endorsed.

1600. Urgent items:

The  Chairman agreed to take the following items as urgent business:-

Planning application 03/00275/AGP - Redhill Farm - extension to existing agricultural buildings.

Drug awareness session from NWLDC - offer of a presentation to the AMPC.

Parish Power - an offer of support - non financial.

Heritage Watch Folder - available to AMPC Councillors

1601. Question time: 

No members of the public attended.

1602. Declaration of amendments to the register of interests

No such declarations were made

1603. Declarations of interest by members to items on the agenda

Mr J Lewis registered an interest in a planning application and was excluded for the duration of the debate.

1604. Decisions taken under delegated power

No such decisions were made.

1605. Police Report: 

A paper was presented to the Chairman earlier in the day by beat office P.C. Claire Horsley - badge no. 4041

Bikes were stolen from an insecure garage in Wren Close, AM between 2 Feb and 16 Feb 2003.

A vehicle was stolen from Measham Road on 2 March 2003

Tools were stolen from a farm overnight from a farm on Autrey Lane, AM on the night of 21 Feb 2003.

Verbal reports were also received about the illegal use of air rifles firing over other residents property within the Parish - any such events should all be reported to the police. 

1606. Budget and Financial Statements 

That the budget and financial statements from 1 April 2002 to 22 Feb 2003 were accepted and noted.

1607. Accounts for payment:-

Council for the Protection of Rural England - donation of £25

Leicestershire and Rutland Playing Fields Association - annual subscription £15

Ian Nettleship - Clerk to AMPC - salary from 6 Feb to 6 March 2003 £161.20

Clerk’s expenses - 5 Dec 2002 to 25 Feb 2003 £49.53

1608. Planning Applications:-

03/00092//FUL, 3 Duck Lake, AM - Side extension and porch - objections had been registered independently to NWLDC

03/00123/FUL, 8 and 10 Garton Close - extension over existing garages.- this was not objected to.

1609. Parish Council Based Tax Bands for 2003/4

These were Presented - at previous year’s levels - and accepted.

1610. School Governing Body - nominee

The AMPC agreed to support the re-election of Ms Liff to the Governing Body 

1611. Urgent items

Planning application 03/00275/AGP - Redhill Farm - extension to existing agricultural buildings. Previous history to be circulated to Councillors.

Drug awareness session from NWLDC - offer of a presentation to the AMPC. Not taken up.

Parish Power - an offer of support - non financial. Not taken up.

Heritage Watch Folder - available to AMPC Councillors

Circulated to interested parties

 I A Nettleship

Clerk to the Parish Council

24 March 2003


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