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Parish Council Minutes

March 2006

Thursday 2nd March 2006 

Present: - Mr J Quimby – Chairman, Mr K Colver – Vice Chairman, Mrs E Jeffrey, Mrs D. Morris, Mr P Hemmerdinger & Mrs M Hemmerdinger   

Mr J Dunkelman and Mr C Nicholls 

2273     Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 2nd February 2006 were read and endorsed.

2274     Public Question Time


2275     Declarations Of Amendment To The Register Of Interests


2276     Declaration Of Interest To Items On Agenda

Councillors Colver, Morris and Quimby declared their interests in agenda item 17 – a request received to support the gala day from the Trustees of the Sir John Moore Foundation. Councillor Morris declared an interest in agenda item 14 - proposed dates & venue for future P.C. meetings. 

2277     Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers

Planning Consultation

06/00173/TCA – 11 Black Horse Hill – removal of 9 lilac trees & 1 apple tree – no objections 

2278     Police Matters

No officer present. 

2279     Presentations by Visitors


2280     Planning Applications

06/00214/FUL – Land adjacent, Spring Cottage, 30 Bowley’s Lane – formation of ménage & erection of perimeter fencing – no objections, letter to NWLDC confirming private use only & rest of ridge & furrow field remains & to continue conservation of the Great Crested Newt.          

2281     Planning Decision Notices


2282     Approval Of Budget And Financial Statements

1st April 05 to 18th February 06 budget & financial statements


2283     Accounts For Payment

Karen Stirk – Clerk's Payment – 1st February to 28th February 06 - £282.43

Karen Stirk – Expenses for January 06 - £9.41

Appleby Magna Football Club – Annual donation - £100 (agreed last budget)

Appleby Magna Cricket Club – Annual donation - £100 (agreed last budget)

Sir John Moore Foundation – Annual donation - £250 (agreed last budget)

Parochial Church Council – Churchyard grass cutting - £550 (agreed 2/2/06)

Victim Support Leics. & Rutland – Donation - £50 - (agreed 2/2/06)

Appleby Magna Cricket Club – Maint. Recreation Grnd. - £643.81 - (agreed 2/2/06)

C.P.R.E. – Annual Subscription - £26

All cheques agreed and signed. 

2284     Allotment Boundaries

A letter had been sent to the owners of 24 Rectory Lane from the P.C. regarding a disputed boundary between the house garden and allotments.  The owner had replied to the clerk that the work carried out to the boundary had not encroached on P.C. land.  The Chairman read a letter from N.W.L.D.C. planners advising boundary disputes were not the jurisdiction of the Local Planning Authority.  It was agreed to request the owners of 24 Rectory Lane have a site meeting with the P.C.  Clerk to send letter. 

The cost of replacing fencing alongside allotment plot 48 was agreed, with the Chairman and Vice - Chairman to carry out the repairs. 

2285  Leicestershire C.C. Online Planning Service - Electronic Consultations

It was agreed to continue to receive paper copies of planning proposals from L.C.C. 

2286     Proposed Dates for 2006 / 2007 Meetings & Costs

(Councillor Morris declared interest)

The Parish Council agreed to the proposed meeting dates for the year ahead.  It was agreed to hold all future meetings at the Sir John Moore School.  Clerk to inform residents of future meetings venue in the Parish News Line. 

2287     Request for Legal Right on Shared Access - 14 Rectory Lane

The Chairman read a letter from property lawyers representing the vendors of 14 Rectory Lane requesting the P.C. grants a legal right of access over the allotment entrance.  Councillor Jeffrey believed the right of access had been an informal agreement between the owners of 14 Rectory Lane and the P.C. The P.C. agreed to seek advice from the Association of Parish Councils.  Mr Nicholls, potential purchaser of 14 Rectory Lane, also requested the P.C. entered into a formal agreement to grant legal right of access.  The Chairman replied that the P.C. would look into the request and try to accommodate where possible and welcomed Mr Nicholls to the village.  (Item to be on next agenda). 

2288     Proposed Diversion of Footpath Q17 – Off Old End

The Parish Council discussed the proposed diversion and found no objections, clerk to inform L.C.C.  

2289     Appleby’s Story Gala Day

(Councillors Morris, Quimby & Colver declared their interests)

The Parish Council in quorum agreed to contribute £650 towards purchasing a maypole, ribbons and workshops for the Gala Day. 

2290     Rectory Lane Lay-By

Councillor Hemmerdinger reminded the P.C. that the L.C.C. Highways promised grass seeding to the Rectory Lane lay-by, in the autumn, had not been carried out.  It was agreed to request the L.C.C. Highways raise the level of the lay-by to a similar height to the other verges with posts put on to stop parking, damage to hedgerows and preventing rubbish being dumped.  The Parish Council to seek advice from L.C.C. Highways about the possibility of installing false gates across the verges with ‘Welcome to Appleby Magna’ signs, to improve the visual entrance to the village. 

2291     Funding for Children’s Play Projects

It was agreed to contact N.W.L.D.C. to delay their request for proposed projects until after the Annual Parish Meeting.           

2292     L.C.C. Request Views on Potential Site for Waste Facilities

The P.C. discussed the proposed Little Wigston site for recycling/reuse of waste.  A letter, from N.W.L.D.C., was read by the Chairman which listed objections to the proposed site.  The Parish Council agreed with the views of N.W.L.D.C. to object to the proposed site in Little Wigston.  Clerk to send objection letter to Leicestershire County Council. 

2293     Recreation Ground Pavilion – Refurbishment/Rebuild

Following a recent meeting with the Sports & Recreation Club, the Chairman informed the P.C. that if the pavilion was to be rebuilt, moving it further onto the Recreation Ground would be considered.  A less expensive option would be to extend out from the rear of the pavilion.  The Chairman agreed to liaise with the Sports & Recreation Club to decide what facilities are required.  Councillor Jeffrey suggested the Sports Councils and Sport England maybe useful sources of information when taking the project forward. 

2294     Closed Churchyard Fallen Wall

The clerk informed the P.C. and Mr Dunkelman, that a representative of the Parochial Church Council would look at drawings held in Church House, Leicester to try and establish ownership of the closed churchyard boundary wall.  It was expected to receive some information within the next two weeks.  The clerk to keep all parties informed.  It was agreed to request brambles and weeds be cut down from the wall when ground maintenance was being carried out, as these were having a detrimental effect on the stone wall.  The P.C. also discussed that previously some work had been carried out to the closed churchyard boundary wall without the Parish Council’s knowledge. 

2295     Ideas for Written Piece - Parish News Line

The Parish Council agreed to put in the Parish News Line the following points: -

a)         Venue for all Parish Council meetings

b)         Allotment rent details

c)         Disposal of dog pooh bags           

2296     Urgent Items   

(Taken as urgent due to response times)

Planning Consultation

06/00301/FUL – 48 Top Street – erection of rear conservatory – no objections

Ms K. Stirk
Clerk to the Parish Council

4th March 2006

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