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Parish Council Minutes

March 2013

Thursday 7th March 2013, 7.30pm, Sir John Moore Community Building, Appleby Magna

Present: -        Cllrs P Hemmerdinger (Chair), M Hemmerdinger, G Pott, R Butler, P Smith, D Wildgoose
Lindsay Swinfield Clerk, 2 members of the public, County Councillor Mr Richard Blunt

1315    Apologies – Nil.

1316    Declarations of Interest both personal & prejudicial to Items on Agenda – County Cllr Blunt declared an interest as he has a relative affected by the HS2 project.

1317    Open forum for members of the public and press

Does the Parish have a Tree Warden – not at present.  All agreed that a note be included in the Parish Newsline asking residents to inform the Clerk or a Councillor of any unusual tree cutting or pruning, especially within the Conservation area.  Clerk to ask NWLDC (North West Leicestershire District Council) for a copy of their record of trees with TPO’s within the Parish.

Sonia Liff (Environment Group for the Parish) gave some feedback on the latest Community Forum meeting – aspects that involved HS2.  A formal consultation should take place in June or July 2013; various speakers were present and judicial reviews are ongoing.  Minutes of the Forum meeting will be published by the Forum group leaders at a later date.

County Cllr Blunt reported that a case for the rail to go via Derby was being debated, and the Appleby area has three people to represent them re HS2/debates.  The Clerk will email MP Mr Andrew Bridgen and request feedback re HS2 following his meeting with the Transport Minister at the end of February 2013.

1318    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 7th February 2013 were endorsed and signed

1319    Decisions made under delegated powers – Nil
1320    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters      
Please ring 0116 2222222 or 101 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.  Police Sergeant 531 Mark Watson,

1321    Planning Consultations - nil

1322    Planning Decisions
a.         Hall Farm, 1 New Road, cover and end extension to silage clamp to form a grainstore with lean-to (Agricultural Prior Notification) – granted.

1323    HS2 (High Speed Train) project
Cllr Pott passed on the following information from attending a HS2 meeting hosted by the NFU.
HS2 costs were estimated at 165 million pounds per mile; 200 metres minimum width required for construction; larger areas compulsory purchased as needed: ie stockyards (10s of acres), bridges, road alterations etc.

            The Clerk distributed information on the High Speed Hardship Exceptional Scheme, HS2 Action Alliance fight legal battles for the campaign against HS2 and for compensation claims, can be contacted on, and

1324    Appleby Magna Recreation Ground issues and concerns
a.         Following on from discussion held at the February 2013 meeting, it was agreed (unanimous) to pay £325 for the drainage work carried out on the Recreation field.  This matter to be reviewed in June 2013, and to be left as an agenda item.

1325    Footpaths, Hedgerows, Street and Allotment Matters
a.         LCC (Leicester County Council) had responded to the Clerks query re a Snow Warden for Appleby Magna – all agreed to take this forward based on further information received from LCC.

1326    Correspondence
a.         Details of the HLF (Heritage Lottery Fund) grants were discussed, Cllr Wildgoose has a copy and Cllr Smith requested a copy of the grant programme.  Cllr Wildgoose reported that the Sir John Moore Foundation had received a grant of £28k from the Arts Council, and needed match funding, a letter of support for the arts project will be sent from the Parish Council, along with the grant pro-forma.

b.         Cllr Wildgoose reported that local teenagers have organised an Over 60’s event in the village on 2nd June 2013 – all welcome to attend.

c.         Ms Sonia Liff gave a brief overview of plans for the new Village Design Statement (VDS) for Appleby Magna, and will require a grant to cover printing costs.  Clerk to email a grant pro-forma for completion.  All agreed the Grass Roots Festival would be a good place for a consultation exercise within the Parish.

1327    Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The payment list and bank reconciliation were reviewed and approved, RESOLVED, unanimous.

b.         Citizens Advice Bureau request for a donation – proposed by Cllr P Hemmerdinger, seconded by Cllr Smith, RESOLVED, unanimous to donate £50.00.

c.         A discussion took place re provision of equipment and funds for the voluntary litter picker – all agreed to defer this matter until 6 months time.

d.         Appleby Cricket Club annual charges for maintaining the recreation ground - £683.87, proposed by Cllr M Hemmerdinger, seconded by Cllr Butler, RESOLVED to pay the annual fee.

1328    Ideas for Written Piece – Parish News Line
a.         HS2 information and details of how to register opinions;
b.         Request residents report any unusual tree cutting or pruning in the village, especially within the Conservation area.

The meeting ended at 9.15pm

Date of next meeting:  April 4th 2013, 7.30pm, Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Parish Council meeting @The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School     

 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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