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Annual Parish Council Minutes

May 2001

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Friday 4th May 2001


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. Lewis, Miss. S. T. Liff, Mrs. D. Morris, Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair) and Mr. H. D. Saunders.

1183. Election of Chairman

It was proposed by Mr. Colver seconded and carried that Mr. J. Quimby be elected Chairman of the Parish Council for the coming year.

1184. Election of Vice Chairman

It was proposed by Mr. Lewis seconded and carried that Mr. K. J. Colver be elected Vice Chairman of the Parish Council for the coming year.

1185. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st March 2001 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

1186. Urgent Items

There were no urgent items for consideration. 

1187. Question Time

No questions were put to the Council.

1188. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

No such declarations were made.

1189. Police Matters

Inspector Simon Worthington informed members that he was very keen to get the latest Rural Beat Team project up and running.  The initiative was one of only three in rural locations in Leicestershire where additional officers and a mobile police station had been provided.  The project would be officially launched at an open evening in June at a venue to be decided and to which all District and Parish Councillors would be invited together with members of the public.  The project was aimed at creating improved community links and to give the force a higher profile in the area.

Mrs. Morris left the meeting at 7. 20 p.m. and took no further part in the meeting.

1190. Decisions taken under delegated powers

The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had made observations on the following planning applications:-

010106 – Alterations to dormer window and installation of rooflights to dwelling, alterations to outbuilding and pedestrian access and creation of vehicular access and the removal of a protected tree, 13 Blackhorse Hill

010313 – erection of rear extension and sub-division of existing flat to form an additional dwelling, 35 Church Street

10307 – installation of an emergency generator, BT Twycross, Austrey Road, Appleby Parva

010239 – erection of one dwelling (outline), Redhill Farm, Top Street

010227 – erection of temporary classroom building on playing field area, Sir John Moore School, Top Street

010151 – erection of rear extension, porches and attached garage, Rose Cottage, Atherstone Road, Appleby Parva

0100391 – change of use (in part) to interpretive centre, B1 (office) use and change of use of outbuilding to community meeting room.  Change of use of stable block to computer centre with landscaping and new car parking area, Sir John Moore School, Top Street

1191 Dates of Future Meetings

It was agreed that Parish Council meetings be held at 7.00 p.m. in the Church Hall on Friday 8th June 2001, Thursday 2nd August 2001, Thursday 6th September 2001, Thursday 4th October 2001, Thursday 1st November 2001, Thursday, 6th December 2001, Thursday 7th February 2002, Thursday 7th March 2002, Thursday 4th April 2002 (Annual Parish Meeting) and Thursday 2nd May 2002 (Annual Meeting of the Parish Council).

1192. Budget and Financial Statements 

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2000 to 31st March 2001, be noted.

1193. 2000/2001 Accounts

That the 2000/2001 accounts of the Parish Council be approved and signed for submission to the District Auditor.

  1194. Accounts for payment

        Agreed that the following accounts be paid:-


National Association of Parish and Local Councils - Subscription



Leicestershire and Rutland Playing Fields Association - Subscription



Cornhill Insurance



Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation – Printer cartridges



E. Jeffrey salary April, May and June 2001



E. Jeffrey – Expenses 01/03/01 to 04/05/01


 1195. Applications for Financial Assistance

That in response to the application for financial assistance from the Appleby Sport and Recreation Club towards running expenses of the pavilion, it was agreed to make a donation of £150.00 (100725).

That no donation be made to the Ashby and District Woodland appeal.

1196. Planning Application

That the District Council be informed that the Parish Council has no objection to planning application 01/00417 for the internal and external alterations and refurbishment of Home Farm, Top Street but considers that the District Councils own Conservation officer should comment on the application when it is considered by the Planning Group.

1197. Decision Notice

That it be noted that North West Leicestershire District Council has refused planning application 010239 for the erection of one dwelling (outline) Redhill Farm, Top Street.

1198. Request for speed limit and additional lighting, Tamworth Road

The Chairman reported that following an accident on Tamworth Road in which serious injuries were sustained he had received a request for the Parish Council to apply for the introduction of a speed limit and the provision of additional street lighting on this stretch of the road.  Members considered that additional street lighting would not be beneficial in this location and would cause additional light pollution.

It was agreed that the County Council be requested to impose a speed limit on Tamworth Road from the top of Birds Hill to its junction with Measham Road.

1199. Appleby Magna Conservation Area

It was agreed that the minor changes proposed by the District Council in the review of the conservation area noted.  It was also agreed that the District Council be informed that the Parish Council considers that parts of Black Horse Hill, Old End and Snarestone Lane should also be included in the conservation area and that additional protection should be given to the character of the present conservation area by recognising the undeveloped area between Top Street and Church Street as open green space contributing to the conservation area.  The District Council also be informed that the Parish Council concurs with the representations made by AHEM in their letter dated 12th April 2001.

1200. Fencing off Didcott Way

The Chairman reported that parts of the fencing between the Didcott Way play area and the brook had been vandalised.  The Chairman together with Mr. Farrugia of 26 Didcott Way had undertaken temporary repairs that should be adequate for at least two years.  Local residents had expressed a wish to be consulted prior to any decision being made on replacement fencing.  The Chairman also reported that he had completed the making of the Clive Didcott memorial bench and that a plaque had been ordered.  The Chairman said that it would give him great pleasure to donate the bench.  The donations already received for this project would be used to construct a substantial plinth.

1201. Community Planning – Parish Groupings

Agreed that the revised parish groupings, which puts Appleby in an area with Chilcote, Stretton en le Field, Snarestone, Swepstone, Heather, Ibstock, Normanton le Heath, Packington and Ravenstone, be noted. 

1202. Play area Design and Guidance – Consultation Draft

That the District Council be informed that as the Parish will be ultimately responsible for the future maintenance of any play areas provided as part of new housing development, then more note should be taken of Parish Council views when deciding the siting, number and size of such areas.  Clarification be also sought on the time limit on developer contributions for maintenance of such areas.

1203. DETR – Consultation on Draft Regional Planning Guidance for the East Midlands

That consideration of the draft Regional Planning Guidance for the East Midlands be deferred to the next meeting of the Council to enable the document to be circulated between members.

1204. Best Value Review: Youth and Community Education Service Consultation

That no response be made to the Youth and Community Education Service Consultation document.

1205. Marquis Events – Jubilee Celebrations

That the offer to stage Jubilee Celebration by Marquis Events be declined.

1206. Urgent Items

There were no urgent items of business.


7.00 p.m. – 9.05 p.m.

4th May 2001 

Mrs. E. Jeffrey

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