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Annual Parish Council Minutes

May 2008

Thursday 1st May 2008

Present: - Cllr. Quimby – Chairman, Cllr. Colver -Vice Chairman, Cllr. P. Hemmerdinger , Cllr. M. Hemmerdinger
& Cllr. Jeffrey.
Apologies: - Cllr. Morris.

2731 Election of Chairman & Vice Chairman
The Parish Council proposed John Quimby for Chairman and Ken Colver for Vice Chairman, both accepted and signed the declaration of acceptance. The Chairman informed the meeting he would donate his allowance to the Appleby Magna Cricket Club and Football Club.

2732 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 3rd April 2008 were read and endorsed.

2733 Public Question Time – None.

2734 Declarations of Amendment to the Register of Interests - None.

2735 Declaration of Interest to Items on Agenda – None.

2736 Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers – None.

2737 Visitor Presentation – None.

2738 Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters
No police present. The Chairman reported youths had been bothering an elderly disabled resident with their childish behaviour. It was agreed to inform the police due to the children’s play area on the Recreation Ground is known for unsociable behaviour.

2739 Planning Consultations
08/00494/LBC – Sir John Moore Foundation, Top Street – provision of hand-rails, repair of existing gate & various other alterations – no objections
08/00486/FUL- 10 Garton Close – erection of single storey extension to rear elevation – no objections

2740 Planning Decision Notices
08/00310/FUL – Appleby House, 19 Atherstone Road – erection of cast iron gates to replace wooden gates – granted. Noted.

2741 Approval Of Budget And Financial Statements
1st April 07 to 31st March 08 & 1st April 08 to 18th April 08 – Approved.

2742 Accounts For Payment
Karen Stirk – Clerk's Payment – 1st April to 30th April 08 - £297.96
Karen Stirk – Expenses for March 08 - £15.40
Mr F Quinzi – Repairs to bus shelter - £1045.00
Allianz Insurance plc – Annual insurance premium - £585.21
Leics. & Rutland Playing Fields Assoc. – Annual subscription -£15
Rural Community Council – Annual subscription - £40
J. Quimby – Chairman’s Allowance - £150

2743 Allotment Matters
It was agreed weed control was not necessary at this time due to all the plots being occupied, the matter to be discussed at the October meeting. Following a request from the Parish Council an allotment holder had made a start at tidying his plot, to be reviewed at the next meeting. It was agreed to investigate the possibility of using ferrets to control the rabbit population on the allotments. Due to an allotment tap being left on, it was decided to investigate automatic shut off valves for all the taps. Cllr. Jeffrey reported the allotment gates were again left unlocked; another notice had been placed on the gates to remind all allotment holders to keep the gates locked at all times.

2744 Footpaths & Hedgerows
The clerk informed the meeting that Leicestershire County Council was pursuing the owner of the Bowleys Lane overgrown hedgerow in order to get it cut back.

2745 Recreation Ground Matters
The Chairman reported he had repaired the single gate on the Recreation Ground which was now used for access by the grass mowing contractor. The new chain link fencing was due to be installed in May by Mr Denson. Following a report on the children’s play area by Wicksteed Leisure and Ken Colver’s follow up it was agreed to purchase a new contact details notice, possibly reduce the height of the timber log climber (Cllr Colver to investigate) and Cllr. Hemmerdinger to look into methods of securing the mesh fencing.

The Chairman had refurbished the picnic bench and would re-install when transport was available. Some fencing panels needed to be replaced by concrete panels, it was agreed to ask Richard Denson to carry out the work. The clerk was requested to contact N.W.L.D.C. to repaint the multi games court lines. It was agreed to discuss the installation of land drains at the June meeting.

2746 Boundary Dispute at 24 Rectory Lane
Following a site meeting with the owners representatives and the Parish Council’s solicitors, it was agreed the post and rail fencing be put back to an agreed boundary (at no cost to the Parish Council) with £1,000 compensation being paid to the Parish Council (money to be earmarked for a future village project), and all costs be paid by the owner before registering the new boundary.

2747 Parking Problems on Top Street
It was agreed for the Chairman to contact County Councillor Hyde to request the problem be discussed at the next Highways Forum. The Chairman wished to make it clear before the forum that due to the site being a community facility used at all different times during the day and evening, the dangerous parking was not solely at the start and end of the school day. The Parish Council agreed to continue to pursue the matter due to the safety issue and the grass verges being ruined. The clerk was requested to enquire about the village school bus routes.

2748 June Litter Pick
It was agreed to contact Cllr. Morris about the possibility of a recycling event for the children, taking place on the litter pick Saturday and also to confirm a start time (details to be included in the June Parish News Line). The clerk to contact various village groups to request their help.

2749 Affordable Rural Housing
The Parish Council had requested the S106 agreement, (criteria which applicants need to meet to apply for local affordable rural housing), from East Midlands Housing Association. The clerk informed the meeting the S106 would not be written until after a planning application had been made.

2750 Church Clock / Parish Notice Board
Cllr. Colver informed the meeting that all funds had now been raised to restore the church clock. The Chairman reported the notice board refurbishment and move would be carried out when time allowed.

2751 Parish News Line
It was agreed to include in the June Parish News Line:-
Litter pick details, election of Chairman and Vice Chairman, cost of bus shelter repairs and vandalism on the Recreation Ground.

2752 Urgent Items
Allotment Damage - It was believed following spraying of the adjacent field to the allotments, spray drift had caused the loss of plants on the allotments. The clerk was requested to contact the farmer urgently to investigate the spray and effects to the allotments, including photographs of the plant damage. The clerk was requested to contact the Health and Safety Executive for more information.
Appleby Magna Football Club – Annual Donation - Appleby Magna Football Club had not cashed the recent donation cheque due to a change of bank. The Parish Council suggested the football club treasurer hold on to the cheque until they had a new bank account in place.
Planning Application - 08/00613/FUL - 11 Garton Close – erection of two storeys side extension & rear conservatory extension – no objections.

Ms K. Stirk (Clerk to the Parish Council)

9th May 2008


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