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Annual Parish Council Minutes

May 2010

Thursday 6th May 2010, 7.30pm, Sir John Moore Community Building Appleby Magna

Present: -       Cllrs P Hemmerdinger (Chair), K Colver (Deputy Chair), J Quimby, M Hemmerdinger, D Morris
Clerk Mrs Lindsay Swinfield
Members of the public, Mr Pott, Mr Steve Richardson.  PCSO Bennett

1054    Election of Chairman, Declaration of Acceptance of Office and election of Deputy Chairman
a.         Cllr Mr John Quimby was nominated to remain as Chairman of the Parish Council – Cllr Quimby refused as he felt he had served for long enough, but thanked the Council and the Clerks for their support and help over the past decade.  All in attendance conveyed thanks and admiration for Cllr Quimby’s loyalty and hard work for the village and its residents.

Cllr Quimby nominated Cllr Paul Hemmerdinger as Chairman of the Parish Council, seconded by Cllr Colver, it was RESOLVED, unanimous.  Cllr P Hemmerdinger accepted and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office; the Clerk counter-signed the Declaration.

b.         Cllr Quimby nominated Cllr Mr Ken Colver as Deputy Chairman of the Parish Council, seconded by Cllr P Hemmerdinger, it was RESOLVED, unanimous.  Cllr Colver accepted.

1055    Election of outside representatives
Council appointments to outside bodies were reviewed and a few amendments made (see attached list) – Clerk to write to Ms Stella Kent re an up to date list of Sir John Moore School Governors, and to also contact Mr John Craine re Trustees’ of the Sir John Moore School.

1056    Appointment of Internal Auditor
Ms Amanda Risdale is the Parish Council’s Internal Auditor for 2009/10 accounts; Clerk to approach Ms Risdale re auditing the new database system of accounting for the Parish.

Open forum for members of the public and press

1057    Apologies
Apologies received from Cllr Jeffrey (election duty) and Cllr Morris (part attendance)

1058    Declarations of Interest to Items on Agenda - Nil

1059    Declarations of Amendment to the Register of Interests – Nil

1060    Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 1st April 2010 were endorsed and signed; minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held 1st April 2010 were endorsed and signed.  (Cllr Morris queried the      Council’s decision not to support the Over 50’s Club at the April meeting – Cllr Morris to submit a new grant application prior to the June 2010 meeting).

1061    Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers – Cllr Quimby had approved emergency shower replacement in the Cricket Pavilion.  All agreed.

1062    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters
a.          Two thefts and a burglary had taken place in the village.

1063    Planning Consultations
a.         10/00124/FUL, 26 St Michaels Drive, erection of a detached garage – no objection.
b.         10/00411/TCA, 37a Church Street, works to no. 4 unprotected trees in conservation area – no objection.

1064    Planning Decision Notices – nil to report

1065    Allotment Matters
a.         Two allotment holders have not cultivated their plots and one has not paid the annual fee – Clerk to write and terminate the tenancy for one, and give 14 days notice to the other.  Cllr Colver to establish who owns plot 31 and email details to the Clerk.
b.         Cllr Colver will repair the allotment top gate latch with a chain/lock – all agreed.

1066    Footpaths, Hedgerows & Street Matters
a.         Closed Churchyard tree works – Clerk to contact Highways and ask if, as part of their tree work in the village (Bowleys Lane and Church Street), they would carry out the required tree works; if this fails, Clerk to contact LCC (Chris Buckingham) and request assistance.

1067    Recreation Ground & Street Furniture Matters
a.         The new notice board is now in place and looks very smart – two keys have been provided; Cllrs to see if they have any matching keys, if not, then the Clerk will source one.  The ‘notice board’ within the bus shelter has been vandalised and notices removed.
b.         Cllr Quimby reported that the Top Street bench estimate will be provided soon.  The picnic table has been restored and the play equipment re-painted, although youths had damaged some paintwork, Mr Grice kindly re-painted the damaged areas at no extra cost.

1068    Correspondence
Various communications had been received from the Cricket Club, these were read out and discussed and the following agreed:

a.         Cllr M Hemmerdinger proposed, seconded by Cllr Quimby, it was RESOLVED, unanimous to donate £100.00 towards a pitch cover.

b.         Cllr Quimby proposed, seconded by Cllr Colver, it was RESOLVED, unanimous to pay £628.48 forCricket field maintenance.

c.         Re-development of the Pavilion – defer to the June 2010 meeting.  All agreed.

Cllrs thanked Mr Richardson for the contribution the Cricket Club makes to the village.  Mr Richardson left the meeting.

d.         Biffa Award conditional offer letter – had been received offering £2,000 towards recreation ground drainage, with the proviso that a third party pay the £102.46 5% contribution.  All agreed that the Parish Council will pay the £102.46.  Clerk to write and accept.

1069    Approval of Budget And Financial Statements
a.         1st April 09 to 31st March 2010, approved.  The new financial system has been initiated and is working well.
b.         The Clerk reported that, due to the high volume of payments made, it would be prudent to transfer funds from the Post Office Account – all agreed that £2,000 should be transferred, and that signatories should be amended to include all Cllrs and the Clerk.
c.         Annual Return and Audit – it was RESOLVED, unanimous to approve the Annual Return, which was signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
d.         All agreed that the Chairman’s allowance would remain unchanged for 2010/11.

1070    Accounts For Payment – (cheque list approved) & Financial Matters
a.         The cheque list was reviewed and approved.

1071    Stone Pit Land Charity
A letter had been received from the NWLDC Solicitor thanking the Council for providing information,and stating that research will continue.  Ongoing matter.

1072    Allotment Field Tenancy Update
The allotment field tenancy issue has been legally resolved and a new tenancy agreement signed; the Clerk will receive a copy of the agreement for filing.

1073    Ideas for written piece – Parish News Line
a.         The Parish Council has a new Chairman; thanks to the retiring Chairman for his tireless work overthe years.
b.         The new notice board is in situ; request that the notice area within the bus shelter should not be used as the new notice board has an open area for public use.
1074    Urgent Items - nil

All agreed that the meeting move into Committee to discuss confidential matters.  Mr Pott left the meeting.

All agreed to move out of Committee.

The meeting ended at 9pm

Date of next meeting:  June 3rd 2010 - pm, The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School

Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council) 

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