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Parish Council Minutes

November 2000

Minutes of a meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Thursday 2nd November 2000


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. M. Lewis, Miss. S. T. Liff, Mrs. D. Morris, Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair) and Mr. H. D. Saunders.

1100. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 13th October, 2000 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

Members were informed that a decision on the application for funding for the provision of a bus shelter should be made by the County Council in mid November.  An application for funding had also been submitted to the Coalfields Initiative Fund.

1101. Urgent Item

The Chairman informed members that he had agreed to take as urgent business a planning application for the removal of a cherry tree at 36 Church Street and information on improved bus services.

1102. Question Time

Mr. F. Steward informed the meeting that the overall funding project for the refurbishment of the school was progressing satisfactorily.  The Department for Education and Employment has committed £550,000 and an application for £600,000 has been submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund.  Between £300,000 and £400,000 was still to be raised and further applications would be made to the County, District and Parish Councils and other funding bodies including the Coalfields Regeneration Trust.  He agreed to submit further details for the next meeting of the Parish Council.

1103. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests 

No such declarations were made.

1104. Decisions taken under Delegated Powers

Members were informed that the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had :-

1105. Police Matters

There was no police presence at the meeting.

1106. Budget and Financial Statements

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2000 to 22nd October 2000 be noted. 

  1107. Accounts for payment


S. Joyner Haulage

Provide and delivery of crushed concrete




Filing cabinet


1108. Future expenditure – Budget items for 2001/2002

Members were asked to inform the Clerk if they had any specific items that they wished to be included in the draft budget to be considered at the meeting to be held on 4th January, 2001

It was agreed that, via the Parish News Line, parishioners be informed that the Parish Council was being approached to make a financial contribution for the refurbishment of the school and that this would be considered at the budget meeting to be held on January 4th, 2001.  The Parish Council would welcome any views from parishioners.

1109. Local Government Finance Green Paper: Issues for Town and Parish Councils

Following a discussion on the Modernising Local Government Finance Green Paper it was agreed that as the proposals in the paper were aimed at much larger councils then no formal comments be made at this time.

1110. Planning Application

It was agreed that no objection be submitted in respect of planning application 000954 – Notification of proposed works to tree(s) (1 cherry tree) in a conservation area, 37 Church Street.

1111. Decision Notices

That it be noted that North West Leicestershire District Council has, subject to conditions, allowed the under mentioned planning applications:

000796 – erection of two-storey rear extension, 4 Rectory Lane

000622 – erection of extensions to and change of use of agricultural buildings, Jubilee Farm, Snarestone Road

000801 – change of use of land for the operation of a livery and the erection of an associated stable block Four Winds, 80 Snarestone Road

1112. Planning and Environment Division Service Review

Comments were agreed to be included in the reply to the consultation document received from the Manager of Planning and Environment of North West Leicestershire District Council on services received from the Planning and Environment Division.

1113. Local Government Act 2000 – Leicestershire County Council

Following consideration of a consultation document setting out details of three Executive models being considered by the County Council, it was agreed that the County Council be informed that Appleby Magna Parish Council supports a Leader and Cabinet as the preferred Executive format.

1114. Hedgelaying and Hedgerow Management

Members were informed of an invitation to attend a hedgelaying and hedgerow management course to be held on 2nd and 3rd December, 2000.

1115. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to the consideration of the following urgent items of business for the reasons stated below.

1116. Planning Application, Redhill Farm

 Urgent in view of the time limit on the submission of comments.

It was agreed that no objection be submitted in respect of planning application 001021 for the erection of a porch to office building, Redhill Farm, Top Street.

1117. Taxi Service to Austrey

Urgent in view of there not being another Parish Council meeting until January, 2000

Members were informed that a taxi service to Austrey to join a bus service to Tamworth was available on Saturdays.  The service would continue as long as it was being used.  There was also a possibility that a similar scheme could be introduced to link with the bus service from Snarestone to Nuneaton.

1118. Re-establishment of Bus Scheme

Urgent to allow comments to be made within the prescribed timescale.

Agreed comments to be included in an out and about survey from North West Leicestershire District Council concerning the provision of a bus service from villages to specific leisure/activity centres.


7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.

2nd November, 2000

Mrs. E. Jeffrey

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