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Parish Council Minutes

November 2012

Thursday 1st November 2012, 7.30pm, Sir John Moore Community Building, Appleby Magna

Present: -       Cllrs  P Hemmerdinger (Chair), M Hemmerdinger, G Pott, R Butler, P Smith, Lindsay Swinfield Clerk, three members of the public.

12136  Apologies – Cllr Wildgoose – reason accepted.

12137  Declarations of Interest both personal & prejudicial to Items on Agenda – Nil

12138  Open forum for members of the public and press

Concern was raised re possible large housing developments within the Parish.  There is a large investment company advertising housing development within Appleby Magna.  Following liaison with MP Andrew Bridgen and NWLDC Planning department (North West Leicestershire District Council) – this is theory at present; NWLDC has not been notified of any possible planning applications on this scale, and will carry out the legal procedure including notification of the Parish Council if any applications are put forward.  The Clerk will reiterate the concerns to MP Andrew Bridgen by email.

NWLDC stated:  ‘The NWL Local Plan (Core Strategy) does not identify a specific housing provision for Appleby Magna, however Policy CS42 makes provision for at least 80 homes through the allocation of land at Sustainable Villages.  There are 15+ Sustainable Villages of which Appleby Magna is one, the scale of development talked about is well in excess of anything that is likely to be acceptable at Appleby Magna.  Once the Core Strategy is adopted, NWLDC will start the process of allocating land and Appleby Magna PC will be a consultee in that process.’

12139  Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 4th October 2012 were endorsed and signed

12140  Decisions made under delegated powers – as agreed at the October meeting, Cllr P Hemmerdinger approved tree works on the recreation ground to be carried out.
12141  Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters    
Some concern was raised re the possibility of fewer Police being present in the village.

Please ring 0116 2222222 or 101 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.  Police Sergeant 531 Mark Watson,

12142  Planning Consultations
a.         12/00800/OUT, 57 Church Street, erection of three dwellings (outline, access and layout) – comments have been passed to NWLDC following discussion in October 2012.
b.         Planning application for a 79m high wind turbine on land at Elms Farm – not within this Parish, but could have an impact on the village – objections have been passed to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council.
c.         12/00873/TPO, 32 Mawbys Lane, various works to no. 1 Beech tree (protected by TPO T/346) – no comment.

12143  HS2 (High Speed Train) project – no further information at this time.

12144  MUGA (Multi User Games Area)
Members reviewed the quote received via North West Leicestershire District Council (£5868), and felt it to be too expensive at this time.  Cllr P Hemmerdinger to speak to the Cricket Pavilion Funding Committee re adding this to their project.

12145  Parish Plan for the village, housing and development control and management, NWLDC Core Strategy including Renewable Energy Policy for North West Leicestershire

The Clerk had investigated the possibility of financial assistance towards producing a comprehensive, legal plan for the village incorporating all permitted development areas – to date there does not seem to be any financial assistance available; however there are some workshops planned by LCC (Leicestershire County Council) to review this subject.

NWLDC states the following re ‘renewable energy’:

NWLDC do not currently have any policies relating to renewable energy. Leicestershire County Council is currently working on a County-wide Renewable Energy Strategy which should be signed off towards the end of November 2012. The Renewable Energy Strategy has links to the Climate Change Act which became law in 2008.  The Act requires Government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 34% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 as compared to 1990 levels (HM Government 2011).  The key approach to meeting this target is through improving the efficiency with which we use energy.

There are no sites considered for renewables within NWL. Sites are considered on their individual merits if planning applications are submitted.

The following excerpt was taken from HM Government e-petitions:
‘We understand concerns about the visual impacts of wind farms.  It is important that they are sited correctly and developers are required to minimise any adverse effects through siting, layout, landscaping and design.  Wind farm developers are required to carry out rigorous analysis of the impacts that their projects are likely to have on the local environment.’

12146  Community Bus project update – Nil to report, remove from agenda until further notice.

12147  Ground Maintenance Contract – approved, unanimous (previously resolved at the October 2012 meeting).

12148  Footpaths, Hedgerows, Street and Allotment Matters
a.         Recreation field – quotes received to remove two Poplar trees and other matters relating to trees.  Cllr P Hemmerdinger proposed, seconded by Cllr M Hemmerdinger, it was RESOLVED, unanimous, to instruct Mr R Densen to remove two Poplar trees, and to trim and remove trimmings from the Hornbeam and Maple trees.

b.         The play area inspection report had been received and reviewed – Cllr Butler proposed, seconded by Cllr Smith, it was RESOLVED, unanimous, to ask Mr R Densen to quote for removing and replacing the top two tiers of the climbing frame on the recreation grounds, to a maximum of £100.00.  Cllr P Hemmerdinger kindly offered to approach Mr Densen.

12149  Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The payment list and bank reconciliation were reviewed and approved, RESOLVED, unanimous

12150  Ideas for written piece – Parish News Line
a.         Allotment plots available and details of the Allotment Society web site.

The meeting ended at 8.50pm

Date of next meeting:  6th December 2012, 7.30pm, Parish Council Meeting @The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School

 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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