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Parish Council Minutes

November 2013

Thursday 7th November 2013, 7.30 pm, Sir John Moore Foundation Community Building,
Appleby Magna

Present: -        Cllrs P Hemmerdinger (Chair), M Hemmerdinger, G Pott, R Butler,  P Smith, D Wildgoose, Lindsay Swinfield Clerk, District Councillor Richard Blunt, 37 members of the public.

13136  Apologies – Nil

13137  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest to Items on Agenda – Nil

13138  Open forum for members of the public and press

All issues below relate to the recent planning applications for the village (exception is the pavilion application):

Sonia Liff, Appleby Environment: calling on the Parish Council to object to the various planning applications put forward recently; AM is defined as a sustainable village, which means that small scale development is acceptable – NWLDC’s Core Strategy (now withdrawn, a new one is being formulated) states that AM could take 6 new houses by 2031, and even though NWLDC’s 5 year plan is unacceptable, we should still be able to refer to evidence based on the original Core Strategy.  Some of the claims made by the developers are inaccurate – ie. The bus service details.

Resident: the proposed change to the junction re the Church Street development would interfere with the Conservation area – access and egress would be impossible.

Resident:  there is a major sewage problem along Black Horse Hill – this is an unresolved problem.

Resident:  the brook runs along the back of Wren Close, there is evidence that it floods over the top of the bridge and also into residents gardens, on one occasion the brook was 13’ wide and 5’ deep.

Resident:  Measham Road field is 6’ higher than some residents properties that back onto the field and water runs from the field onto these properties, if the field is built on where will the excess water go?

Resident:  the infrastructure cannot cope with the volume of development proposed.

Richard Blunt:  LCC (Leicester County Council now has statutory responsibility for flooding and will carry out a full review if requested.

Resident:  the Village Green application should ‘freeze’ the planning application for that area, this matter to be investigated further.

Alistair Sykes, Bloor Homes:  we are looking at development on the site at the back of Didcott Way (50-55 houses), suggest local residents engage with developers in the process, all 3 political parties wish to see more houses built in the UK.  Bloor Homes are holding an exhibition on 28/11/13, 5-7.30pm, Sir John Moore School hall, all welcome to attend.

Resident:  will the Parish Council support a village survey to gauge opinion re development in the village, this would be carried out door to door and would be a totally independent survey – the PC does support this initiative.

Resident:  there is no clear definition of the impact of large scale development on the footpath system within the village, this should be investigated further.                       Public forum closed

13139  Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on October 3rd 2013 were endorsed and signed by the Chairman.

13140  Decisions made under delegated powers – Nil
13141  Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters
PCSO Keiran Bennett sent an email report, in the past month there have been issues with cold calling where a person has fallen subject to fraud.  There is a new map showing crime and burglaries, this shows a very low level in Appleby Magna.

Please ring 0116 2222222 or 101 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.  Police Sergeant 531 Mark Watson,

13142  Planning Consultations
a.         13/00819/FUL, recreation ground, Bowleys Lane, demolition of existing pavilion and erection of proposed replacement dwelling – Order 2010 under article 11 – no comment.
b.         13/00809/OUT, 26 Black Horse Hill, erection of two dwellings/outline – all matters reserved.
c.         13/00829/OUT, Land at Measham Road, erection of 8 dwellings with associated garaging and access road – outline planning.
d.         13/00799/FULM, land (Dormers Green) off Bowleys Lane, residential development of 26 dwellings including affordable housing, formation of sustainable urban drainage system and public open space and demolition and replacement of boundary treatment at corner of Bowleys Lane and Church Street.
e.         13/00797/FULM, land adjoining 33 Measham Road, erection of 73 residential units including affordable housing and provision of sustainable urban drainage and on and off site public open space.

Items b,c,d,e – Cllr Butler proposed, seconded by Cllr Smith, it was RESOLVED, unanimous, to inform NWLDC Planning:
In the absence of an approved NWLDC Core Strategy we would ask that the total number of dwellings for all the applications be taken into consideration. The rejected Core Strategy considered Appleby Magna as a sustainable village and as such would share a quantity of new dwellings with the other sustainable villages. The proposed quantity was 80 between all the sustainable settlements the proposals before the Council would exceed this level by 20% in a single community. There are several new dwellings already approved or awaiting approval prior to these applications giving a total of 9 new dwellings to be constructed.  Please note that the Parish Council does not object to some development within the village, but feels that the proposed 9 dwellings plus 1 or 2 more would more than satisfy this village’s quota towards the 5 year plan.
A major point of concern is the current flooding issues associated with a stream running through the village, this causes flooding in Church Street, Mawbys Lane, Duck Lake, Black Horse Hill and Old End as well as the Caravan Park off Measham Road. The Caravan Park off Measham Road is also the location of the main Severn Trent Water sewage pumping station for the village. With reference to the Severn Trent Water letters included in the Flood Risk Assessments for Applications 13/00797/FULM and 13/00799/FULM which states “the Village system is currently experiencing some hydraulic sewer flooding problems”. These problems are associated with Black Horse Hill, Duck Lake, Old End and the Caravan Park off Measham Road. One resident of Black Horse Hill is currently unable to reside in the property because of these known problems. The application 13/00809/OUT would add to this problem and the dwelling may also be affected by it. The Parish Council would ask that further investigation of these known issues be carried out before adding to this problem.
The application 13/00799/FULM is on land that is currently subject to an Application for Village Green Status under consideration by Leicestershire County Council, the Parish Council ask that this be taken into consideration when assessing this application. It is our understanding that planning applications appertaining to Village Green land should be frozen, awaiting conclusion.  There are also concerns about traffic movements on the single track section of Bowleys Lane from the proposed entrance to this development to its junction with the A444.
The Parish Council requests that all of the above applications be deferred until the key, serious issues relating to infrastructure, highways and footpaths are sorted out and professional reports requested and received for due consideration by all parties.

13143  Planning Decisions

  1. Greenacres, Atherstone Road, erection of outbuilding and formation of pitched roof on existing outbuilding – granted.
  2. Barns Heath Farm, erection of replacement toilet block – granted.

13144  HS2 (High Speed Train) project – keep on agenda – presentation and details available to view on 27/11/13 at Measham Leisure Centre from noon to 8pm.

13145  Appleby Magna Recreation Ground issues and concerns – nil to report.

13146  Footpaths, Hedgerows, Street and Allotment Matters

  1. Clerk to speak to Mr Ian Hamilton to ascertain who owns the field next to the allotment site in Rectory Lane (as you leave the village) – the ditch is very full and needs to be cleared out.
  2. Cllr Butler reported on his attendance at the Snow Warden Scheme presentation by LCC – LCC is only willing to include those who are employed by councils – however, this is under review.  A resident had written to the Clerk requesting a grit bin for St Michaels Drive – the Clerk will respond explaining the process.

13147  Sir John Moore Foundation update – nil to report

13148  Correspondence       

  1. A LCC document re flooding issues had been circulated.
  2. John Bloor Housing had emailed the Clerk re possible development in the village.
  3. Residents from Appleby Magna had requested details re running an official poll to gauge public opinion on housing development in the village – costs for running such a poll would be met by the Parish Council and results do not have to be adhered to.

13149  Village Design Statement update

  1. Cllr Butler reported that he had attended a VDS meeting, however the group needs guidance from the new Core Strategy for NWL.

13150  Parish Council meeting dates for 2014 – unanimously approved.

13151  Parish Council web site update – Cllr Smith has produced a new PC web site, associated costs were passed to the Clerk, along with receipts (also included the cost of bulbs for the village) – all approved.  Cllr Smith has produced an excellent web site, and will liaise with the Clerk for additional information to be included.

13152  Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The payment list and bank reconciliation were reviewed and approved, RESOLVED, unanimous.
b.         Notice of Conclusion of Audit (accounts year ended 31 March 2013) – noted.
c.         The updated bacs payment list was presented, unanimously approved and signed.
d.         The Clerk had circulated the 2014 budget sheet, which also gives a financial statement at 31 March 2013 and at end of September 2013.  Cllr P. Hemmerdinger proposed, seconded by Cllr Butler, it was RESOLVED, unanimous, to keep the Precept for 2014 at £14,500 (following government notification, there may be an amendment to this figure, however, at a recent meeting attended by the Clerk and Chairman of the PC, the head of finance for NWLDC assured those present that their Precept would not be affected (or the grant).
e.         The Clerk’s computer had broken down and could not be repaired, all agreed that the PC would contribute to the cost of a replacement computer – this has been done.
f.          Parish office expenses – all agreed the Clerk will present pro-rata costs to the PC at the December meeting for approval.
g.         The Clerk and Cllr Potts had attended a planning training course at a cost of £40 per head.  Noted.
h.         A document had been circulated – Planning for the Future, from NWLDC, outlining savings to be made by the District Council and the effect this may have on Parish Councils and residents, and devolvement of certain functions currently carried out by NWLDC.

13153  Ideas for Written Piece – Parish News Line

  1. Wish all residents a Happy Christmas.  Publicise the door to door survey to be carried out to gauge public opinion re housing development within Appleby Magna.

13154  Urgent Items - Nil

The meeting ended at 9.40 pm

Date of next meeting:  December 5th 2013, 7.30pm @The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School

 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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