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Parish Council Minutes

October 2001

Minutes of a Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Thursday 4th October 200


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. Lewis, Miss. S. T. Liff, Mrs. D. Morris and Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair).

Apologies were received from Mr. H. D. Saunders, Mr. S. Sheahan CC, Cllr. R. Blunt and PC Simon Ward.

1279. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 6th September 2001 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

Members were informed that the District Council and landowners were to carry out maintenance and improvement works along the entire length of the brook from the bottom of Old End to Mawby’s Lane and to the fields downstream of the village.

 The application for additional street lighting on Hillside had been passed to North West Leicestershire’s Community Safety Partnership for them to consider the request, along with similar requests, for installation in the next financial year.

 1280. Urgent Items

 The Chairman agreed that the following matters be taken as urgent items on the agenda :-

 a)      Planning applications 01/001137 – erection of detached shed/duck shelter, Chamant House, Old End and 01/01174 – erection of two storey side extension and front porch, 1 Bowley’s Lane

b)      Playground Safety Inspection

c)      Request for financial assistance from Appleby Magna Cricket Club

d)      Invitation to attend the NWLDC Remembrance Service 

e)      Invitation to attend the North Area Police Authority Community Consultative meeting

f)       Invitation to nominate a representative to attend a focus group on the Best Value Review of Development Control

 1281. Question Time

 No questions were raised.

 1282. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests  

No such declarations were made.

 1283. Decisions taken under delegated powers

The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman had authorised the excavation of the ditch adjacent to the footpath from Bowley’s Lane to the Recreation Ground.  The works to the ditch have now been completed and the culvert under the public footpath flushed out.  Mr. Williams of 41 Bowley’s Lane, who was present at the meeting, thanked the Council for its efforts in this matter.  Mr. Colver agreed to organise the replacement of a broken drain cover.

 1284. Police Matters

There was no police presence at the meeting. 

1285. Budget and Financial Statements

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2001 to 22nd September 2001 be noted.

1286. Accounts for payment

Resolved that the following accounts be paid: -


Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation - Stationery



Mrs. E. Jeffrey – October/November/December 2001 salary



Mrs E Jeffrey – Expenses from 2/8/01 to 4/10/01


1287. Planning Applications

a)   01/01055 – Erection of extensions and alterations to existing entrance and restaurant to form conference facilities including provision of additional parking, Hotel Metro, Atherstone Road.

It was proposed by Miss Liff and seconded by Mr. Lewis that an objection be submitted to this application on the grounds that it is contrary to policies E17, S3, J14, T10 and T12 of the Deposit Draft Local Plan and guideline 18 of the Village Design Statement.  Additional development on this site would exacerbate existing sewerage and flooding problems on Atherstone Road, Rectory Lane and Bowley’s Lane.

An amendment was proposed by Mr. Colver that no objection be made to the application subject to the District Council and Severn Trent Water Authority being advised that the Parish Council has serious concerns regarding surface water and sewerage discharge from the site.

The amendment was not seconded and therefore fell

The original motion was agreed 3 members voting for the motion and none against.  There were two abstentions. 

b)   That the District Council be informed that the Parish Council has no objection to the following applications:-

01/01076 – Works to two cherry trees (unprotected trees in a Conservation Area), 8 Garton Close

01/01106 – Alterations to forecourt canopy, Fina Petrol Station, Atherstone Road.

1288. Decision Notices

That it be noted that North West Leicestershire District Council has refused the following planning applications:-

01/00763 – Display of externally illuminated and non illuminated signage, Black Horse Inn, 2 Top Street

01/00762 – Display of externally illuminated and non illuminated signage, (Listed Building Consent) Black Horse Inn, 2 Top Street.

1289. Letter of complaint and account concerning maintenance of Didcott Way play areas

That in response to a letter of complaint concerning the maintenance of play areas off Didcott Way and the submission of an account for work done and temporary restoration of boundary fence from Mr. Farrugia of 26 Didcott Way it was agreed that Mr. Farrugia be informed that the Parish Council is always keen to enter into neighbour consultations and to consider their views.  Parish Council meetings are open to the public and almost all decisions are made in public and those decisions published in the minutes and on the Appleby Magna Web site.  The Parish Council is concerned that he is aggrieved by the positioning of the Clive Didcott memorial bench and the trees planted on the play area adjacent to his property and that he does not consider that the area has been satisfactorily maintained.  It was agreed that Mr. Farrugia’s letter be answered in detail and that some inaccuracies made clear.  It was also decided that under the Audit Regulations the Parish is required to secure the best value for any work carried out on its behalf and therefore is unable to consider payment of his account for work which he carried out without the prior consent of the Council

1290 Village Design Statement Guideline 55

 That the Highway Authority be requested to prepare a statement of style for street furniture that will encourage a coherent and appropriate style to be adopted as agreed in Guideline 55 of the Adopted Village Design Statement.

1291. County Council Best Value Review of Transport Services

That the County Council be informed that the Parish Council welcomes any improvement to public transport services in this area.  It is accepted that any provision of public transport will only have a limited number of passengers in areas like Appleby Magna but that it is vital that this minority is adequately supported..  Villages on the edge of the County need particular consideration as many residents need to travel to out of County destinations.  Public transport must cater for specific needs, for example a skatepark and swimming pool are available a few miles away in Ibstock but no provision is made for public transport to this area when required by young people.  Likewise leisure facilities in Measham, Oakthorpe, Ashby and Coalville are at times impossible to access by public transport.  The needs of minority groups must be considered even if subsidies have to be provided.

1292. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to the consideration of the following urgent items of business for the reasons stated below.  

1293. Planning Applications

Urgent to enable replies to be forwarded within the prescribed timescale.

01/01137 – erection of detached garden shed/duck shelter, Chamant House, Old End – No objection

01/01174 – erection of two storey side extension and front porch, 1 Bowley’s Lane – Object on the grounds that the proposed extension would represent an oppressive form of development which would have a significant impact on number 3 Bowley’s Lane.  The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy H19 of the deposit North West Leicestershire Local Plan.  The submitted plans are misleading in that they do not show the proximity of adjacent dwellings.  Officers are asked to check that the distance between the proposed extension and number 3 Bowley’s Lane complies with District Council/National policy regarding distances between dwellings.

1294. Playground Safety Inspections

Urgent to enable play equipment to be inspected as soon as possible.

That the offer of Wicksteed Leisure to carry out a site inspection and an annual risk assessment of the play area of the Recreation Ground for a total cost of £50 plus VAT be accepted. 

1295. Appleby Magna Cricket Club – Request for Financial Assistance

Urgent to enable the maintenance of the Recreation Ground to be carried out in a satisfactory manner.

It was agreed that subject to an appropriate second hand tractor being purchased and an application for grant aid being submitted to the Coalfields Initiative Trust, a grant of £500 be made to the Cricket Club in due course

1296. Invitation to attend NWLDC Remembrance Day Service 

Urgent to enable a reply to be forwarded before the next meeting of the Council.

No representative was appointed to attend NWLDC Remembrance Day Service at Coalville on 11th November.

1297. North Area Police Authority Community Consultative Meeting

Urgent due to the imminent date of the meeting.

That Mr. Saunders be asked if he wished to represent the Council at the next meeting of the North Area Police Authority Community Consultative Meeting to be held at Charnwood Borough Council Offices on 16th October.

1298. Best Value Review of Development Control

 Urgent in view of the need to reply prior to the next meeting of the Council.

That the District Council be informed that Appleby Magna Parish Council would like to nominate a person to represent the views of the Parish at the proposed meeting between Best Value Inspectors and a focus group of individuals and/or representatives of groups that use the Development Control Service in the week commencing 12th November.  Representation will be made when the date and time of the meeting and the availability of volunteers are known.



7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m.

4th October 2001

Mrs. E. Jeffrey

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