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Parish Council Minutes

October 2008

Thursday 2nd October 2008

Present: - Cllr. Quimby – Chairman, Cllr. Colver -Vice Chairman, Cllr. P. Hemmerdinger, Cllr. M. Hemmerdinger & Cllr. Jeffrey
P.C. Davis & P.C.S.O. Kendrick

Apologies: - Cllr. Morris

2818    Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 4th September 2008 were read and endorsed.

2819    Public Question Time – None.

2820    Declarations of Amendment to the Register of Interests - None.

2821    Declaration of Interest to Items on Agenda – None.

2822    Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers – None.

2823    Visitor Presentation – None.

2824    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters

A container had been broken into at Barns Heath Farm and number plates had been stolen from vehicles parked at the Appleby Inn car park during the last month.  St Michael’s Drive is next to be enrolled into the ‘no cold calls’ scheme.  P. C. Davis informed the meeting that police would be visiting local shops requesting they stop selling eggs etc. to younger people around Halloween.  Also, he would try and arrange the beat bus to visit the village on a Saturday or Sunday with details to follow, encouraging crime prevention especially before Christmas.  The Parish Council suggested the police, when available, walk the beat at dusk.  Cllr. Colver requested details of the recent restorative justice carried out on the allotments by the offender, be included in the Parish News Line.

2825    Planning Consultations

08/01396/TCA19 Black Horse Hill – felling of 1 self-seeded ash tree & pruning works to 3 trees (in conservation area) – no objections

2826    Planning Decision Notices

08/01083/FUL – Sir John Moore School – erection of lightweight pavilion structure – granted

08/01164/FUL – Barn south of M42 Junction 2, Atherstone Road – change of use to commercial use with associated parking/service area – application withdrawn

08/01231/FUL – 28 Black Horse Hill – change of use for keeping & grazing of horses, erection of stable block & formation of concrete yard – application withdrawn.

2827    Approval Of Budget And Financial Statements

1st April 08 to 18th September 08 – Approved.

It was agreed to put a request in the Parish News Line for ideas for a sculpture/hanging baskets/carving etc. to enhance the village, using talented local artist/trades person.  The clerk informed the meeting a form from the solicitors needed completing prior to funds being released with regard to 24 Rectory Lane land dispute.                                

2828    Accounts For Payment

Karen Stirk – Clerk's Payment – 1st September to 30th September 08 - £297.96

Karen Stirk – Expenses for August 08 - £60.51 (incl. new printer)

J. A. Robinson – Grnd. Maint. Cuts 8&9 - £120  

Mr Denson – Grnd works to allotments & Church Street fencing - £300

All cheques agreed and signed.

2829    Allotment Matters

The clerk was requested to contact Mr Fowkes for his assistance in locating the field rental agreement.  It was agreed an up dated agreement would be beneficial to both parties.  The Chairman reported further work to improve the bottom access should begin mid October and road planings were not available from Leicestershire County Council Highways Department. The clerk reported five people were currently waiting for an allotment.  The water pipe extension work on the allotment would be carried out following completion of the bottom access.  The Chairman read a reply received from Severn Trent Water following charges being made when the taps were switched, stating the meter and pipes were to be checked for leaks.  It was agreed to discuss 2009 rents at the November meeting.

2830    Footpaths & Hedgerows & Street Matters

Following a complaint from a resident about overgrown hedges obstructing footpaths, pavements and roads, it was agreed to put an item in the Parish News Line.  To inform villagers that it is an offence to obstruct the highway and a request to cut back any obstructing vegetation. The clerk was requested to chase L.C.C. to cut back their overgrown hedge on the corner of Bowleys Lane and along Church Street

2831    Recreation Ground Matters

Following a suggestion from a resident the Parish Council agreed to seek advice from N.W.L.D.C. about ‘no drinking zones’ for particular areas of the Recreation Ground.

2832    Proposed Waste Incinerator in Ibstock/Appleby Ward

(To remain on agenda until further information received)

2833    Stream Pollution

Following further discussions with Severn Trent Water, it was agreed to complain to the Environment Agency for speedier action.  It was also agreed to write to Marston’s Brewery as it is believed the source of the pollution maybe from old drainage on its land.

2834    Problem Traffic/Parking on Top Street/Church Street

The clerk informed the meeting the issue was due to be discussed at the next County Highways Forum (16th October 2008) following details being forwarded to County Councillor Hyde.

2835    Closed Church Yard

It was agreed to invite a representative from N.W.L.D.C. to the next Parish Council meeting to discuss health and safety issues.

2836    Request received for Natural Burial Sites

It was agreed this request was not applicable to the village.

2837    Grounds Maintenance Contract

It was agreed to put the two year ground maintenance contract out for tender.

2838    Campaign Request to Support the Sustainable Communities Act

The Parish Council had already supported the campaign.

2839    Bus Shelter Repairs

The clerk reported the bus shelter had been repaired with the invoice being forwarded to the Parish Council’s insurance company.


2840    Parish News Line

It was agreed to include the following in the November Parish News Line:-

Ideas for village sculpture/carving/hanging baskets etc.

Reminder to keep hedges/plants cut back from footpaths/roads   

A running cost of making good vandalism in the village

Restorative justice details

A thank you received from Crimestoppers


Ms K. Stirk (Clerk to the Parish Council) 

4th October 2008

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