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Parish Council Minutes

October 2011

Appleby Magna Parish Council Minutes
Thursday 6th October 2011, 7.30pm, Sir John Moore Community Building Appleby Magna

Present: -       Cllrs P Hemmerdinger (Chairman), M Hemmerdinger, P Smith, G Potts, R Butler,
Lindsay Swinfield Clerk, 3 members of the public

Open forum for members of the public and press

Mr Williams, and Mr & Mrs Kuht attended the meeting to request assistance – they are concerned that the owner of Appleby Pastures situated off Bowley’s Lane, intends to run car boot sales.  The lane is very narrow and is a single track road.  The right of way to the field is owned by LCC – have they given permission for their land to be used as access for a potentially large amount of vehicles?  Clerk to speak to LCC to determine ownership.

Mr Williams reported that some field gates are in poor condition – this is the responsibility of the land owner or Highways.  There is a review of public gates taking place at present.

11120  Apologies – Cllr Morris

11121  Declarations of Interest to Items on Agenda – Cllr Smith 10a, Allotment Society

11122  Declarations of Amendment to the Register of Interests – Nil

11123  Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 1st September 2011 were endorsed and signed. 
11124  Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers – Nil 

11125  Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters
a.         Please ring 0116 2222222 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.

11126  Planning Consultations
a.           11/00740/FUL, 81 Top Street, change of use of land from builders material storage to residential garden to be used in connection with no. 81 Top Street – no comment.
b.           11/00803/FUL, 26 Snarestone Road, two-storey front and side extension and single storey rear extension – more detailed plans requested before comments can be put forward.

11127  Planning Decision Notices
a.         21 Church Street, removal of existing single storey conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension – granted.
b.         10 Rectory Lane, land adjacent to – erection of one dwelling detached with car parking and turning – granted (outline planning permission).
c.         81 Top Street, increase in height of property and conversion of roof space to habitable  accommodation involving the formation of three dormer windows, along with two-storey side extension and single storey from extension – granted.

11128  Chairman’s Report
a.         Cllr P Hemmerdinger reported that the RCC (Rural Community Council) awards evening was well attended.  Appleby Magna Parish Council and AM Environment Group along with the Sir John Moore Foundation won several prestigious awards – gold, silver and the overall top award went to AM Environment and the Parish Council for the Thermal Imaging project.  Congratulations to all those who entered and won awards.

b.         The brewery has made a commitment to carry out structural repairs to the Black Horse Inn at an estimated cost of £200k.  The work will take approximately 11 months to complete and work is to be started as soon as possible.  The Parish Council has requested notification of start dates and any possible effects on local roads.

11129  Allotment Matters
a.         Cllr Smith reported that the AM Allotment Society has been registered and has 35 members.  The hall has been booked for 21/10/11 to hold an inaugural meeting of the Society, which has a pro-forma agreement and rules & regulations of operation – next step is to open a bank account.  The allotment site is insured for Public Liability.

b.         An allotment plot holder has complained about overhanging trees – all agreed that Cllr Smith is to ask Mr Richard Denson if he would cut the trees back.

11130  Footpaths, Hedgerows & Street Matters
a.         The Clerk had written to Highways requesting traffic calming measures along Rectory Lane – the response from Highways was reviewed – under the third Local Transport Plan (LTP) they are moving away from traffic calming schemes, and will place vehicle activated signs, speed cushions etc., only where it can be demonstrated that their introduction would support another LTP objective.  More emphasis is being placed on education and awareness.  Noted.

11131  Recreation Ground & Street Furniture Matters
a.         All benches in the Parish have been inspected and refurbished where appropriate.

b.         Cllr Butler and the Clerk had obtained information on notice boards.  Cllr Butler had inspected the existing Parish notice boards and all agreed to keep the Mawby’s Lane board where it is, but lower it down and if possible enlarge it or remove one of the doors.  All agreed to remove the Top Street notice board; the Clerk to write to Measham Medical Unit and ask for their approval to place a free-standing public notice board on the right hand side, by the angled fence area of the front of the Appleby Magna practice building.
All agreed that a new, large Parish Council notice board be installed to replace the existing Measham Road notice board.  To be discussed further at the November PC meeting.

c.         The Mawby’s Lane waste bin is still in place, although NWLDC had informed the Clerk that it would be removed as requested.  The new waste bin near Bateman House is in situ.

11132  Correspondence      
a.         Boundary Commission for England, 2013 review of Parliamentary constituencies in England.   Noted.
b.         LCC draft National Planning Policy Framework – the document issued by LCC was reviewed and noted.

11133  Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The cheque list and bank reconciliation were reviewed and approved.

b.         The Clerk had distributed copies of the draft 2012 budget with two options for the Precept – to remain at £13,500 (unchanged for the last 2 years) or to increase to £14,500.  Cllr Smith proposed, seconded by Cllr Butler, it was RESOLVED, unanimous to accept the draft budget and to request a Precept of £14,500 to ensure sufficient funds are available for village projects.

11134  Stone Pit Land Charity – ongoing item.

11135  Ideas for written piece – Parish News Line
a.         There are hedges and trees within the Parish that need pruning back – these are causing H&S problems and are a nuisance to neighbours and residents.  Cllr Smith to speak to the landlord of the Crown Public house re overgrown hedging.
b.         The brewery has committed to carrying out structural repairs to the Black Horse Inn at an estimated cost of £200k; the work may take approximately 11 months.  The Parish Council is one of the consultees for this project, and has requested ongoing updates.
11136  Urgent Items
a.         Cllr Pott requested further investigation re the Little Wigston Recycling Plant – how will this affect Appleby Magna?  Clerk and Cllrs to review online and email all.

The meeting ended at  9.25 pm

Date of next meeting:  3rd November 2011 – 7.30pm, The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School 

 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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