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Parish Council Minutes

September 2000

Minutes of a meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Thursday 7th September 2000.


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. M. Lewis, Miss. S. T. Liff, Mrs. D. Morris, Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair) and Mr. H. D. Saunders.

Apologies had been received from Mr. Richard Blunt.

With the consent of the Chairman and prior to the commencement of business David Taylor MP addressed the meeting.  

Mr. Taylor explained that he had asked to address the meeting to honour his commitment to visit every Parish Council and school in his constituency at least twice during his term of office as an M.P.

He informed the meeting of his involvement in the drawing up of the Rural White Paper which was to be published during the next parliamentary session.  The White Paper covers many aspects of rural life including employment, transport, schools and access to services.  He referred to concerns that had been expressed on the future of Post Offices and explained that at the present time it was uncertain as to how many would have a viable future when planned changes in the payment of benefits takes place.

With regard to small schools he said that pressure was being put on the Government concerning LEA funding.   Leicestershire appeared to be adrift financially and changes in the funding formula needed to be addressed.

Discussions were taking place about Churches and the future of Churches.  The removal of VAT from work on listed buildings was one aspect being considered.

He referred to discussions that he had had with Inspector Simon Worthington of Ashby LPU where he had emphasised that more priority needed to be given to community policing.

He said that he had raised the question of the future of Parish Councils with the Local Government Minister.  He was now awaiting the White Paper on the subject but considered that the role of Parish Councils should be strengthened.

On more local issues he reported that he was very pleased to see that the Ashby by-pass will be built in the near future but disappointed that the County Council was not pursuing plans for the continuation of the Ivanhoe Line to enable it to take passenger trains.  He considered that the reintroduction of passenger trains on the line would have been of great benefit to the locality.  Local transport issues were very important to villages like Appleby Magna.

Following a question from Mr. Saunders on the makeup of the body producing the Rural White Paper he replied that in his opinion the Committee should have had a greater number of representatives from rural constituencies; this also applied to the East Midlands Development Agency.

In reply to questions about law and order in rural areas and concerns that information was given and not acted upon, Mr. Taylor said that there was awareness at national level of the needs of rural areas like Appleby that were close to the M42 and therefore the West Midlands conurbation.  Local officers had access to national statistics and react to them.  He promised to write to the Chief Constable asking if he was satisfied with the range of statistics received and in what way he was using that information.

Concerns were also raised about development which farmers were allowed to undertake enabling new and existing buildings to be used for engineering and industrial activities and which could have a detrimental impact on rural communities by creating industrial estates not normally allowed in rural areas.

Mr. Taylor commented that it was unfortunate that when planning legislation was first introduced it had been influenced by the many MP’s who were large landowners or farmers.  He agreed that, in planning terms, farmers were a privileged category who were able to implement development not normally allowed and that in this respect planning legislation was too lax.  He said that the creation of the National Forest was already encouraging farmers to look at such alternatives as recreation and leisure activities.  Amongst other matters the Rural White Paper will be looking at sustainable incomes for farmers.

In reply to various questions he explained that 1% of post offices close each year mainly due to no successors being found. 

Leicestershire Local Education Authority had a good record in protecting small schools with only one small school in Leicestershire being closed in the last 20 years and in relation to planning and development he said that we are all vulnerable due to lax legislation and that Mineral Planning Guidance 3 on mineral working needs strengthening.

Miss Liff thanked Mr. Taylor for his support in securing funding for the refurbishment of the school and asked if funds were available for the planned community activity part of the scheme as the Trustees were encountering difficulties in raising funds for their contribution.

Mr. Taylor replied that community use of schoolbuildings had been neglected over many years, partly due to security fears.  The growth in education funding may help to cater for this aspect of school life as appreciation of the need to make full use of school facilities was being recognised.  He promised to give whatever assistance he was able to provide.

Fears were expressed that potential future teachers were being deterred from a career in teaching due to the adverse publicity and to the ever-increasing burden of paper work which teachers had to undertake. 

Mr. Taylor replied that, in his opinion, the rate of change for governing bodies and support for IT had been too rapid.  However much progress had been made in reducing class sizes and other such matters.  Now is the time to take stock and he will continue to raise his concerns on this matter whenever the opportunity arises.

Mr. Quimby stated that planning relationships with both the County and District Councils needed to be improved.  It would appear that Parish views are not taken seriously.  Local communities need the ability to appeal against what is considered unsuitable development.

Mr. Taylor expressed his own concerns on planning legislation but referred the meeting to Messrs. Sankey and Blunt as the prime channels for concerns with the local authorities.

On behalf of the Parish Mr. Quimby thanked Mr. Taylor for addressing the meeting and answering questions.

1055. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd August were taken as read, confirmed and signed.  

Members were informed that Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. had agreed to repair the ‘cut outs’ to the slide safety surface under the guarantee and at no cost to the Council and that the village had not progressed further than the semi final stage of the Best Kept Village Competition.

1056. Urgent Items

The Chairman informed members that he had agreed to take the following as urgent items of business:-

000801 – change of use of land for the operation of a livery and the erection of an associated stable    block, 80 Snarestone Road

000796 – erection of two storey rear extension and formation of vehicular access, 4 Rectory Lane

000798 – installation of three antenna on existing telecommunications tower, Twycross Hill

1057. Question Time

No questions were raised.

1058. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests 

Mrs. Morris declared a pecuniary interest in the payment of the account for the recreation ground play area fencing.

1059. Decisions taken under Delegated Powers

Members were informed that the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had made observations on planning application 00622 erection of extensions to and change of use of agricultural buildings to workshop and office units at Jubilee Farm and had agreed to the commencement of fencing work at the recreation ground.

1060. Police Matters

There was no police presence at the meeting.

1061. Bank Mandate

Resolved that the bank account be continued with HSBC Bank plc and that the Bank be authorised to pay all cheques and other instructions for payment signed on behalf of the Council by any two signatures of members and the clerk.  

1062. Budget and Financial Statements

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2000 to 22nd August 2000 be noted.

  1063. Accounts for payment

Mrs. Morris declared a pecuniary interest in the account from S. C. Morris and took no part in the discussion or decision on this matter.


Microworld Ltd.

IT equipment



S. C. Morris

Recreation Ground fencing


1064. Budget Surplus

Following consideration of a possible budget surplus it was agreed that information be brought to the next meeting of the Council on bus shelters, Recreation Ground fencing, the damaged seat on Top Street and the Parish Council strimmer.  Miss Liff was advised to recommend to the Information Byway that an application for grant aid be submitted to the Council and the Clerk was authorised to purchase a 15-drawer filing cabinet.

1065.  Audit Commission Report

Following consideration of an Audit Commission report on the audit of parish, town and community councils it was agreed that the Audit Commission be informed that the Parish Council considers that the costs associated with raising the audit are out of proportion to the income of many councils.  The financial expertise required by the Responsible Financial Officer to produce the numerous documents required for audit is in many cases too onerous for the only employee of the council. The Accounts and Audit Regulations should be relaxed for councils with an income of less than £50,000; they should only be required to produce accounts every three years and then only on a payments and receipts basis.  At that time two responsible individuals appointed by the Council should undertake the audit.  Councillors should take a more active role in ensuring that the Council’s finances are kept in a proper manner. Councils with incomes of less than £5,000 should be exempt from a formal audit.

1066. Purchase of Allotment Land

With the consent of members the Chairman withdrew this item from the agenda.

1067. Decision Notices

That it be noted that North West Leicestershire District Council has made the following decisions on the under mentioned planning applications: -

000537 extensions and alterations to dwelling, Brookside, Old End – Allowed

000673 erection of extension to form double garage, 24 Mawby’s Lane – Allowed

000597 erection of extension and sub division of flat to form additional flat, 36 Church Street - Refused

  1068. Traffic Calming

That it be noted that neither Mr. Youles of Bowley’s Lane nor Mr. Micklewright of Didcott Way had responded to the financial information on traffic calming and the possibility of private funding for some works.  Members were informed that it may be possible to provide gateway treatment to the Measham Road and Snarestone Lane entrances to the village for £1,000 per item.  White lining may be possible for New Road.  The preparation of detailed budget estimates, together with the actual costs of the work would have to be met locally. It was agreed that this matter be reconsidered in January 2001 when next year’s budget and precept were being set.

1069. Bus Services

Members were informed that revised bus services for the Ashby, Measham, Twycross and Atherstone areas had been introduced on 4th September.  Unfortunately the revised service did not include Appleby Magna or Parva.

1070. Neighbourhood Watch

Mr. Colver informed members that he had only received one positive response following his item in Parish News.  He intended to pursue the matter further.

1071. The Millennium Auction in aid of Fire Service Charities.

It was agreed that no donation be made in response to the appeal for funds for the Millennium Auction in aid of Fire Service Charities.

1072. Village Venture Competition

It was agreed that the Village Design Statement project (which had now been adopted by the District Council as a supplementary planning guidance note) and the fencing of the children’s play area be entered in the village ventures competition.

1073. Policing Seminar.

Agreed that no representative be appointed to represent the Council at the Police Seminar to be held on 4th October.

1074. Leicestershire and Rutland Rural Community Council

Agreed that no representative be appointed to represent the Council at the Leicestershire and Rutland Rural Community Council AGM on 20th September.

1075. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to the consideration of the following urgent items of business for the reasons stated below.

1076. Funding Workshops

Urgent in view of the proposed timing of the workshops.

It was agreed that Leicestershire County Council be asked to organise a funding workshop in the village in late October.

1077. Courses for Councillors and Clerks

Urgent in view of the timing of the workshops.

No Council representatives were appointed to attend courses being run by the L&RAPLC.

1078 Planning Applications

Urgent to allow comments to be made within the prescribed timescale.

That no observations be made in respect of planning applications 000798 for the installation of 3 antenna, Twycross Tower and 000801 for the change of use of land for the operation of a livery and the erection of an associated stable block, 80 Snarestone Road. 

That in respect of application 000796 for the erection of a rear extension and formation of vehicular access, 4 Rectory Lane, the District Planning Authority be informed that the Parish Council has no objection to this proposal subject to all external materials to be used being of the same type, texture and colour as those used on the existing building and that any proposed gates be set back and open inwards only.

RESOLVED that the public and press be excluded from the meeting owing to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

1079. Allotment Land

Urgent due to the imminent sale of property adjacent to Council owned land.

Members were informed of the contents of a letter received from the prospective purchaser of 14 Rectory Lane and of the Clerk’s telephone conversation with the purchasers solicitor concerning possible discrepancies in plans, the need to agree specific boundaries between allotment land and 14 Rectory Lane and the possible application to purchase allotment land.

It was agreed that the Parish Council was unwilling to sell any land.

It was also agreed that a site visit be undertaken by all members at 10.00 a.m. on Saturday 9th September and that subsequent on members’ observations at that time, members of the site visit be given delegated powers to decide on what course of action the Council should take.


7.00 p.m. – 9.05 p.m.

7th September 2000

Mrs. E. Jeffrey

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