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Parish Council Minutes

February 2011

Thursday 3rd February 2011, 7.30pm, Sir John Moore Community Building Appleby Magna

Present: -       Cllrs P Hemmerdinger (Chairman), K Colver, J Quimby, M Hemmerdinger, D Morris, 
Clerk Mrs Lindsay Swinfield, Police x 2, Members of the public x 11

Open forum for members of the public and press

The majority of the attending members of the public wished to discuss the sports pavilion situated on the recreation ground in Appleby Magna.  An application for retention of the pavilion had been completed and sent to NWLDC, who had returned it with two queries – however this had been lost in the post.  A new application has been made.

It was generally agreed that the pavilion is owned by the Sports and Recreation Club who lease the land from the Parish Council at an annual peppercorn rent.  Several ‘legal’ areas need to be addressed, these include insurance, public liability, lease terms and conditions, peppercorn rent amount, members of the committee, constitution etc.

A further discussion took place re the possibility of a replacement pavilion building and the logistics and process required to take this forward.  All agreed that another Parish Council representative is required – see minutes.  The Sports and Recreation Club Committee will meet at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 9th February in the Community Room, Sir John Moore School.

The majority of the members of the public left the meeting.

1101    Apologies – Cllr Jeffrey

1102    Declarations of Interest to Items on Agenda – Nil

1103    Declarations of Amendment to the Register of Interests – Nil

1104    Minutes Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 4th November 2010 were endorsed and signed.

1105    Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers - Nil

1106    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters
a.         PC Davis reported that he is leaving his current job to join the CID in Coalville, and will be replaced by PC Chloe Canning.  Cllrs thanked PC Davis for his sterling work in the area and wished him well. 
The Clerk reported that youngsters had been playing in the cemetery and that this was inappropriate behaviour.

b.         Please ring 0116 2222222 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.

The Police left the meeting

1107    Planning Consultations
a.         10/01150/FUL, 25 Didcott Way, removal of existing conservatory and construction of a two-storey rear extension – no objection.
b.         11/00003/FUL, 4 Didcott Way, first floor front extension and two-storey side extension – no objection.

1108    Planning Decision Notices
a.         26 Top Street, installation of replacement front door, LBC – granted.
b.         Top Street, land to rear of Barn House, TPO, T1, T2, T3, Common Ash – comments invited by 11/02/11.
c.         81/83 Top Street, land to rear of 81/83, Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of land for the storage of building materials – approved.

1109    Chairman’s Report
a.         Election 2011 update – posters and leaflets had been provided by the Clerk and a short discussion took place. 
b.         Cllr P Hemmerdinger gave a brief update on the Thermal Imaging project; 400 houses have been surveyed with approximately 80 still to be surveyed.  A public exhibition is planned for 5th March 2011 in the Village Hall.
c.         Following the Sports Pavilion discussion, Cllr Quimby proposed, seconded by Cllr Colver it was RESOLVED, unanimous that Cllrs P Hemmerdinger and D Morris represent the Parish Council on the Sports and Recreation Club Committee.

1110    Allotment Matters
a.         The majority of the annual allotment fees have been paid and banked, the two outstanding payees have received letters.  There are 4 allotments available, however a few queries have been received recently.  Clerk to contact one allotment holder re fencing issues.

1111    Footpaths, Hedgerows & Street Matters
a.         Certain trees within the Churchyard are the responsibility of the Parish Council and following discussion and research, Cllr Colver proposed, seconded by Cllr M. Hemmerdinger, it was    RESOLVED, unanimous to pay for the tree works to be carried out by LCC as soon as possible.
b.         Clerk to report very muddy road conditions to Highways (especially Austrey Lane).
c.         NWLDC Street Environment Officers have been spraying ‘dog waste fines’ road signs onto the    highway around the village – the signs will wash off; it is hoped this will have some effect on the     perpetrators/owners.

1112    Recreation Ground & Street Furniture Matters
a.         The bus shelter needs to be re-stained – Clerk to add to the June agenda.
b.         Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that the subject of planting two Oak trees in dedication to a local resident to mark his many years as a serving Councillor be added to the August agenda.

1113    Correspondence - Nil          

1114    Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The cheque list and bank reconciliation was reviewed and approved.
b.         Approve Internal Auditor for 2011 – all agreed to check that the existing Internal Auditor meets the new Government Auditing Regulation standards – add to March agenda.
c.         Foundation request for a member on the project committee for the Sir John Moore Foundation – Cllr Morris gave an update and overview of the latest funding to develop plans for the remodelling of the whole of the rear of the school site, and this requires a parish representative on the committee that will be overseeing these proposals and developments.  Cllr Quimby proposed, seconded by Cllr Colver it was RESOLVED, unanimous, that Cllr P. Hemmerdinger represents the Parish Council on the committee.
d.         West Leicestershire Community First Responder Group requested a donation towards their work – this was discussed but denied.

1115    Stone Pit Land Charity
a.         This is an ongoing item until resolved – a new Solicitor is handling the case.  All agreed that the Clerk should contact NWLDC and request that an update is provided asap; it was felt that as      agricultural land is increasing rapidly in value, and the charity has been wound up, the Parish Council should be kept informed of progress and any developments on an ongoing basis.

1116    Ideas for written piece – Parish News Line
a.         A local resident has been prosecuted for allowing a dog to defecate on a footpath in a field – a dog warden observed (on camera) and gave a £50.00 fine.  Please pick up after your dog, and when you do, don’t throw the bag into the nearest hedge – put it into any public bin – this is allowed.

1117    Urgent Items - nil

The meeting ended at  9.35pm

Date of next meeting:  March 3rd 2011 – 7.30pm, The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School

 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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