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Parish Council Minutes

January 2014

Extraordinary Planning Meeting

Thursday 16th January 2014, 7.30 pm, Sir John Moore Foundation Community Building,
Appleby Magna

Present: -        Cllrs P Hemmerdinger (Chair), M Hemmerdinger, R Butler, P Smith, G Pott,
Lindsay Swinfield Clerk, 9 members of the public.

1401    Apologies – Cllr D. Wildgoose – apology accepted.

1402    Declarations of Pecuniary Interest to Items on Agenda – Nil

1403    Open forum for members of the public and press

The village development survey has been distributed, final delivery will be 17/01/14, then each household in the village will have received a copy.  The survey is an unbiased, objective review of residents views re development in Appleby Magna.

Public forum closed

1404    Planning Consultations –

a.         13/00809/OUT, 26 Black Horse Hill, erection of two dwellings/outline – all matters reserved
application withdrawn, no further action.

b.         13/00829/OUT, Land at Measham Road, erection of 8 dwellings with associated garaging and access road – outline planning.
c.         13/00799/FULM, land (Dormers Green) off Bowleys Lane, residential development of 26 dwellings including affordable housing, formation of sustainable urban drainage system and public open space and demolition and replacement of boundary treatment at corner of Bowleys Lane and Church Street.
d.         13/00797/FULM, land adjoining 33 Measham Road, erection of 73 residential units including affordable housing and provision of sustainable urban drainage and on and off site public open space.
e.         13/00697/FULM, land off Top Street, residential development for up to 32 dwellings (access included).
f.          13/00907/OUT, land adjacent to 27 Botts Lane, erection of one dwelling, outline.

The details below will be sent via email to NWLDC Planning Department:

13/00907/OUT, land adjacent to 27 Botts Lane, erection of one dwelling – no objection, however, comments are blanket comments re the infrastructure of the village – the as yet unresolved ongoing problems of water management.

Village Survey re planning & development
There is a village survey being carried out (an unbiased, objective questionnaire) re development within Appleby Magna – the results are not yet available, but we will pass these to you on receipt, this, with other planning matters can be discussed when you meet with Councillors to review the planning applications.

Section 106
The Parish Council wishes to register interest in any Section 106 funding, should this become relevant – this would be useful to the village and Councillors are open to discussion in the future based on mutually agreed planning applications – however, this does not in any way give approval to any large scale planning applications as long as the infrastructure and inadequate water management in the village remains as is.

13/00809/OUT, 26 Black Horse Hill – planning application withdrawn, no further action.

13/00829/OUT, Land at Measham Road, erection of 8 dwellings with associated garaging and access road – OBJECT (unanimous) – comments are (if density was reduced to a few proposed dwellings, this could be considered again, once infrastructure problems are resolved in the village):

13/00799/FULM, Dormers Green – off Bowleys Lane, residential development of 26 dwellings including affordable housing, formation of sustainable urban drainage system and public open space, demolition and replacement of boundary treatment at corner of Bowleys Lane and Church Street – OBJECT (unanimous) – comments are:

13/00797/FULM, Land adjoining 33 Measham Road, erection of 73 residential units including affordable housing and provision of sustainable urban drainage and on and off site public open space – OBJECT (unanimous) – comments are:

13/00697/FULM, Land off Top Street, residential development for up to 32 dwellings (access included) – OBJECT (unanimous) - comments are:

All of the above applications are responded to by the Parish Council using material considerations, Councillors have acted fairly, openly and apolitically, approaching each application with an open mind and avoiding pre-conceived opinions, all issues have been carefully weighed up and they determined each application on its individual planning merits, avoiding undue contact with interested parties, clearly stating reasons for their decisions.

It is interesting to note that Christine Fisher, Chief Executive of NWLDC stated in a letter sent 14th October 2013 re Churchyard of St Michael and All Angels, Appleby Magna regarding further burial land – “It is also unlikely that there will be any major development in Appleby Magna that would attract significant 106 funding.” … this leads the Councillors to feel that their major concerns with the infrastructure of the village are generally held.

Appleby Environment believes, in light of the cumulative effects of the various housing developments, and taking account of guidance set out in the NPPF on the importance of such cumulative effects, that NWLDC is required to commission an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).  This is required to assess the cumulative effects of the proposed developments.  This has to be undertaken prior to the determination of these residential applications.

The Parish Council works closely with Appleby Environment and other key interdependents to ensure the village is looked after and is sustained (and grows) in a strategic and robust manner, taking into account all factors which impact residents and are also material planning considerations, such as water management, road use, access/egress issues, sewage management and ensuring Appleby Magna sustains its character.

Please also take into consideration previous comments made by the Parish Council re the above planning applications.

1405    Planning Decisions
Pavilion, Bowleys Lane – demolition and erection of replacement pavilion – granted.

The meeting ended at  8.15pm

Date of next meeting:  February 6th 2014, 7.30pm @The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School

Lindsay Swinfield, Clerk to the Parish Council

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