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Parish Council Minutes

November 2001

Minutes of a Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Thursday 1st November 2001


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair) and Mr. H. D. Saunders.

Apologies were received from Mr. J. Lewis, Miss. S. T. Liff and Mrs. D. Morris.

1299. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 4th October 2001 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

Members were informed that Severn Trent Water has confirmed that the sewers around the M42 area are hydraulically capable of draining the catchment area and that the current flooding problems are caused by land drainage water getting into the sewerage system.  Only when land drainage remedial works have been carried out will the floodwater be prevented from entering the sewers.  Land drainage is the responsibility of the District Council.

1300. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed that the following matters be taken as urgent items on the agenda :-

a)      A site visit to the School to discuss parking problems

b)      Representation at the presentation of the Village of the Year awards ceremony

c)      A planning application in respect of 231 Tamworth Road

d)      The condition of Dingle Lane

1301. Question Time

No questions were raised.

1302. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

No such declarations were made.

1303. Decisions taken under delegated powers

No such decisions had been taken.

1304. Police Matters

Police Report

Sergeant Simon Hurst introduced PC Claire Horsley who had recently joined the beat team.

He reported that during the last month there had been two serious arson crimes on farm buildings.  CID officers were investigating and persons had been arrested.  Enquiries were still ongoing on the A444 robbery and extra patrols around the village were taking place.  The beat vehicle had already visited the village and would be stationed on Church Street between 9.30 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. on Friday 9th November.  This opportunity to contact the police locally would be well advertised in the village.

The objectives of the stationing of the beat vehicle in local villages included the careful monitoring of crime reduction targets and high visibility policing in line with local police objectives.

He informed members that up to April 2002 funds from the Crime and Disorder Fund were available to assist worthy causes.  Local youth clubs and playgroups had already been helped

North Area Police Authority Community Consultative Meeting

Mr Saunders reported that 15 people had attended the recent North Area Police Authority Community Consultative Meeting and that a previous Neighbourhood Watch meeting had been well attended.  The effects of additional beat officers would not be seen until after training had been completed.  The number of speed cameras in the area is to be increased.  There are now two mobile speed check trailers in the Division.  Sergeant Hurst confirmed that these could be made available and that requests should be channelled through the beat officers. 

Mr Saunders had also raised the question of police presence at Parish Council meetings and the attendance of the beat vehicle in the village.  The Inspector had now addressed both of these matters.

1305. Budget and Financial Statements

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2001 to 22nd October 2001 be noted.

1306. Church Hall Hire Charges

Members were informed that as from 1st January 2002 charges for the hire of the Church Hall for Parish Council meetings would increase from £7.50 to £8.00.  The additional charges for January to May inclusive would be paid from petty cash.

1307. Account for payment

Resolved that the a donation of £400 be made to Appleby Magna Parochial Church Council towards the mowing of the closed and open churchyards. (100741).

1308. Decision Notices

That it be noted that North West Leicestershire District Council has considered and made decisions on the following planning applications:-

01/00862 – Erection of two-storey side extension, 24 Mawby’s Lane – Refused.

01/00797 – Erection of dwelling (outline), land adjacent to 12 Hillside - Refused.

01/00956 – Change of use of butchers shop to part of existing dwelling, 8 Mawby’s Lane – Allowed.

01/00940 – Installation of LPG dispensing facility, Fina Petrol Station – Allowed.

01/01076 – Works to two cherry trees (trees in Conservation Area), 8 Garton Close - Allowed

1309. Areas of Special Control of Advertisements – House for Sale Boards

That it be noted that following concern expressed by members at the plethora of House for Sale Boards appearing on highway verges and the reluctance of most Estate Agents to abide by the national guidelines, the Divisional Surveyor had agreed to contact the worst offenders and require the removal of the offending signs. 

1310. Report of the Sport and Recreation Club

Members were informed that the Management Committee of the Sport and Recreation Club had discussed the condition of the pavilion and the need for refurbishment.  It had been decided that in view of the temporary nature of the building and of its present condition plans would be drawn up for a larger more permanent building.  The Management Committee of the Club has agreed to the terms included in the lease for the land on which the pavilion stands.

1311. North West Leicestershire Local Plan Monitoring Report 1991 – 2001

It was agreed that the North West Leicestershire Local Plan Monitoring Report 1991 – 2001 be circulated around members for information.

1312. Invitation to attend a Waste Recycling Environmental Seminar

Messrs Quimby and Colver agreed to represent the Council at the seminar by Waste Recycling Environmental to be held at Glenfield on 22nd November on Grants for Your Community.

1313. Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee 2002

Members were informed of the contents of a letter from the Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire requesting all Councils to encourage the commemoration of the Golden Jubilee in some special way during the Jubilee Year.

1314. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to the consideration of the following urgent items of business for the reasons stated below. .

1315. Parking in the Vicinity of the School

Urgent due to the proposed date of the meeting.

Members agreed to attend a site meeting to be called by the Highway Authority to discuss parking problems outside the school.  The meeting would be held at 3.00 p.m. on a date to be agreed in November.

1316. Village of the Year Competition

Urgent in order to reply to the invitation.

It was agreed that the Clerk be appointed to represent the Parish Council at the Village of the Year Competition presentation to be held in London on 5th December.  Members congratulated the Telecottage organisers in being selected to represent Leicestershire in the IT section of the competition.

1317 Planning Application

Urgent to enable a reply to be forwarded within the prescribed timescale.

It was agreed that no objection be submitted in respect of planning application 01/01288 – erection of attached garage, 231 Tamworth Road.

1318. Dingle Lane

Urgent in view of the dangerous condition of this public right of way.

That Severn Trent Water be asked for its proposals to reinstate Dingle Lane to its former condition following pipe works in the lane and that a copy be forwarded to the Divisional Surveyor for information.


It was resolved that in pursuance of Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A to the Act.

1319. Grounds Maintenance 2002

It was agreed that subject to agreement that all aspects of health and safety legislation be adhered to the contract for the maintenance of 4 play areas within the village, which are the responsibility of the Parish Council, be awarded to Chilcote Garden Services in accordance with the quotation dated 8th October 2001.

7.00 p.m. – 8.15 p.m.
1st November, 2001

Mrs. E. Jeffrey

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