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Parish Council Minutes

October 2000

Minutes of a meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Friday 13th October 2000


Mr. K. J. Colver, Miss. S. T. Liff and Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair).

Apologies were received from Mr. R. Blunt, Mr. J. M. Lewis, Mrs. D. Morris and Mr. H. D. Saunders.

1080. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 7th September, 2000 were
taken as read, confirmed and signed. 

1081. Site meeting – Allotment Gardens

The notes of the site meeting held on 9th September, 2000 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

  Members were informed that the Chairman had confirmed a plan agreeing the boundaries between 14 Rectory Lane and the Allotment Gardens.  A copy of the plan would be lodged with the Allotment Gardens deeds.

1082. Urgent Item

The Chairman informed members that he had agreed to take as urgent business an item on an application for a Provisional Justices’ Licence in respect of the Hotel Metro.

1083. Question Time

         Mrs. E. Shaw informed the meeting that on three occasions over the past two months a working party had tried to work on the brook with a view to clearing the banks and making the water run more freely.  Although the District Council had assured both Mrs. Shaw and the Clerk to the Council that work would be undertaken by them to clear the brook, to date, no progress had been made.  She asked if the Council would write to the District Council officially requesting the clearing of the brook and asking that this matter be put into a regular programme of work to ensure that clearing of the brook is carried out twice a year thereby alleviating the problem of the regular flooding of Duck Lake.  She also asked that the District Council be informed that slabs to the rear of The Crown public house on Church Street had fallen into the brook and that this part also needed attention. 

She advised members that the County Highway Authority has undertaken to strim the sides of the brook during the next two weeks and that the local volunteer group has decided to leave the brook project in abeyance until the culverting and clearing of the brook has been completed. 

She also requested that in order to present the village at its best for the Best Kept Village Competition, parishioners, via the Parish News, be encouraged to volunteer for a few hours work each year to cut and strim the entrances to Didcott Way and St. Michaels Drive.

1084. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests 

Mr. Quimby declared a pecuniary interest in the payment of the account for the Hall Yards kissing gates and Miss. Liff declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 10 on the agenda - a request for financial assistance from Information Byway.

1085. Decisions taken under Delegated Powers

Members were informed that the Clerk, in consultation with the 
Chairman, had:

1086. Police Matters

There was no police presence at the meeting.

1087. Budget and Financial Statements

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2000 to 22nd September 2000 be noted.

 1088. Accounts for payment

Mr. Quimby declared a pecuniary interest in the account for the erection of 2 gates on the Hall Yards footpath and took no part in the discussion or decision on this matter.


Wicksteed Leisure Ltd

Play equipment inspection




2 printer cassettes



Midland Crop Services




Mr. J. Quimby

HallYards gates



Mrs. E. Jeffrey

Oct/Nov/Dec 2000 salary



Mrs. E. Jeffrey

Expenses 3/8/00 – 13/10/00



C A Massie and Sons

Recreation Ground hedge



Millbank Plant Hire

Allotment drive and car park


1089. Application for Financial Assistance

Miss Liff declared a non-pecuniary interest in this matter and took no part in the discussion or decision.

Members were informed of a request from Information Byway for financial assistance to fund access to the Internet to provide Learn Direct courses at the telecottage for people in the parish. Without this facility parishioners would need to travel to Stephenson College to receive training.  

It was agreed that a grant of £500 be made to Information Byway (100703)

1090. Budget Surplus

Following an update from the Clerk on anticipated commitments for the current financial year and of a letter from the County Council inviting the submission of bids for funding towards the cost of a new bus shelter for the community it was agreed that a bid of between £2000 and £2,500 towards the cost of a new bus shelter be submitted to the County Council, that Mr. L. Freeman be requested to draw plans for a car parking area on the Recreation Ground and that the Divisional Surveyor be invited to a site visit to discuss this proposal.

1091. Decision Notices

That it be noted that North West Leicestershire District Council has made the following decisions on the under mentioned planning applications: -

000697 – change of use of land from agricultural use to form conservation ponds, Redhill Farm, Top Street - Allowed

000662 – erection of dwelling adj. 24 Mawby’s Lane - Refused

1092. Change of Use to Office, Redhill Farm

Following a report that heavy duty electricity cables were being installed at Redhill Farm, members were informed that the District Council has written to the owner of the farm reminding him of condition 2 attached to a recent planning permission.  Before any further action can be taken the District Council would require evidence to support the contention that a breach of conditions had occurred.

1093. Village Sport and Recreation Club

Messrs. Colver and Quimby, the Parish Councils representatives on the Village Sports and Recreation Club, informed members that the first meeting of the management committee was held on 26th September.  Following the election of officers a financial appraisal of the former Gala Committee accounts was presented.  It was decided that the funds be transferred to an account in the name of the Appleby Sports and Recreation Club.  The condition and future of the pavilion was discussed together with activities on the Recreation Ground.

Members were concerned that the Management Committee did not look to the Parish Council to fund all improvements to the Recreation Ground and pavilion.

It was agreed that the Parish Council test public opinion on the introduction of tennis markings and nets on the hard surface area and of the building of a bowling green on the Recreation Ground.

It was also agreed that letter be sent to the owners/occupiers of properties adjoining the recreation ground reminding them that they had no right of access from their properties onto the Recreation Ground and that if they had/or wished to install a gate then they must obtain the permission of the Parish Council and pay a fee of £1 per year.

1094. Leicestershire and Rutland Heritage Wardens Network

Members were informed of an invitation to attend the launch of the Leicestershire and Rutland Heritage Wardens Network to be held at the Record Office Wigston on 21st October, 2000.

1095. The RBS East Midlands Economy Seminar

         Members were informed of an invitation to attend the RBS East Midlands Economy Seminar to be held at the East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham on 14th November, 2000.

1096. Beacon Millennium

         It was agreed not to accept an invitation to apply for advice and support to light a beacon on Sunday 31st December, 2000.

1097. Urgent Item

The Chairman agreed to the consideration of the following urgent item of business for the reason stated below.

1098. Notice of Application for a Provisional Justices’ Licence for the Hotel Metro

Urgent in view of the time limit on the submission of objections.

 It was agreed that an objection be submitted to the application for the sale by retail of intoxicating liquor of all descriptions for consumption on and off the premises to be known as the Hotel Metro on the grounds that the licence should be limited to and ancillary to the restaurant and the Hotel.  No off license sales should be permitted.

RESOLVED that the public and press be excluded from the meeting owing to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

1099. Vandalism on the Recreation Ground

Members were informed of the contents of a letter received from a parishioner naming persons who had allegedly written graffiti on the basketball net supports on the hard surface area of the Recreation Ground.

It was agreed that in view of the lack of any other evidence no action be taken at the present time but that the problem of graffiti be referred to in the Parish News.


7.00 p.m. – 8.35 p.m.

13th October, 2000

Mrs. E. Jeffrey

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