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Parish Council Minutes

September 2007

Thursday 6th September 2007

Present: - Cllr. Quimby – Chairman, Cllr. Colver -Vice Chairman, Cllr. Jeffrey, Cllr. Morris Cllr. P. Hemmerdinger & Cllr. M. Hemmerdinger

P.C. Davis & Community Support Officer

Jayne Black – Street Environment Manager

Measham Parish Council Chairman & Councillor

Mr Chapman & Mrs Cooper

 2588    Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 2nd August 2007 were read and endorsed.

 2589    Public Question Time

Mrs Cooper requested a public open notice board for the side of the Post Office to be used by village organisations to advertise their events.  The Chairman informed the meeting that a Parish Council notice board could be moved to the requested site as the Post Office had already given permission.  A closed board would be preferable to prevent vandalism.

The Parish Council agreed to move one of its boards.

Mr Chapman requested more litter bins for the village with one being placed by the Recreation Ground on Bowleys Lane and also suggested a dog litter bin.  P.C. Davis suggested a notice displaying the cost of fines for not clearing up after a dog, to encourage good dog ownership.  The Chairman informed the meeting the Parish Council had for many months tried to get more litter bins for the village from N.W.L.D.C. without success and now the Street Environment Officer was actively chasing the District Council.

Mr Chapman reported the grass on the recreation ground was getting very long.  The Chairman informed the meeting the contractor cut the grass twelve times a year, which was normally adequate.

Mr Chapman complained about the bad language used by footballers and spectators on the Recreation Ground.  The Chairman informed the meeting that a strong letter had very recently been sent to Appleby Magna Football Club with complaints including the use of bad language.

 2590    Declarations Of Amendment To The Register Of Interests - None.

 2591    Declaration Of Interest To Items On Agenda – None.

 2592    Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers – None.

 2593    Visitor Presentation - Jayne Black, Street Environment Officer N.W.L.D.C.

Jayne reported that N.W.L.D.C. had agreed the area of fly tipping in Austrey Lane would be getting signage.  The District Council would be running an anti dog fouling campaign in January 2008.  The current fine for dog owners, not clearing up after their pets, was currently £50 but may well increase when the new Act comes into force. Persistent offenders should be reported so that action can be taken.  Jayne agreed the Recreation Ground required a litter bin and advised the public to write to the District Council, she was chasing for new litter bins.  Jayne informed the meeting she would try and remove the graffiti from the bus shelter; the Chairman reported that funding had been secured for the repairs to the bus shelter.  Measham Parish Council Chairman informed the meeting that South Derbyshire District Council removed reported graffiti within 24 hours.  The Parish Council agreed to send a letter to

Mr Blunt, Chairman of the N.W.L.D.C., requesting the removal of graffiti be given a priority.  Jayne had spoken to the Highways Department about the problem of dangerous parking on bends and junctions by the school.  It had been suggested yellow lines be painted on the road so that the District Council could then enforce safe parking.  Jayne informed the Parish Council that she would put in a proposal for yellow lines.

 2594    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters

P.C. Davis informed the meeting that speed checks had been carried out on the A444 and more would be carried out in the future, he is keen to use the automatic number plate recognition car in the area.  A police /public consultation event is to take place on 22nd September at 10a.m. to noon in the Church Hall, all welcome.  P.C. Davis believed Appleby Magna residents would want to join the ‘no cold call scheme’ and he would send a draft letter to the clerk, to be delivered to all residents, by the Parish Councillors, for their views. 

P.C. Davis was to contact all residents in Appleby Parva, he showed a ‘no cold call’ sign to the meeting, it was believed the village would need eight signs if the scheme went ahead, each sign costing £10 approximately.  P.C. Davis reported regular village patrols were being carried out and a burglary had been reported in Appleby Parva.  The Parish Council asked if the police could show their presence during the litter pick, football matches on the Recreation Ground and when dangerous parking occurred by to the school.

2595    Planning Consultations

07/01256/FUL – erection of porch to side of dwelling – 28-30 Black Horse Hill – no objections.

07/01344/FUL – erection of first floor & single storey exts. to rear of dwelling & exts. to garage to provide ancillary accommodation – Ashlea Cottage, 140 Tamworth Road – no objections.

2596    Planning Decision Notices

07/00749/FUL – Sir John Moore Foundation, Top Street – change of use to include office, private & community use, community events & wedding ceremonies - granted

07/01060/TCA – Bromley, 22 Black Horse Hill – works to a sycamore & Conifers – granted

07/01065/FUL – Hall Farm, 1 New Road- erection of extension to existing general purpose building – granted


2597    Approval Of Budget And Financial Statements

1st April 07 to 18th August 07 budget and financial statements – Approved.

Amendment to annual return 31/3/07 – Approved.

 2598    Accounts For Payment

Karen Stirk – Clerk's Payment – 1st August to 31st August 07 - £290.75

Karen Stirk – Expenses for July 07 - £8.98

J.A. Robinson – Grnd. Maint. Cut 8 - £60 - Cheques agreed and signed.

2599    Allotment Matters

It was agreed to advertise two allotment plots were now available, with the offer of renting only half if less land required, in the October Parish News Line.  Cllr. Jeffrey to inform the clerk of the two allotment holders who have not cultivated their allotments this year, so that a letter can be sent to the holders. It was agreed to discuss allotment weed control at the April 2008 meeting.

2600    Footpaths & Hedgerows

It had been reported the Hillside/Black Horse Hill footpath was hazardous under foot, it was agreed to send a letter to the Footpaths Officer at L.C.C.  A resident had expressed concern about the unstable verge and tree growth in Mawbys Lane, it was agreed to contact the Highways Department. A letter had been received from the owner of the Bowleys Lane overgrown hedge, stating it would be cut back as soon as possible.  The clerk was asked to chase up hardcore to improve the Dingle Lane bridleway.  The clerk informed the meeting  N.W.L.D.C. had issued a works order to alter the dangerous kerbstones opposite the Almshouses lay-by.

 2601    L.C.C. Request Nomination for International Day of Older People

John Quimby was nominated by Cllr. Morris and Cllr. Hemmerdinger.

 2602    Black Horse Hill

A resident had suggested a directional sign under the one way sign for Black Horse Hill to inform visitors.  The Parish Council agreed it was an unnecessary expense and would take no action. It was agreed to write to the Highways Department about the poor standard of work carried out to the kerbstones outside of Brewery Barn.

 2603    Campaign for the Sustainable Communities Bill

A request was considered by the Parish Council, to support the above bill, it was agreed to take no action.

 2604    Residential Properties - Change of Use

Concern had been expressed about an offer to purchase a residential property with a view to change the use, without planning applied for.  The Chairman reported the offer had been withdrawn, therefore no further action needed to be taken.

 2605    29th September 2007 Litter Pick

Cllr. Morris informed the meeting the litter pick would take place between 10 a.m. and noon followed by a weather vane sculpture workshop using clean recycled plastic bottles.  Jayne Black agreed to provide the litter pick equipment and arrange collection of the waste.

 2606    Standards & Revised Code of Conduct Training

Due to the cost of the above training it was agreed not to attend, the clerk to request literature for the Parish Councillors.

 2607    Spring Bulb Planting

It was agreed the Chairman would purchase spring bulbs for various locations around the village.  The Parish Council would contribute £50 and Cllr. Quimby offered to contribute £50.  The clerk was asked to obtain permission from L.C.C. to plant the spring bulbs.  It was agreed to put an item in the Parish News Line asking for volunteers to plant the bulbs on Sunday 7th October at 10a.m. meeting outside the school gates. 

2608    Bus Shelter Repairs

Quotations had been sort to repair the bus shelter but had not yet been received, it was agreed to discuss at the next meeting.

 2609    Bowleys Lane – Sewer Problem

Following a recent further blocked sewer in Bowleys Lane, the clerk had been informed by Severn Trent Water due to blockages occurring frequently it was monitoring the situation to discover the cause.  The Parish Council agreed to write to the Environmental Health Department about the many incidents of blockages causing effluent to lay in Bowleys Lane, believed to be caused by the nearby MacDonalds fast food outlet.

 2610    Ideas for Written Piece - Parish News Line

It was agreed to put the following items into the October Parish News Line:-

No cold call scheme proposal, available allotment plots and date of spring bulb planting.

 2611    Urgent Items

a.         Planning Consultation 07/01362/FUL-Jubilee Business Park, Snarestone Road – change of use to storage use (class B8) – no objections

b.         It was agreed to donate the old computer to M.I.N.D.

c.         A.M.F.C. had been able to obtain a second hand line marker and thanked the Parish Council for its offer of assistance.

d.         Invoice for payment       J.A. Robinson – Ground Maint. Contract Cuts 9 & 10 £180 – cheque agreed and signed


 Ms K. Stirk (Clerk to the Parish Council)

11th September 2007

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