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Parish Council Minutes

August 2002

Minutes of the Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Thursday 1st August 2002.


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mr. P. Hemmerdinger, Mr. J. Lewis, Mrs. D. Morris and Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair).

Apologies were received from Miss. S. T. Liff.

1440. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 6th June 2002 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

Minute 1415.  The Clerk informed members that the District Council were unable to give permission to the Parish Council to site a container to the rear of the scout hut.  The container would need to be on Parish Council land or for the use of the Parish Council.

Minute 1434.  The Clerk reported the receipt of a letter of thanks from  Judith Boston, headteacher of the primary school, for the use of the Recreation Ground for the school sports day.   

Minute 1437.  The Chairman reported that the Didcott Way fencing appeared to be in the same condition as it was last year and that it did not constitute a danger to the public.

1441. Co-option of a new Parish Councillor

It was proposed by Mr. Colver, seconded by Mrs. Morris and carried that Mr. Paul Bernard Hemmerdinger be co-opted as a member of the Parish Council to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Saunders.

Mr. Hemmerdinger was present at the meeting; he duly completed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form and joined members for the remainder of the business.

1442. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to take the following matters as urgent items of business:-

1443.  Question Time

Members were requested to consider the difficulties already being experienced by nearby residents due to the present activities on Redhill Farm and to object to the latest three planning applications.

1444.  Declarations of amendments to the Register of Interests

No such declarations were made.

1445. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests  

Mr. Quimby declared a non pecuniary interest in matters relating to the Sir John Moore School (Minute number 1446).

1446. Decisions taken under delegated powers

The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had :-

The Clerk had made no objection to planning applications:-

1447 Police Matters

Inspector Joanne Rogerson 

Members were informed that Inspector Joanne Rogerson had taken over the post of Commander of the Ashby Local Policing Unit from Inspector Simon Worthington who had moved to a post within the Forces Operations Department.

Beat Officers Report

PC Clare Horsley was unable to attend the meeting but had submitted a written report.  The report outlined various incidents that had taken place in the beat area since the last meeting of the Council.  It also contained information on a recent stop check operation when no arrests had been made but traffic offences were dealt with and information gained.

Farmwatch is now up and running with farmers in adjoining beat areas showing their willingness to join.

Concerns over speeding motorcycles using the A444 as a test route had been referred to the Traffic Department.

No volunteers had come forward regarding the resurrection of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme; this would be re-advertised in the Parish Newsline.

1448. Advertising for a new Clerk to the Parish Council

The Clerk informed members that Mrs. V. Newbrook had declined to accept the post of Clerk to the Parish Council.

It was agreed that the post be re-advertised in the Measham Messenger, Ashby Times, Burton Daily Mail, Tamworth Herald and Parish Newsline.  Notices would also be displayed on the Parish Notice Boards.

1449. The Duty to Promote Racial Equality

The literature on the duty to promote racial equality was noted and it was agreed that it be passed round members for further perusal.

1450. Risk Assessment of Council Owned Property

Members agreed that risk assessment of the Recreation Ground and grassed areas around the village were adequate but that further work should be undertaken to the access roads in the Allotment Gardens.

1451. Approval of the Parish Council Accounts for the Year Ending 31st March 2002 and of the Statement of Assurance

It was agreed that the Parish Council accounts for the year ending 31st March 2002 and the Statement of Assurance be approved and signed.

1452. Signing of a new Bank Mandate

Resolved that a bank account be continued with HSBC Bank plc and that the bank be authorised to pay all cheques and other instructions for payment signed on behalf of the council by any two Councillors.

1453. Budget and Financial Statements 

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2002 to 22nd July 2002 be noted.

  1454. Accounts for payment

Agreed that the following accounts be paid:- 


Rural Community Council - Subscription



L. Smith – Internal Audit Services



E. Jeffrey – Salary July/August/September 2002



E. Jeffrey – Petty cash 2/5/02 to 1/8/02


 1455. Requests for Financial Assistance

It was agreed that in respect of requests for financial assistance donations be made as follows:-


Rural Community Council – Donation



Leicestershire North Neighbourhood Watch Association - Donation


 1456. Proposed Modification to the Deposited North West Leicestershire Local Plan

Members were informed of a proposed modification to the Deposited North West Leicestershire Local Plan

Policy No. R1 Central Area Shopping.

1457. Planning Applications

Resolved that various objections including access, traffic, proximity to the primary school, residential properties and public footpaths, the use of the buildings for retail purposes and the commercial use of the ponds be made in respect of planning applications:-

02/01042 – Erection of extension to existing agricultural building, Redhill Farm, 97 Top Street

02/01043 – Change of use of agricultural building to workshop and storage, Redhill Farm, 97 Top Street

02/01046 – Change of use of existing lake to fishing lakes and existing agricultural building to retail, Redhill Farm, 97 Top Street

1458. Planning Decision Notices

That it be noted that NWLDC had allowed the following planning applications:-

02/00638 – Replacement of existing zinc roof (Listed Building Consent), Sir John Moore C of E School, Top Street

02/00380 – Conversion of barn to dwelling at Barn, Rectory Lane 

1459. Parish Transport Grant

That consideration of a Parish Transport Grant be deferred to the next meeting of the Council and that parishioners be informed, via the Parish Newsline, that any applications for grand aid need to be channelled through the Parish Council. 

1460. Rectory Lane Flooding Update

Members were informed that, following the site visit held on 24th June, the inspection panel came to the conclusion that to begin to solve the very complicated problem of managing the water run off from Rectory Lane various courses of action should be undertaken.  

The outcome of those decisions is still awaited.

The Chairman informed members that as ownership of the Old Rectory was about to change hands he had deferred arranging any meeting.

1461. Use of Footway Stencils

Members were informed that the Divisional Surveyor considers it prudent to trial the use of dog stencils on footways for a period of three months.  The Parish Council is required to obtain some form of written consent for each marking from the immediately adjacent residents.  It was agreed that the trial scheme be undertaken with markings being made on Top Street at its junction with Hall Yards footpath, its junction with Didcott Way and near to the primary school; one near to the Post Office on Mawby’s Lane and another on Church Street near to the Crown Inn.

1462. Jubilee Year Best Village Competition

It was announced that the village has been successful in coming in the top three in the intermediate category of the Jubilee Year Best Village Competition and therefore will go through to the final judging which will take place during the week commencing 12th August.

1463. Recreation Ground Dog Fouling Signs

Members were informed of quotations received for dog fouling etc. signs for the Recreation Ground entrances and the play area that ranged from £87 to £350 each plus carriage.  It was agreed that members seek quotations from local firms before any order is placed and that a request from the scout group for a ‘No flytipping’ sign be also purchased.

1464. Rural Community Council Funding Fayre Burton Overy

Members were informed of an invitation to attend the Rural Community Council Funding Fayre to be held at Burton Overy on 17th September.

1465. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to take the following matters as urgent items for the reasons stated below.

1466. Planning Application 33 Church Street

Urgent to enable a reply to be made within the prescribed consultation period.

Resolved that no objection be made to planning application 02/01083 for the erection of a garden shed at 33 Church Street.

1467. Off-Licence Application

Urgent in consideration of the imminent date of the Transfer sessions.

Members were informed of the details of an application for a new off-licence application in respect of the Night & Day Convenience Store, Totalelf Filling Station.

1468. Coalfields Rural Initiative Fund Funding Advice Event

Urgent to enable places to be reserved.

The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Clerk agreed to represent the Council at the Coalfields Rural Initiative Fund Funding Advice Event to be held at Conkers, Moira on 10th September.


 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.

1st August 2002

Mrs. E. Jeffrey 

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