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Annual Parish Council Minutes

August 2010

 Appleby Magna Parish Council Minutes
Thursday 5th August 2010, 7.30pm,
Sir John Moore Community Building Appleby Magna

Present: -  Cllrs K Colver (Deputy Chair & Acting Chair for this meeting), J Quimby, E Jeffrey
Clerk Mrs Lindsay Swinfield
Members of the public x 2
Police representatives x 2

Open forum for members of the public and press

Mrs Marilyn Dunkelman attended to represent Appleby Environment – whose mission is to focus a campaign on local produce and transport; to engage the community a questionnaire is to be put out to each household in the village, to be collected personally - focussing on key topics, produce and transport:

i.          local shopping habits;
ii.          local produce grown, sold and shared – using home gardens, allotments, local shops, schools etc., to encourage the sale and purchase of locally grown produce.

iii.         transport, greenhouse gas emissions, where people shop – locally or further afield, impact on transport and the environment – review car sharing and the need to campaign locally.

The Parish Council fully supports the aims of this initiative.

Mrs Pauline Bee (Churchwarden) attended to discuss works to trees within the open and closed Churchyards in the Parish.  Mrs Bee is willing to handle the paperwork for both Churchyards if the Parish Council continues to liaise with LCC – the members agreed.  As some of the tree work is very specialised, but some is very basic, it was agreed that following the climbing inspection, Mrs Bee and a representative of the Parish Council will work together to ascertain the quality of work required.  The Clerk to organise the tree climbing inspection with LCC.

1092    Apologies
Apologies received from Cllrs P & M Hemmerdinger and Cllr Morris.

1093    Declarations of Interest to Items on Agenda - Nil

1094    Declarations of Amendment to the Register of Interests – Nil

1095    Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council AGM held 3rd June 2010 were endorsed and signed.

1096    Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers - Nil

1097    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters – PCSO Mr Jan Testatida was introduced to members
a.         Four crimes (within Appleby Magna) had been reported:

b.         Vandalism – a waste bin and a telegraph pole - situated opposite the Alms Houses, had been set on fire – the bin was destroyed completely, but the wooden pole suffered minor damage – however, the outcome could have been very serious had the fire taken hold.  The waste bin will be replaced by   NWLDC, however, due to the number of occasions that the bins in this area have been destroyed, this is the last time that NWLDC will pay for a replacement.

1098    Planning Consultations
a.         10/00652/AGP, 97 Top Street, Redhill Farm, erection of agricultural building for straw and crop storage.  No comment.
b.         10/00746/TCA, 27 Church Street, removal of pine tree within Conservation area – TPO.  No comment.

1099    Planning Decision Notices
a.         Formation of free-standing music room within east cellar at Sir John Moore Foundation – Granted.
b.         17 Church Street, reinstatement of gable wall, support of chimney – Granted.
c.         101 Top Street, Sir John Moore School, expansion of existing play equipment – Granted.
d.         17 Church Street, use of property as a C3 residential dwelling, certificate of lawful existing use – Granted.
e.         Church Barn, Church Street, internal alterations to dwelling house – Granted.
f.          12 St Michaels Drive, alterations and erection of first floor accommodation following demolition of existing integral garage – Granted.

10100  Allotment Matters
a.         The gate lock is not working and is to be exchanged with a new one.
b.         An allotment holder has asked if he may erect a shed and also plant four fruit trees – the Clerk to write and state that the shed may be erected at the top of the plot as long as it is in good condition, within the agreed size and has the required guttering and water butt.  The fruit trees should be of the dwarf variety and planted in a sensible position, preferably at the shed end of the plot.

10101  Footpaths, Hedgerows & Street Matters
a.         Closed Churchyard tree works – refer to Public Session re this item.
b.         Footpath Q11 (from HillSide to Blackhorse Hill) is overgrown with brambles – Clerk to report.
c.         The hedge along Bowleys Lane/Church Street is so overgrown that it is a danger to path and road users – this has been reported to Highways who are dealing with the matter, Clerk to reiterate the H&S issues to Highways.

10102  Recreation Ground & Street Furniture Matters
a.         The Top Street bench has been replaced and a memorial plaque will be fitted.
b.         The affordable housing project should be complete around September 2010.

10103  Correspondence      
a.         A consultation exercise is underway by NWLDC to review the new Executive arrangements, and the possibility of having a directly elected Mayor in place – debate may be viewed at  The Parish Council feels that this would cause unnecessary expense and is not required.

b.         A letter had been received from the Sir John Moore Foundation requesting that the £200.00 PC theatre bus sponsorship reserve funds be released and used to start up regular activities for the 50+ group.  All agreed.  The letter also requested that the annual PC donation of £250.00 to the Foundation be released.  The Parish Council feels that this should not be automatically given on an annual basis, but should be re-budgeted as part of the ‘grants and donations’ cost centre – as a PC does not have the power to give donations in this manner.  If the donation is required, then the group should put forward a S137 claim, giving details of a specific project and costs.  All agreed to change the wording in the next budget statement.

c.         NALC (National Association of Local Councils) Keep Britain Tidy is offering councils the opportunity to apply to become a partner in a study which aims to increase bin usage and reduce littering, using state of the art bins which are solar powered (called Clever Bins), though emptying will remain the responsibility of the council.  Clerk to seek further information, such as fire proofing, vandal-proof etc., however as the closing date is 13th August 2010, the PC will not be taking part in the trials.

d.         The first payment of the Biffaward grant  has been made; however as the total amount is under the grant total (by approximately £366.00) it may be possible to claim the underspend for another similar project.  Cllr Quimby to speak to Mr Massey re clearing 70 yards of ditches where the land drains into and in high rainfall causes flooding to the Church Street area; Cllr Quimby to also speak to Mr Denson, and to contact the Clerk re the outcome of the above.

10104  Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The cheque list and bank reconciliation was reviewed and approved.
b.         The Annual Return has been approved and returned by the external auditor, one minor query was raised re the Clerk’s salary slight increase – this was due to the handover period between Clerks.

10105  Stone Pit Land Charity
a.         This is an ongoing item until resolved – the new Solicitor is handling the case.

10106  Ideas for written piece – Parish News Line
a.         Clerk to write a piece on the burglaries and vandalism, and also to mention the new bench and memorial plaque.
10107  Urgent Items - nil

The meeting ended at  8.50 pm

Date of next meeting:  September 2nd 2010 – 7.30pm, The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School

Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)    

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