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Parish Council Minutes

February 2012

Thursday 2nd February 2012, 7.30pm, Sir John Moore Community Building Appleby Magna

Present: -       Cllrs P Smith (Chair for this meeting), G Potts, R Butler, D Morris (part)
Lindsay Swinfield Clerk, Mr Ben Maunder – Marstons Brewery, one member of the public.

Open forum for members of the public and press

Mr Ben Maunder from Marstons Brewery and one member of the public attended the meeting to discuss the renovation works currently being carried out at the Black Horse Inn, and also the highway issues.

The scaffolding is in place and restoration is underway.  Road and traffic signage is in place and Highways are meeting Councillors and Mr Maunder on Monday 06/02/12 at 11am to discuss further traffic and signage needs.  The Listed Buildings Officer from NWLDC will attend on a weekly basis.  Temporary traffic calming measures are needed and the Police are keeping a close watch on motorists to ensure they do not disobey the one-way traffic rules.  If funding is required for further signs, Marstons are willing to assist.  Renovation work is on target and it is hoped to reduce the timescales.  Marstons will advertise that the pub remains open for business.

Cllr Morris reported that the Village Gala (now re-named the Grass Roots Festival) on 7th July 2012, would be ideal for the Black Horse renovation pictures and process to be exhibited.  Twenty five village groups wish to be involved with the festival and some local businesses.  The festival committee will apply to Awards For All for funding to assist with the festival.

Cllr Morris reported that a 1960’s Festival for the 23rd June 2012 weekend had been suggested – Council agreed to defer this matter to the March meeting.

Mr Maunder and member of the public left the meeting.

1201    Apologies – Cllrs P Hemmerdinger & M Hemmerdinger

1202    Declarations of Interest to Items on Agenda – Cllr P Smith item 10a, personal interest

1203    Declarations of Amendment to the Register of Interests – Nil

1204    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 3rd December 2011 were endorsed and signed. 
1205    Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers – Nil 

1206    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters
a.         Please ring 0116 2222222 or 101 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.  Police Sergeant 531 Mark Watson,

1207    Planning Consultations
a.         11/01045/TCA, 22 Black Horse Hill, works to Damson tree located within Conservation area – no comment.
b.         12/00053/LBC, Black Horse Inn, 2 Top Street, Listed Building Consent for investigation and repair works to the timber frame and panels – no comment.

1208    Planning Decision Notices
a.         7 Mawbys Lane (The Cottage), two storey rear extension, single storey rear and side extensions, new bay windows to front and rear elevations and lean to roof extension to front/side elevation – granted.
b.         Land adjacent to 10 Rectory Lane, erection of detached dwelling, approval of reserved matters.
c.         22 Black Horse Hill, works to Damson tree within Conservation area – granted.
d.         The Eaves, Mawbys Lane, erection of single storey rear extension – granted.

1209    Chairman’s Report
a.         Black Horse Inn update – see update within open forum for public and press.        

1210    Allotment Matters
a.         Cllr Smith passed the Allotment Society minutes to the Clerk.  All plots except one are now in use.  A letter had been drafted to the Parish Council requesting more land for the allotment site.  Cllr Butler proposed, seconded by Cllr Potts, it was RESOLVE, unanimous to ask Mr Ian Hamilton of Sansom Hamilton & Co for approximate legal costs to pursue this request, and to approach Mr Betteridge who leases the field behind the allotment site for his approval (the Allotment Society is willing to contribute towards costs).
b.         The Clerk asked Cllr Smith if the Allotment Society had data protection – Cllr Smith to investigate further.

1211    Footpaths, Hedgerows & Street Matters
a.         Cllr Butler requested that Church Lane verges be placed on the March agenda – all agreed.

1212    Recreation Ground & Street Furniture Matters
a.         The new notice boards are all in place and improve the aesthetics of the village.
b.         Reports have been received re theft of personal property at the sports pavilion.  Noted.

1213    Correspondence      
a.         An invitation has been received from Leicestershire Rural Partnership to attend the Foundations for the Future conference in Melton Mowbray – noted.

1214    Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The cheque list and bank reconciliation were reviewed and approved.
b.         The Heart of the Forest Festival committee had requested a donation towards the running costs of the festival – Council requested this matter be deferred to the March agenda.
c.         The new Sports Pavilion committee requested a donation towards the funding of a new pavilion, this would assist with the grant application issued to LCC’s Big Society fund – Council requested this matter be deferred to the March agenda, although the Parish Council does support a new pavilion in principle.

1215    Stone Pit Land Charity – ongoing item.
a.         Mr Ian Hamilton had passed the legal documentation (Statutory Declaration) to Cllr Paul Hemmerdinger for signing in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths, once signed and returned     the land will be registered with Land Registry and Mr Hamilton will proceed with serving appropriate Notices.

1216    Ideas for written piece – Parish News Line
a.         Congratulations to Councillor Mrs Marion Hemmerdinger on being awarded the MBE for services to MIND and associated bodies.
b.         Update on the Black Horse Inn renovations.
c.         Request that motorists adhere to the temporary signage and road restrictions while the renovations take place.
d.         The Parish has a new Police Sergeant – Mr Mark Watson.
1217    Urgent Items 

The meeting ended at  9.15 pm

Date of next meeting:  1st March 2012 – 7.30pm, The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School

 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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