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Parish Council Minutes

February 2014

Thursday 6th February 2014, 7.30 pm, Sir John Moore Foundation Community Building,
Appleby Magna

Present: -        Cllrs P Hemmerdinger (Chair), M Hemmerdinger, R Butler, G Pott, Lindsay Swinfield Clerk, 9 members of the public.

1401    Apologies – Cllrs Wildgoose & Smith – all apologies accepted.

1402    Declarations of Pecuniary Interest to Items on Agenda – Nil

1403    Open forum for members of the public and press
Residents from St Michaels Drive had requested a grit bin for their area – the Parish Council agreed to fund this and to contact Highways at LCC - (refer to item under Correspondence).

A resident reported that the speed limit (30 mph) along Snarestone Road and Botts Lane is being ignored by motorists, including HGV drivers.

The storm gully opposite number 24 and Jubilee Farm House is blocked and LCC has been informed, but nothing has been done about it.

Vehicles are parking on the verge alongside the National Grid green box on Botts Lane – this is churning the verge up – could LCC place bollards along this area to stop parking?  Clerk to report this to LCC.

Ms Sonia Liff reported that the planning application for 8 houses on land at Measham Road had been approved by NWLDC subject to the 3 x storey house being reduced in height.  The Parish Council has not been informed to date.

Cllr P Hemmerdinger read the results of the village survey; the final result shows that 16-25 houses over a period of 5 years would be acceptable – the survey can be viewed on the village web site and Cllr P Hemmerdinger will ask the village shop owners if they would display the results.

A resident asked if the Parish Council was unanimous in its views re the recent planning applications – yes.  Does NWLDC take notice of the Parish Councils comments – yes as long as the comments are material considerations and infrastructure issues.

Where will the surface water go (storm water)?  Cllr Butler responded that current planning regulations have made provision for storm water to flow into normal systems or soakaways – LCC now has responsibility for this matter.

Public forum closed

1404    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on December 5th 2013 and Planning meeting held on 16th January 2014 were endorsed and signed by the Chairman.

1405    Decisions made under delegated powers – Nil
1406    Police / Neighbourhood Watch Matters – nil to report

Please ring 0116 2222222 or 101 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 to report suspicious behaviour or crimes.  Police Sergeant 531 Mark Watson,

1407    Planning Consultations
a.         13/00829/OUT, land at Measham Road, erection of eight dwellings with associated garaging and access road (Planning Committee to consider this application on 04/02/14, email sent to Cllrs – see comment in 1403 above).

1408    Planning Decisions - nil

1409    HS2 (High Speed Train) project – keep on agenda.

1410    Footpaths, Hedgerows, Street and Allotment Matters
a.         Cllr Butler has ordered the new kissing gates as agreed.

1411    Sir John Moore Foundation update – defer to March meeting.

1412    Village Design Statement (keep on agenda, delayed due to withdrawal of NWLDC Core Strategy)

1413    Village Green update (nil to report at this meeting)

1414    Parish Council web site update – defer to March 2014 meeting

1415    Correspondence
a.         Residents from St Michaels Drive had requested a grit bin – a map was provided and details of those residents making the request.  Cllr P Hemmerdinger proposed, seconded by Cllr Pott, it was RESOLVED, unanimous to request a grit bin from Highways.
b.         The Clerk had received and copied a letter appertaining to WW1 – the details were passed to the Church and to the heritage group based at Sir John Moore Foundation.
c.         A letter had been received from Revd Sue Bradley re burial space in the village – Cllrs agreed that Parish Council representatives would be willing to meet with representatives from the Church and NWLDC to look into this matter – however the Parish Council reiterated that they do not have the funds or wish to purchase more burial land – this is the responsibility of NWLDC.
d.         A request for Parish representatives to sit on the Audit and Governance Committee had been received – noted.

1416    Approval of Financial Statements & Payments
a.         The payment list and bank reconciliation were reviewed and approved, RESOLVED, unanimous.
b.         The bacs payment list unanimously approved and signed.
c.         Office running costs for 2014 – Cllr Butler proposed, seconded by Cllr Pott, it was RESOLVED, unanimous to pay £200.00 per annum towards office running costs.

1417    Ideas for Written Piece – Parish News Line
a.         Dog owners are not picking up dog waste from their dogs, this should be removed whether on pavements or on footpaths, including those crossing fields – it is a legal offence not to pick up your dog waste.
b.         The results of the village survey re housing development within Appleby Magna can be viewed on the village web site and in the village shop.

1418    Urgent Items
a.         A tree has fallen in the brook, Cllr Butler to look into this and pass land ownership details to the Clerk.
b.         The issue of branches almost touching cables has been reported to Highways, but nothing has been done to sort this problem out yet – Clerk to report again.

The meeting ended at 8.35 pm

Date of next meeting:  March 6th 2014, 7.30pm @The Stables Community room, Sir John Moore School

 Lindsay Swinfield (Clerk to the Parish Council)

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