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Parish Council Minutes

January 2000

Minutes of a Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council, held at the Church Hall, on Friday 14th January, 2000.


Mr. K. J. Colver, Mrs. D. Morris, Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair) and Mr. D. H. Saunders.

Apologies were received from Mr. C. D. Didcott MBE TD and Mr. J. Lewis,


The minutes of the meeting held on 12th November, 1999 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

Urgent Items

The Chairman informed members that he had agreed to take the following matters as urgent items:-

Question Time

Red Hill Farm

Members were asked if they were aware of building works being undertaken at Red Hill Farm and if they were permitted development. It was agreed that the Clerk request information on the works from the District Council.

Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary Interest

No such declarations were made.

Decisions taken under delegated powers

Members were informed that the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had:-

Made no objection to planning applications 991053 - erection of extension, 6 Black Horse Hill, 990190 - erection of extensions, Appleby Inn Hotel, 991162 - installation of services cabling, Sir John Moore School and 991103 - various repairs to 26 Top Street.

Appointed members to attend a Local Transport Plan Seminar and an Environment Agency presentation.

Agreed to the installation of a street light on Austrey Lane.

Police Matters

There was no police presence at the meeting.

Members were asked to support Neighbourhood Watch Schemes in the village. It was agreed that information be obtained regarding current Neighbourhood Watch schemes and co-ordinators.

Police/Community Consultation Meetings

Members were informed that North Area Police/ Community Consultation meetings were now to be held annually.

Budget and Financial Statements

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April to 22nd December,1999 be noted. It was agreed that £1,000 be transferred from the Post Office Account to the current account to cover future expenses.

Accounts for payment

Resolved that the following accounts be paid:-

100660 Pincent Curtis Legal Advice £1729.00
100661 Severn Trent Water Ltd. Allotment water charges £40.26
100662 E. Jeffrey Clerk’s salary Jan/Feb/Mar 2000 £486.18
100662 E. Jeffrey Expenses £36.58

Application for Financial Assistance

That in consideration of a request from Appleby Magna Parochial Church Council for financial assistance towards the costs of maintenance of the closed churchyard, it was agreed that a donation of £400 be made. (100663)

2000/2001 Budget

It was proposed by Mrs. Morris but not seconded that a precept of £10,000 be set for the year ending 31st March, 2001.

It was proposed by Mr. Saunders and seconded by Mr. Colver that the budget for 2000/2001 be approved and that a precept of £6,500 be set for the year ending 31st March, 2001.

The motion was put and carried, 2 members voting for the motion, 1 against and I abstention.

Estimated Balances at





Petty Cash


Post Office


Current Account



Estimated Receipts for 2000/2001


Stonepit Close Rent




V.A.T. Refund


Allotment rents







Total Estimated Income


Estimated Payments in 2000/2001
Clerks salary


Admin (post/rm rent/chairman)






Allotment Water


Recreation Ground






Churchyard mowing


Maintenance of play areas


Purchase of IT equipment




Total Estimated Expenditure


Estimated Balances at 31/3/2001


Public Open Spaces, Didcott Way

That the Council’s solicitors be informed that the Parish Council does not agree to a clause being inserted in the transfer of play areas on Didcott Way from David Wilson Homes, Ltd to the Council to the effect that the Parish Council would covenant not to use the property for any purpose than to be an open space.

Delegation of Planning Decisions

That the reply from the Manager of Planning and Environment on the delegation of planning decisions, be noted

Planning Applications

990925 and 950127 - Erection of Motel - That it be noted that the construction of the 40 bedroom motel has commenced and that the Parish Council would be pleased to be included in any meeting between the Manager of Planning and Environment and local organisations.

991187 - Variation of condition 3 of outline planning permission 950779 (erection of 100 bedroom hotel), to extend the period for the submission of reserved matters until 2 June 2001, A444/Rectory Lane. The Parish Council object most strongly to this application which, if approved, will further extend the period of uncertainty on this site. Before this application is considered an Environmental Impact Assessment should be sought. This is another ploy by the developers to obtain further unsuitable development in this area.

000007 - Extensions to dwelling, The Coach House, Church Street. No objection.

Consultation on Draft Regional Planning Strategy

That the Regional Planning Guidance Panel be informed that the Parish Council welcomes proposals which would see the introduction of a further business park at Loughborough. It is however concerned that bus services are continually being curtailed to outlying settlements. It is essential that bus services are improved and that inter County services are co-ordinated. Proposals for the National Forest area should include an improved road network around the National Forest Centre at Moira and the provision of a station on the Ivanhoe Line to service the Centre.

North West Leicestershire Local Plan Monitoring Report 1991-1999

That the information contained in the North West Leicestershire Local Plan Monitoring Report 1991-1999 be noted.

NWLDC Corporate Policy Statement

That the information contained in the North West Leicestershire District Council’s Corporate Policy Statement be noted.

Village Cycle Ride

Mr. Saunders informed members that as part of a Cycle Initiative he will be organising a family 15 mile Four Counties cycle ride towards the end of the Summer.

Traffic Calming on Top Street

That the Highway Authority be informed that the Parish is still anxious to see the introduction of traffic calming measures in the village, particularly in Top Street and that, at the appropriate time, the Parish Council would wish to be involved in the selection of the type of measures to be introduced.

Yew Tree Plaque

That consideration of the purchase of a plaque for the yew tree be deferred to the next meeting of the Council to enable estimates to be obtained.

Burton, Nuneaton and Tamworth Local Environment Agency Plan

The Chairman reported on his attendance at the seminar held on 9th December.

Parish Archaeology

That the information on Parish archaeology forwarded by Mr. H. Sankey BEM CC, be noted.

Leicestershire Registration Scheme 1999

That the new registration scheme for the County of Leicestershire which came into effect on 1st January, 2000, be noted.

Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to the urgent consideration of the following items of business for the reason stated below.

Post Office Savings Account Signatories

Urgent to enable a withdrawal to be made as soon as possible.

That Mrs. E. Jeffrey and Mr. H. D. Saunders be signatories to the Post Office Savings Account.

Police Seminar

Urgent to enable attendance at the Seminar to be considered.

That no representative be appointed to attend the Town, Parish and District Council Seminar on policing issues to be held at Police Headquarters, Narborough on 3rd February, 2000.

Planning Applications

Urgent to enable observations to be made within the prescribed timescale.

000020 - Erection of two storey rear extension and single storey side extension, Rose Cottage, Atherstone Road. - No objection

000018 - Erection of single storey side extensions, McDonalds Restaurant. The Parish Council has no objection to this application but would wish to see the existing, unsightly refuse corral demolished.

990784 - Erection of two storey rear extension, 4 Rectory Lane. No objection subject to the new brickwork and tiles being of a material complementary to the existing and to the new windows being of similar style to those which are already present in the original building.

990785 - Erection of two storey rear extension, 6 Rectory Lane. No objection subject to the new brickwork and tiles being of a material complementary to the existing and to the new windows being of similar style to those which are already present in the original building.

7.00 p.m. - 8.30 p.m., 14th January, 2000
Mrs E. Jeffrey