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Parish Council Minutes

September 2002

Minutes of the Meeting of Appleby Magna Parish Council held at the Church Hall on Thursday 5th September 2002.


Mr. K. J. Colver, Miss. S. T. Liff and Mr. J. Quimby (in the Chair).

 Apologies were received from Mr. P. Hemmerdinger, Mr. J. Lewis and Mrs. D. Morris.

 1469. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st August 2002 were taken as read, confirmed and signed subject to the reference to ‘non pecuniary’ being deleted.

 Minute 1461.  The Clerk informed members that owners of properties adjacent to the preferred sites for the installation of dog stencils had all agreed to co operate and had not objected to signs being painted on the pavements in front of their premises.

 1470. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to take the following matters as urgent items of business:-

 1471. Question Time

Members were give reassurances that the applicants of planning application 02/01183 for the change of use of land to the keeping of horses and erection of stables at 12 Rectory Lane were experienced horse owners who had previously owned a similar establishment and requested that members give their application sympathetic consideration.

The owner of the Moat House asked if the Parish Council was aware that the bridge over the Hall Yards footpath was being vandalised.  It was agreed that this item be added to the list of highway safety issues for consideration by the Divisional Surveyor.  (See minute 1485 below)

1472   Declarations of amendments to the Register of Interests

No such declarations were made.

1473. Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda      

No such declarations were made.

1474. Decisions taken under delegated powers

The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, had paid an account from Chilcote Garden Services (100775)

The Clerk had made no objection to planning applications 02/01127 and 02/1128 (Listed Building Consent) for extension and alterations to detached outbuilding, Sir John Moore School, Top Street.

1475. Courses for Councillors and Clerks

It was agreed that when the new Clerk is appointed they be given the opportunity to attend Crime and Disorder and Leisure and Recreation courses to be run by the LRAPLC.

1476. Police Matters

Beat Officers Report

PC Clare Horsley informed the meeting that there had been a slight increase in the number of crimes reported on the Beat Area in the last month, particularly in burglaries from sheds and outhouses.  A high profile policing operation was to be mounted in an effort to combat this increase. 

Farmwatch is now up and running with farmers in adjoining beat areas showing their willingness to join.

Further notices of this service were to be posted on Parish Council notice boards.

 PC Horsley is to attend the meeting of the Welcome Club on 9th October to talk to villagers about distraction burglaries.

No volunteers had come forward regarding the resurrection of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme; this would be re-advertised in the Parish Newsline and a meeting was to be arranged incorporating a free engraving service and a crime prevention exhibition.

Inspector Joanne Rogerson 

The Chairman welcomed Inspector Joanne Rogerson the new Commander of the Ashby Local Policing Unit to the meeting.  She outlined her willingness to work with the community to combat crime and referred to the appointment of a community coordinator who would be looking to encourage people to join community groups. 

Policing Issues Seminar

Members were informed of a Policing Issues Seminar to be held at Police Headquarters at Enderby on 2nd October.

New PRIDE Coordinator

Members were informed of a letter from Mr. Peter Stirland introducing himself as the newly appointed coordinator for PRIDE.

1477. Budget and Financial Statements 

That the information contained in the budget and financial statements from 1st April 2002 to 22nd August 2002 be noted.

 1478. Accounts for payment

Agreed that the following accounts be paid:-


Burton Daily Mail – New Clerk advert



Measham Messenger – New Clerk advert



Chilcote Garden Services – Grounds maintenance



JaCee Print and Promotions – Dog stencils



Information Byway – Room rent



Trident Midland Newspapers – New Clerk advert


 1479. North West Leicestershire Local Plan Monitoring Report 1991-2002

Members requested that the North West Leicestershire Local Plan Monitoring Report 1991-2002 be circulated for their perusal.

1480. The Planning Role of Parish and Town Councils 

Members noted the contents of a letter from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs confirming that parish councils would retain the requirement to be notified of any relevant planning application as stated in the document ‘Sustainable Communities – Delivering through Planning’

1481. Planning Green Paper – Consultation Report of the Departmental Select Committee

Members noted the relevant sections of the Planning Green Paper – Response from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister to the consultations and report of the Departmental Select Committee in respect of parish councils retaining the role of statutory consultees with regard to planning applications.

1482. Policy for Electronic Government

Members requested that copies of the consultation paper on e-democracy, which attempts to set out proposals to strengthen the democratic process by using new technologies, be obtained for members for consideration at the next meeting of the Council.

1483. The Working Arrangements for a National Trails Trust

Members requested that copies of the consultation paper on the working arrangements for a national trails trust produced by the Countryside Agency be obtained for members for consideration at the next meeting of the Council.

1484. Planning Applications

Resolved that no objections be made in respect of the following planning applications:-

02/01183 – Change of agricultural land to the keeping of horses and erection of 4 stables plus tack and feed room, 12 Rectory Lane subject to the Local Planning Authority being advised that conditions should be attached to limit the permitted activities to the private use of the applicant and are not to be used for the running of a business.  Concern is expressed that the development will be near to existing properties and care should be taken to limit any obnoxious smells that might emanate from the keeping of horses.  Waste materials should not be stored close to adjacent properties and should be removed from the site at regular intervals.

00/00195 – Erection of extensions to provide 14 bedrooms, toilets, kitchen and restaurant extensions and veranda, Appleby Inn Hotel, Atherstone Road (amended application)

02/01213 – Alterations to buildings in association with proposed change of use to dwellings (Listed Building Consent), 12A Austrey Lane (amended scheme)

1485. Routine Highway Inspections

Members identified sites on the Hall Yards footpath, Duck Lake, Mawby’s Lane and to the rear of Wren Close to be brought to the attention of the Divisional Surveyor as requiring repair/replacement.

1486. Oyster Awards

It was agreed that the Clerk represent the Council at the Regional Oyster Awards Reception to be held in Cambridge on 2nd October. 

1487. Jubilee Year Best Village Competition

It was announced that the village has been successful in winning the intermediate category of the Leicestershire and Rutland Jubilee Village of the Year Competition and therefore will go through to the Regional Finals to be judged in October.  Members were informed that Mrs. Jean Lee, a Regional Judge, and Mrs. Diana Cook from the Rural Community Council had agreed to meet villagers at a meeting to be held in the Church Hall on Monday 9th September to advise the village on how best to present our entry in the next stage of the competition.  It was agreed that a Subcommittee meeting of interested villagers be called for Wednesday 11th September.

1488. Recreation Ground Entrance Signs

It was agreed that 4 entrance signs, 2 play area signs and 2 signs for the Scout site be ordered from Robert Lewis Signs of Linton.

1489. Partnership Funding for Rural Bus Shelters

Members were informed that the County Council was again offering to provide 50% of the cost, up to a limit of £3000 per shelter, for the installation of bus shelters.  It was agreed that no application be made this year but that residents of Measham Road be asked to indicate their usage of the bus stops on Measham Road

1490. Heritage Watch Warden

It was agreed that the County Council’s request for volunteers to be Heritage Wardens be advertised in Parish Newline.

1491. Leicestershire Rural Partnership Annual Review

Members requested that the Leicestershire Rural Partnership Annual Review 2002 be circulated for their perusal.

1492. Rural Community Council AGM

Members were informed of an invitation to attend the Rural Community Council AGM to be held in Burton Overy on 19th September.

1493. Urgent Items

The Chairman agreed to take the following matters as urgent items for the reasons stated below.

1494. Village Ventures Competition 2002

Urgent to enable entries to be made within the prescribed period.

Agreed that details of the Village Ventures Competition 2002 be advertised in the Parish Newsline.

1495. NWLDC Remembrance Day Service

Urgent in enable a reply to be made as requested.

Members were informed of an invitation to attend NWLDC Remembrance Day Service and Parade to be held on Sunday 10th November.


It was resolved that in pursuance of section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined by Section 12A of the Act.

1496. Applications for the Post of Clerk to the Parish Council

It was resolved that the four new applications for the post of Clerk to the Parish Council be interviewed on Tuesday 1st October at the Appleby Online Centre.


 7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m.

5th September 2002

Mrs. E. Jeffrey

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